Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1894

Jin Ying felt like a mallet and looked for countless places. As a result, Tongzhou, the farthest place, was selected.

Zhu Fang, adhering to the craftsman\'s character, directly measured the land, drew a sketch for him, and then patted her ass and left.

Jin Ying, who is speechless and looks up to the sky, just wants to curse her mother. Our family doesn\'t understand anything. It\'s heaven\'s book if you read this from our family!

Jin Ying, who was discredited, came to the Academy. Xie Jin, who had no good impression of the eunuch, listened to his request and let him in without hesitation.

Standing on the playground, listening to the sound of Lang Lang reading in the classroom, Jin Ying couldn\'t help feeling a little trance and remembering the old days.

He was unlucky. He had been well in Annan, but after Zhang Fu led the army to the south, because Jin Ying looked good at that time, he was castrated by Zhang Fu and sent to the palace.

"Entering the palace is good for our family."

Xie Jin stared at him on the side. Jin Ying mocked himself: "we still remember the Beijing Temple cast by the British Duke at Jiaozhi. It\'s frightening to death!"

Xie Jin ignored him. Jin Ying said to herself, "after entering the palace, our family was terrified. In this world, only Buddha can make our family feel at ease, so our family believed in Buddha and was as pious as Sun Xiang."

"It\'s no use trusting Buddha! Our family can\'t compare with Yu Jia."

"If you want too much, the more you lose."

Fang Xing also came. He was dissatisfied with the increasing number of Buddhists in the palace. He said, "don\'t do bad things. Don\'t be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. Previous lives and this life are just passing clouds. If you do more good things, naturally all evil will not invade. If you do more bad things, even the Buddha can\'t protect you!"

Jin Ying said seriously, "we didn\'t do anything bad."

"What are you afraid of?"

Fang Xing said, "you\'ve lost your sense of propriety. Now your majesty gives you another way. Whether you can go well depends on your own ability."

Jin Ying pointed to the classroom and said, "our family is never lazy. Zhu Fang left a mess to our family. Our family will come to the Academy for advice!"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Zhu Fang does practical things. After planning, if you don\'t understand the rest, just come to the academy and ask. If you don\'t understand, go to Zhu Fang and ask a craftsman to follow."


Jin Ying used to serve Zhu Zhanji. As a craftsman, he would see it.

"Of course, please. Others don\'t owe you. Why do you want to listen to you?"

Fang Xing nodded to Xie Jin, indicating that he had something to do with him, and then they left, leaving Jin Ying tangled there.

"What\'s wrong with the world? A craftsman can be so arrogant..."


"After the workshop is established, the students of the academy should often go in and experience it. It\'s best to do it."

Fang Xing has great hopes for the workshop. He hopes that the workshop can let people see the prospect of benign operation without craftsmanship.

"But you don\'t want craftsmanship. Will those people leave after a few years?"

"Five year contract!"

Fang Xing is not worried about this: "after five years, both sides feel that they can continue to cooperate, so they will sign a contract again. If they want to go, they can kick you out in less than five years. It\'s all right if they want to go after five years."

"What you do in this world depends on interests. You can work well. The workshop can provide you with wages worthy of you. If you think you can find a better job than this, it\'s easy to say. After all, Daming can\'t only have the profession of craftsman."

"Can those people go out and open their own workshops?"

Xie Jin thought Fang Xing was crazy. He said angrily, "look at those shops that eat by craft. If you learn it, you don\'t want to go. It\'s a matter of life."

"Some are confidential, most are not."

Fang Xing said, "it\'s good for the official to lead the workshop, but it can\'t become the mainstream. If you want the people to be rich, you can\'t limit it too much. For example, in the printing workshop, craftsmen can get one by themselves after going out. What\'s worth keeping secret?"

"After all, the official workshop is only a corner, and the people have learned this skill and can open it where there are people. This is the purpose."

Xie Jin shook his head and felt that many things should be handled by the government and the people should not be involved.

"I\'m old. You young people go to trouble, but I\'m afraid to see everyone talking about profit. On the day when villains are in power, Dehua, be careful!"

Everyone\'s profit is terrible when they think about it.

As soon as we met, we didn\'t exchange greetings, but asked where we could make money and where we could make a lot of money.

The impact of this atmosphere on Daming at this time can be imagined.

Fang Xing explained, "speaking of profit is not a sin. People want to make their life better, which is worth encouraging. Therefore, I said that the folk customs should gradually change, the good folk customs should be maintained, and even guaranteed in the form of law."

The world is getting worse and the people\'s heart is not ancient. It not only gives me a headache, but also makes me feel that it\'s not a good phenomenon.

It is another way to fix some folk customs in the form of law.

Therefore, Fang Xing never said that he opposed Confucianism. He even hoped that someone would stand up and improve the current Confucianism, and then go hand in hand with science.

But he dare not say!

"I dare to conflict with Confucianism, but I dare not say that Confucianism needs to be improved. That\'s a hornet\'s nest."

Fang Xing cooks dinner with Zhu Zhanji in the palace. Zhu Quan is actually the company.

In the imperial garden, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji dug a marching stove and made a fire.

The smoke gradually dispersed. Fang woke up and put on the pot and shouted, "fire."

Zhu Zhanji drew a firewood when he heard the speech, and the flame suddenly grew larger.

Fang woke up and began to stir fry pork tripe.

Put green pepper and fried tofu into the pot, stir fry a few times, add red oil, and finally thicken.

Then I fried a large pot of spicy chicken, and Fang woke up to be alive.

There was no such short pier in the palace. Zhu Zhanji took the lead. The three sat on the ground and a eunuch served wine.

Zhu Quan was silent, dry with wine, and looked gloomy after a few times.


Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji were talking in a low voice and raised their glasses to drink from time to time. When they heard the sound, they looked up and saw Zhu Quan throw his glass on the ground with an angry face.

"Ningshu people are not happy?"

Zhu Zhanji asked faintly.

Zhu Quan\'s drunkenness surged up and shouted, "vertical son, take a knife if you want the king\'s life. Don\'t make these sneaky!"

Fang Xing was stunned and said, "Your Highness is worried too much. If your majesty wants your life, why do you need to call you here?"

Zhu Quan said with a smile, "this shaft! This shaft! The king wants to go to Fengyang and guard the tomb, but you shut the king in the imperial city. What do you want to do? Shaft!"

Yu Jia on the side said angrily, "Ning Shu, be more respectful in front of your majesty!"

Zhu Zhanji waved his hand, then smiled and said, "you are my uncle. You are different from the people of Jin. Grandpa Huang also mentioned you when he was..."

"What can the fourth brother say?"

Zhu Quan took a chicken leg and ate it slowly, but his ears were aimed at Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji raised his glass and invited Fang Xing. After drinking it all, he said, "Grandpa Huang once said that you are..."

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was pondering, Zhu Quan sneered, "come on, this king is like this. What else can\'t you hear?"

Zhu Zhanji said strangely, "Grandpa Huang said... You\'re like a child. You can\'t be alone."

"Fart! It stinks!"

Zhu Quan said angrily, "what\'s childish? My fourth brother is almost twenty years older than me. If he hadn\'t cheated in those years, how could I have been arrested?"

"But you didn\'t risk it!"

Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t answer this. Fang woke up and said, "if it were someone else, it would probably be a dangerous blow, but you\'re soft."

Zhu Quan argued, "the king believed him!"

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "how can a gentleman trust people? You\'ll lose with this."

Zhu Quan became angry and scolded, "you are a villain!"

Fang Xing found the chicken kidney and immediately forgot to debate with Zhu Quan. He enjoyed it slowly and happily.

Zhu Zhanji put down his glass, stared at Zhu Quan and asked, "Uncle Han has gone to sea."

Surprised, Zhu Quan immediately pretended not to care and said, "Zhu gaoxu? That madman, do you want him to go to sea to live and die?"

Zhu Zhanji said seriously, "overseas is very big, bigger than you and I thought. There are many islands, which are almost as big as Daming."

Zhu Quan suddenly put his hands on the grass behind him, leaned back and smiled.

The laughter was bleak. For a long time, he gasped: "why? Why did the fourth brother take my army and ascend the throne, but the king can only hide in Nanchang to survive? Why?"

Fang Xing ate a chicken kidney and was looking for the second one. When he heard the speech, he frowned and said, "this is life! If you come, are you sure you can win? I don\'t think you can survive for half a year. No, you will collapse in a war. Where can you go then?"

Fang Xing gave up the idea of looking for another chicken kidney and said, "your greatest possibility is to escape into the grassland after the defeat, but with the defeated army, what can you do? It will be lively if you are either destroyed in alutai or bow down to be a minister."