Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1896


Fang Xing drew another line from Taiping port and said, "let\'s not talk about the cost of domestic transshipment, let\'s say that we will continue to supply all the way from here..."

Zhu Yong was anxious, so he drank and asked, "xinghebo, which side are you from?"

Fang Xing said helplessly, "it\'s just a matter of matter. Cheng Guogong, Siam has been established for many years, and the middle class has existed for a long time. Once it is down, Daming faces a long-term clean-up, just like the original Jiaozhi. The key is that Daming can be blocked."

Fang Xing pointed to the map and said, "we can start over there in manraga, and the sea port of Myanmar. Once opened up, Siam will be surrounded in the middle. What can we do? We can\'t move!"

Yang Shiqi thinks that although Fang Xing is sometimes domineering, he is never confused about major events, so this is the reason why he is willing to reconcile the relationship between Fang Xing and Wen Chen.

"Xing He Bo\'s words are not bad. You guys, Daming can\'t afford to attack many places. Once something happens elsewhere in the process of conquering Siam, it will be difficult for Daming at that time."

Yang Rong\'s words let Wu Xun vent their anger. Zhang Fu, who has not spoken for a long time, is very helpless about it.

The military wants to go to war. Even if it is looking for an opponent, the military can\'t wait to go to war.

This eagerness will naturally lead to wrong judgment. A few more times, the reputation of Wu Xun\'s rudeness and no strategy will probably be all over the sky.

So Fang woke up and gave Zhang Fu a wink. Then Zhang Fu came out and concluded, "Siam has been frightened by Fang Zheng. Anyway, this is a hole. After the situation changes, Daming can do it at any time without looking for excuses."

Zhu Zhanji has been looking on coldly. Seeing this, he said, "Zhu Qing has worked hard. Come and prepare meals."

While preparing meals, Zhang Fu communicated with Fang Xing.

"They have been idle for too long, thinking quietly, but they are fundamentally worried about their decline."

As Wu Xun, Zhang Fu has a good grasp of Wu Xun\'s thoughts.

Wu Xun should do meritorious service. He should see blood and eat meat, or he will be Xun Qi.

The first batch of students of Kewu have graduated. They will go to local health centers to act as the backbone.

After these people gradually climbed up, what could the original Wu Xun do?

"They want to learn firearm tactics, but some don\'t lose face. In addition, the fireware guard is now in your Majesty\'s hands, and they can\'t get close to it. It\'s almost... Trapped animals!"

Zhang Fu\'s body exudes a bleak smell, and he himself is one of them. So his smile is particularly bitter.

Fang Xingxin couldn\'t bear it, but he didn\'t give any suggestions.

In front of the hall, Zhang Fu suddenly smiled and said, "don\'t comfort me, you don\'t want to comfort me. Although you are also Wu Xun, you despise Wu Xun, ha ha!"

Fang Xing\'s heart was mixed. He admitted: "yes, I\'m against Wu Xun. But I\'m just against the inheritance of Wu Xun. Look at the next generation of Wu Xun, how promising are there? When this group of Wu Xun goes, Daming will watch those who take over sit, eat and die?"

"British Duke, xinghebo, have dinner!"

At this time, Zhu Yong came out and shouted. He was stared at by two eunuchs with murderous eyes. Then he remembered that there should be no noise in the palace, so he arched his hands and retracted.

Zhang Fu smiled and took the lead in.


The messengers of Siam were left in the post house, anxious, but Zhu Zhanji was already planning the future of Daming.

Wu Xun should beat them often to keep them hungry. This is Zhu Di\'s words and deeds.

So Zhu Zhanji gathered Wu Xun again after lunch. This time he left the civil servants, which made Wu Xun happy. At the same time, he gave birth to the emperor. He really valued us.

Everyone needs to be affirmed, and Zhu Zhanji obviously knows this well.

"Ha lie and the meat fan coalition are also licking the wound in the. The meat fan country will not give up. They will worry about the Ming expedition, but we are not so stupid!"

Zhu Zhanji looked deep, sat upright and said slowly, "the direction after the Ming Dynasty will be two places, the north and the sea."

"There are strong enemies in the north, but it is not imminent. The sea, where there is wealth, land and minerals, can continuously provide various resources for Daming."

"Xinghe city has been built. It is the first strong city of Daming on the grassland, but it will not be the last."

Zhu Zhanji finally implicitly used these words to show his ambition, and Wu Xun bowed down one after another.

"May you conquer the world for your majesty!"

"May you conquer the world for your majesty!"


"The world... How big is the world?"

The Empress Dowager heard this, waved her hand, and the eunuch who came to report the news walked away. If she didn\'t go again, she was afraid that the Empress Dowager with a gradually grim face would have to clean up people.

"The emperor is ambitious. The palace seems to see Emperor Wen."

The Empress Dowager probably knew that her face was a little scary just now, so she relaxed and then ordered: "go and see what the emperor is doing. If you have time, say that the palace has something to find him."

Zhu Zhanji is filial. After receiving the news, he has to put aside even if he has something on hand.

"Empress mother."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji came in, he saw the Empress Dowager\'s face numb, and then asked, "is the Empress Dowager unwell? My son\'s minister immediately asked the people of the hospital to have a look."

The Empress Dowager shook her head and waved. There were only the most noble mother and son in the world.

"You want to conquer the world? Which world?"

The Empress Dowager didn\'t send tea, so this is a formal conversation.

Zhu Zhanji was stunned and immediately knew why. He frowned and said, "empress mother, there are great powers overseas and great enemies in the north. Daming can\'t wait for his opponent to grow, and then slowly invade Donggu..."

The Empress Dowager said faintly: "the palace knows that you have ambition, but you also know that those martial heroes only want to make contributions. They will encourage you to order a expedition, but you have to have a heart. Whether the expedition is good or not and how much it is worth it. You are the emperor. Naturally, you have to worry about it."

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile, "my mother is worried. There are many gold and silver and good places overseas. Uncle Han went to sea with Zheng He\'s fleet. He wanted to change the seal to go overseas. This is also a way out for my family. Otherwise, once there is a big change, it is unavoidable. More overseas fiefs will have more room for turnover in the future."

The Empress Dowager sighed, "I\'m not in charge of politics in this palace. I\'m just worried that you\'re too anxious. Since you\'ve planned it all, go."

Zhu Zhanji whispered, "empress mother, Xinghe Bo often said that his family is missing a wise elder. There is an old man in his family. If there is a treasure, his son minister agrees."

The Empress Dowager slowly raised her head. Zhu Zhanji said seriously, "empress mother, with you, there will be a bottom in the hearts of her children!"

The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "nonsense. It seems that the palace has become empress dowager Cao. Go quickly. Remember to go to the queen in the evening."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "colorful clothes can entertain relatives and children, but they can do it. When the mother has time, the children\'s ministers change their clothes and say a book, which can also make the mother happy."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand. After he left, she said faintly: "if the internal affairs are not straightened out, she wants to fight. This is a rough sea!"

Zhu Zhanji went out of the Empress Dowager\'s house, went all the way to see the queen and sun Guifei, and hurried back to the Qianqing palace.

"Order Xinghe Bo to chase Zheng He!"

Yu Jia was surprised and hurriedly bowed down to go there in person.

As soon as he took two steps, he heard the angry voice behind him.

"Is this to provoke the relationship between me and my mother?"

Zhu Zhanji got up with cold eyes.

Where would the Empress Dowager worry about these Wu Xun\'s words today? Most of them are people around her who often talk about the excitement outside. Taking advantage of the situation, she exaggerates Daming\'s external aggression now.

Zhu Zhanji walked around in the hall, and his anger grew stronger and stronger. Just when Yang Rong came to report the matter, he scolded him from the head, but he was dissatisfied with the civil servants, but not against Yang Rong.

Yang Rong returns with fog, and Yu Jia has arrived at fangjiazhuang.