Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1895

"Wait until uncle Han comes back."

The purpose of Zhu Zhanji\'s picnic was to let Zhu Quan be cautious. At this time, Zhu Quan was drunk and it was time.

"If overseas can be done, future vassal kings can go out if they want and have the ability."

When Zhu Zhanji finished, he waved his hand. Two strong eunuchs came and looked at Zhu Quan.

Zhu Quan suddenly got up, opened his mouth and stopped talking, then nodded and followed the two eunuchs back.

In terms of ability, although Zhu Quan is far less than Zhu Di, he may dump his current vassal kings for a few blocks.

"Are you thinking about dividing the vassal again?"

Fang woke up and saw that Zhu Zhanji had found the last chicken kidney. Suddenly, he couldn\'t help but want to rob it.

The chicken waist feels tender and waxy. It is said that it has some indescribable effects. It is a good thing for Fang Xing, who has three wives and concubines.

Zhu Zhanji tasted the taste of chicken kidney and said slowly, "Fang Zheng has opened the way for the natives in Myanmar and is close to Siam."

"Did the Siamese do it first?"

Fang Xing only felt that the blood was gradually surging up and couldn\'t help picking up the wine pot to drink.

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes were more excited, "Fang Zheng, they stopped fighting, and Siamese spies were caught one after another..."

The Siamese have long coveted the land, but their spies met the Ming scouts with the cooperation of the natives.

The two sides kept pestering. Siamese scouts took a lot of advantage at the beginning. Gradually, the Ming scouts also adapted to the jungle battle. The situation of both sides gradually deflected. Siamese people were killed and injured seriously and could not enter inch by inch.

After that, Fang Zheng remained silent, and the Siamese people were so angry that they sent an army of more than 3000 people into the country, which was then brought to a pot by Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng was not dormant. He was waiting for this opportunity, so he resolutely played a big army and approached Siam.

At present, the Ming army has entered Siam, and small-scale operations are very frequent.


Just when Fang woke up and wondered whether he could take all the land of Siam and connect the sea ports on both sides, the messenger came and brought a unlucky guy.

"Lord Zhang, xinghebo, this is the Siamese messenger."

A small official of the Ministry of rites came to the military headquarters with a black and thin man.

Fang Xingzheng and Zhang Ben, the Minister of the Ministry of war, talked about Siam and sneered at the man.

Zhang Ben said coldly, "can you speak Daming dialect?"

The messenger skillfully arched his hand and said, "yes."

"Then why did Siam cross the border?"

The small officials of the Ministry of rites winked at Fang Xing and signaled that Zhang Ben had spoken too much.

It\'s a pity to see that the army of more than 3000 people is a sentinel for Daming. It\'s not even a striker. Zhang Ben actually used the title of "army", which is speechless.

Fang Xing turned a blind eye to this, and the messenger said, "that\'s rebellion. My country has taken those rebels who have escaped back, and their heads are outside the city."

I said!

Fang Xing scolded himself, and Zhang Ben was disappointed, so he said, "it\'s Siam\'s fault. Is this the only way to make amends?"

The messenger was stunned and said, "the rebellious head is outside the city. My Lord\'s plea has reached his majesty..."

"That\'s not enough!"

Fang Xing shook his head and said in the messenger\'s desperate eyes, "that\'s Daming\'s place. Your scouts went deep for many times, and then the army raided. This is not treason. Treason doesn\'t have so much courage!"

Zhang Ben is 60 years old. He looks like a little old man. He caresses his beard and praises: "what Xinghe Bo said is not bad. If Daming\'s place is allowed to be invaded by outsiders, who will pay attention to Daming in the future?"

The messenger looked at the small official of the Ministry of rites with begging eyes. The small official coughed and said, "that\'s Xinghe Bo."


The messenger blurted out in despair: "but the demon God..."

After that, the messenger regretted.

Zhang Ben pretended to be angry, and the other party woke up and said, "it\'s not good that you killed too much outside and frightened foreigners."

Who can be the Minister of the Ministry of war can be so weak!

Fang Xing smiled and said, "unexpectedly, Fang\'s bandit number spread like wildfire, which surprised you."

The messenger said with a strong smile: "my lord..."

"There is no room for negotiation. Your envoy, wait for the resolution of the court."

Zhu Zhanji asked someone to bring the messenger to Zhang Ben. He wanted to make the nature of the matter more serious first.

Zhang Ben saw off the guests with a straight face. The messenger almost wanted to kneel down, but the officials of the Ministry of rites held him tightly, and then asked the people of the Ministry of war for help. Finally, he pulled the people out.

"Xinghebo, land attack is not the way."

Zhang Ben was an honest official. He was so incorruptible that people gave him the nickname "poor Zhang".

Fang woke up and said, "yes, if we attack by land, it will cost too much, take a long time, and the supply line is too long."

Zhang Ben was surprised and said, "when I was in Jinling, I was with Xinghe Boyuan, but I heard you were domineering. Recently, I also said that your wife was very powerful. I didn\'t expect to see it today, but it was peaceful. It can be seen that the rumors are not credible."

The old man even praised Zhu Di, and Zhu gaochi praised him many times. Even Zhu Zhanji entrusted him with an important task, which shows his good character.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "Lord Zhang, there are many things you can\'t do if you are peaceful! Just say that those businessmen were noisy in Jinling last time. If you are peaceful, where is your prestige?"

Zhang Ben got up and said, "Xinghe Bo, we\'re going to have dinner soon. Your family is big and your career is big. I can\'t afford it!"

This man ordered to leave?

Although Fang Xing is notorious, at least few people dare to chase guests. Zhang Ben is a pioneer today.

But look at the patch on the inner clothes exposed in Zhang Ben\'s sleeve. Fang woke up and said shamelessly, "Lord Zhang, since you say that Fang\'s family has a big business and doesn\'t want to break down, why don\'t you treat Fang at noon?"

Zhang Ben said with a straight face, "thank you for your kindness. I\'m very grateful."

Fang woke up and walked out of the military headquarters, which reminded him of a rumor.

It is said that Zhang Ben went to the palace for a banquet. Zhu Di put a silver cup in front of everyone and said that he could take it home after the banquet. Only Zhang Ben had a pottery cup in front of him. Everyone was stunned, but Zhu Di explained that Zhang Ben was poor and it was useless to take silver.

The emperor\'s reward can\'t be exchanged for money, which is the greatest praise to Zhang Ben.

Fang Xing ate potstickers outside, and then went into the palace again.

At the moment, both civil and military are in the palace. Zhu Zhanji asked people to hang a map on a wooden frame and put it in the middle of the main hall.

"Didn\'t have lunch?"

When Fang woke up, he asked a question subconsciously. He gained a lot of contempt. Jin Youzi sneered: "Xinghe Bo has oil on his mouth. It can be seen that lunch is good!"

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "there\'s something to say!"

Jin Youzi bowed his hand and apologized. Fang woke up and came in with a smile.

At this time, a circle of people has been surrounded by the map, and Zhu Yong is making an impassioned speech.

"Your Majesty, only 50000 people are needed. If the minister can\'t take Siam, he will throw himself into the sea!"

Zhu Yong was eager to make contributions and even squeezed Zhang Fu to the side. He pointed to the junction of Myanmar and Siam with his strong fingers and said confidently, "as long as we get through here, the minister and his cavalry can hit their capital all the way, and then capture their leader alive, and the rest can be announced!"

Zhang Fu was hard to fight. He glanced at Meng Ying and Meng Ying said, "Duke Cheng, it\'s not so easy to fight there. If it\'s not good, it will be deep in the mud. At that time, it will be the second Jiaozhi."

As soon as Zhu Yong patted the shelf on which the map was hung, he stared, looked like I would kill anyone who dared to compete with me, and said, "what Jiaozhi? Jiaozhi is now a chief envoy of Daming!"

At this time, Fang Xing, who had not made a sound, said, "it\'s not easy to fight there, and it will be difficult to fight down and manage."

In the military headquarters, he and Zhang could intimidate envoys, but on the way to the palace, Fang woke up and thought carefully about Siam, and then remembered the long supply line.

In those Wu Xun\'s angry eyes, Fang Xing\'s fingers crossed from Yunnan through Myanmar and then to Siam, and then said, "Myanmar\'s new order has to rely on Yunnan to supply itself. Even if Siam is laid down, where to supply?"

This basin of cold water poured down from the heads of Wu Xun who were eager to do meritorious service. Zhu Zhanji gradually darkened his eyes when he saw several Wu Xun.

"What about the Navy?"

Zhu Yong is not willing to give up this opportunity. He feels that he is idle and hairy. If he doesn\'t go out to fight, the whole person will be decadent.