Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1898

The room was silent, and the eyes of these people gradually burned up.

A thief is a thief!


Zhu Zhen, the commander of Zheng He\'s fleet, blushed and said, "uncle, this is absolutely right. Those people are naturally obedient when they have benefits. If they don\'t recognize Daming without benefits, they should clean up!"

As the diplomatic envoy of the fleet, Hou Xian touched his chin and nodded: "the combination of water and fire is the king\'s way. Let\'s have a good discussion when Duke Zheng returns."

Sitting here are all navigation giants. Fu Xian is a little timid, but after the hot-blooded punch, he patted the handrail and got up and said: "it should have been so long ago. Look at those messengers. They immediately changed their face when we didn\'t go to sea. Your Majesty\'s meaning is also frightening this time..."

"What does it frighten?"

Fang Xing said faintly, "there is a lot of food in China, but now the people... Before he set out, Ben Bo suggested his majesty to make an order that each couple should be limited to two children. If they exceed the limit, each child will be subsidized 200 kilograms of food every year..."

There was a sigh in the room!

"So food is the future population of Daming, the more the better!"

"Benbo hopes that there will be more and more subsidies in the future. Finally, when Daming\'s population reaches hundreds of millions, Daming... Becomes smaller and somewhat cramped..."

The meaning of these words was clear. Wang Jinghong\'s breath was a little short. He looked back and everyone\'s breath was involuntarily fast.

This is the era of Daming!

At present, Daming is limited by the shortage of population, so it occupies a vast territory, but it is not enough to support the continuous expansion.

Think of Nuer gandusi, Xinghe City, Yingzhou and Korea, and... The sea.

Hou Xian said excitedly, "it takes a lot of time to go to sea and comfort. If we can build a city here, the fleet only needs to cruise regularly in the future, and those gold, silver and grain can be brought back when they return. Good! Good!!!"

In fact, diplomats are not willing to show their skills, even if they can get countless praise afterwards.

"We want to hold our heads high and talk to those people. If we don\'t agree, the fleet will land immediately. This is Daming!"

Hou Xian thought of his previous experience as an envoy and said angrily: "in the 19th year of Yongle, bAngela was invaded. Our family was ordered to adjust the dispute. What can we do if we go? Just by virtue of the reputation of Daming, we have to reward. The two countries stopped now. Think about how oppressive and oppressive they are!"

"Who is oppressed?"

There was a loud voice outside. Fang woke up with a smile and got up.

Zhu gaoxu came in with an agitated face. He didn\'t notice Fang awake and came out with a full mouth of complaints.

"There are no birds. Who coaxed the king to say that there are tigers in the mountain? Come out, the king... Eh, Fang wake up?"

"Yes, your highness!"

Fang Xing walked over with a laugh, looked at Zhu gaoxu\'s body and said, "Your Highness looks OK on the sea. He\'s not thin."

Zhu gaoxu was also very happy to see Fang Xing, so he slapped him and shouted, "go get the wine. The king wants to drink with Fang Xing!"

As soon as they saw Zhu gaoxu coming in, they all got up and left. No one dared to get along with his highness.

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "Your Highness, it\'s a ghost\'s sorrow?"

After sitting down, Zhu gaoxu casually took off his boots, and suddenly a sour smell filled the air.

Fang Xing frowned and said, "wash your feet."

Zhu gaoxu shook his head and took off his socks. The big feet were steaming.

He grinned bitterly, "water is precious on board. Zheng He said to wash his face and feet as little as possible, but Wang is used to it."

Fang woke up and watched him pick his feet. Somehow, he felt his feet itch.

"Go to the riverside and bubble."

Half an hour later, the two people who soaked their feet by the river sat cross legged, with a pot of stewed pig feet in the middle. The cooks of Fang Xing\'s fleet had already prepared this dish when Fang Xing invited Zheng He and others to dinner. But Zhu gaoxu couldn\'t bear it. He just asked someone to get a big basin.

"It\'s hard to say what I ate on the boat!"

Zhu gaoxu grabbed a pig\'s foot with the hand he had just washed his feet, took half of it in one bite, and then tried to swallow it. He was like a beggar who didn\'t eat meat for half a year.

After they wolfed down for a while, they began to drink.

Zhu gaoxu\'s beard was scattered and his eyes were dazed.

"The emperor asked you to come out. Is this worried about the king?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Fang Xing took a sip of light wine, smashed his mouth and said, "some people in the court said that his Majesty was militaristic, and maybe there was some involvement in the palace. When his Majesty was angry, he called me."


Zhu gaoxu dried the wine in the bowl, stretched out his hand and casually wiped his beard. He laughed and said, "this is the Zhu family. The eldest brother used to be too soft and was forced by those civil servants. Zhan Ji is good. It\'s time to beat them hard!"

"The father emperor is powerful. He can make those people bow down and become ministers with his eyes. The king feels that the father emperor is more powerful than the Taizu emperor."

Zhu gaoxu shook his head, and the wine stains on his beard were thrown out. He sighed: "I thought I was in the eyes of my father... But now it seems that I\'m afraid I\'ll be killed by those people..."

"It\'s a group of guys full of bad water. The eldest brother was killed by them. Zhan Ji is smart. Otherwise, I don\'t want to go back this time. I\'ll take the bodyguard to find a place to settle down overseas and find some women to carry on the family line..."

This is Zhu gaoxu. He is an impulsive general most of the time, but once he calms down, he never lacks judgment.

Such a prince was placed in le\'anzhou under house arrest and could not be extended.

"Your Highness, isn\'t it hard to be in le\'anzhou?"

Zhu gaoxu shook his head, bah for a moment, spit the broken bones in his mouth into the river, and then said disdainfully, "those local officials didn\'t dare to take charge of the king, but in places with big farts, if you hadn\'t sent someone to report and let the king pick up Zhan Ji, I would have run away with people."

Seeing Fang Xing\'s stunned appearance, Zhu gaoxu bit a piece of cooled pig skin, chewed it with a loud bang, and said vaguely: "it\'s a big deal to go out of the fortress. Just find a place to clean up, and then attack everywhere. Can\'t I get a big tribe out? It will naturally impress my brother at that time."

Fang Xing was a little funny, but when he looked up and saw the sadness in Zhu gaoxu\'s eyes, he couldn\'t help but be silent.

This is a pure man. If he is a general, he will open up territory for the Ming Dynasty and will not be inferior to those famous generals in the early Ming Dynasty.

"You cast the wrong tire."

Fang Xing can only comfort him in this way.

This consolation made Zhu gaoxu more angry. He threw the bone in his hand into the river, then got up and asked, "where do you fight this time? If you don\'t fight the king, you\'ll be thrown into the sea."

Fang Xing washed his hands by the river, washed his face by the way, got up and said comfortably, "Zheng He hasn\'t come back yet. Let\'s go to xiaoryukyu first."

"Little Ryukyu?"

Zhu gaoxu didn\'t like that place very much: "doesn\'t it say that it\'s all wasteland over there?"

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, many people were moved in to prevent Japanese pirates. The original intention was not to give Japanese pirates a foundation and supplies, but who ever thought that the people could not live, and still continued to sneak across.

"Yes, little Ryukyu."

Zheng He is still the master of the fleet, but Fang Xing is unwilling to wait here, and the small Ryukyu opposite is naturally his goal.

"It\'s good there. There will be a large number of immigrants in the future. Let\'s go and comfort them first."

"Is there rebellion over there?"

Zhu gaoxu wants to kill now. The more, the better.

"I don\'t know, but those people can\'t move. They are all the people of the Ming Dynasty. In the future, they have to build xiaoryukyu."