Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1893

Women\'s day, I wish female book friends a happy holiday!


The imperial censor was carried out of the hall by two bodyguards. Behind him came Zhu Zhanji\'s cold voice.

"As an official, we should focus on the Ming Dynasty and pay more attention to the people\'s livelihood, rather than just staring at me all day. We wish we could find something wrong in my hair and find the best treasure. These people should be matchmakers!"

Li Er Mao retreated all the way outside the hall and stood there honestly.

To put it simply, Zhang Shuhui is rude, domineering and arrogant. The spearhead naturally points to Fang Xing.

But except for the censor of the two swords, everyone is very cautious.

The dispute over the middle palace is not simple. Hu Shanxiang abides by his duty and has no handle to attack. And sun Guifei

Sun Guifei and the emperor were childhood sweethearts. Everyone knows this.

But Zhu Di stabbed the mandarin duck with a stick. He got Hu Shanxiang to be imperial concubine sun, and broke sun\'s dream at once.

However, Zhu Zhanji was also affectionate and righteous. After he ascended the throne, he set a precedent, allowing sun\'s imperial concubine not only to have books, but also treasure. This is the treatment of the Deputy queen.

Disputes have always been triggered by desire. Zhu Zhanji personally gave the book treasure, which gave the sun family the opportunity to covet the Queen\'s throne.

So Zhang Shuhui made a scene in the palace yesterday. People familiar with the matter know that there is probably a problem between the two women in the harem.

Don\'t move if you know, don\'t move if you don\'t know.

So Zhu Zhanji pressed down the memorials of impeachment, and none of the important officials made a statement.

Both children are still in the womb. I don\'t know whether they are male or female.

And Hu Shanxiang is not at fault. It\'s too early to stand in line at this time!


"The queen knew the existence of sun, so she was cautious. She even had some inferiority complex. She always felt that she was involved in the affairs between the emperor and sun, so she became more silent."

The Empress Dowager\'s eyebrows were more melancholy, and the woman sitting at the lower head was also a little melancholy. She said, "madam, the old lady brought sun into the palace with one hand. I wanted you to help more... Now that Xinghe uncle is staring at the palace and is against the law!"

The words didn\'t match before and after, but the Empress Dowager understood. She sneered: "when the palace was suffering in the palace, she was just a child in her early teens. What help? What can I help? My mother recommended it and the palace accepted it. Later, the heaven was not beautiful, and Emperor Wen chose another person. This is the will of heaven. The will of heaven is so, everyone should be more calm."

The woman is the Empress Dowager\'s sister-in-law, so she has fewer taboos. She smiled and said, "madam, the old lady has always been regretful about that. Your majesty has a deep love for Princess sun, so you can\'t say..."

"Shut up!"

The Empress Dowager whispered, "you can\'t care about things in the palace. Go back and tell your family to get involved less, otherwise you won\'t even be able to keep Peng Chengbo\'s title one day!"

The woman got up and left. The Empress Dowager looked at her coldly and said wearily, "from the dragon to the dragon, everyone wants to go to heaven step by step and get something for nothing..."


"Someone wants to book you as a teacher for her children."

Zhang Fu said this reluctantly. As a messenger, he felt a little helpless. He could not send a message, nor could the man, but after all, he and Fang Xing were grasshoppers on the same rope. Once they were overturned by sun, neither of them could run away.

"This is the initiative to ease the relationship."

Huang Zhong felt some toothache and said, "this posture is very low, and it\'s just a test. The Duke of the country should not know his identity?"

Zhang Fu nodded. "It\'s enough for everyone to be clear in their hearts. There\'s no room for turning around when they say it. Smart people won\'t do that."

Fang woke up in meditation, and the center of his eyebrows gradually frowned.

"I won\'t be her son\'s teacher."

Facing this olive branch, Fang Xing chose to refuse.

"No matter whether the queen gives birth to a man or a woman, I won\'t stand on sun\'s side."

Fang Xing\'s attitude did not surprise Zhang Fu or the man, so the matter gradually quieted down.

The frequent visit to fangjiazhuang in Shenyang has attracted the attention of many people, which makes Fang Xing unbearable.

"I said that you are a well-known commander of royal guards. You are the only candidate for the next commander. You are not afraid of your Majesty\'s suspicion when you run to my house so often?"

Shenyang squatted in the corner of the front yard and looked at Yan Hui standing outside the pavilion. He said carelessly, "the more magnanimous, the more nothing. Deception and collusion behind the back are the king\'s taboo."

This is a man who has survived the death line and has not yet had a deep understanding of power.

"Someone peeked!"

Teaching those girls in the pavilion is an active way to avoid suspicion - your daughter didn\'t steal men!

At first, the servants would look more when they passed by. After being scolded several times, they could basically keep their eyes straight.

The word peeping was obscene, so the women in the pavilion became angry.

Yan Hui turned back slowly and saw the face he hurriedly avoided.

Scary face!

Look at each other, then be silent, and then


Fang Xing kicked Shenyang\'s ass and turned back.

Shenyang staggered out, then stood up straight and looked around at a loss.

Blankly rushed over with the women\'s army. Feeling the strange atmosphere between Shenyang and Yanhui, they waved their hands and went back to class.

"... Yan Yan flies, and his feathers are different."

"The son of the is at home, far away in the wild."

Listening to the chanting sound from the pavilion, Shenyang slowly came to Yan Hui\'s body.


Shenyang didn\'t know what to say. He had fantasized about meeting Yanhui again countless times, and fantasized about the first sentence he said countless times.

But at this time, those fantasies disappeared. He was as nervous as a child when he saw his husband, and forgot everything.


Fang Xing appeared with worry free in his arms, just behind the side. Seeing that Shenyang was tied up, he couldn\'t help but want to kick again.

Yan Hui looked at him blankly and suddenly said, "you\'ve been, you\'ve been, I know, you\'ve been."

Tears suddenly fell. Shenyang nodded flustered and said, "yes, I\'ve been there. I just looked at you secretly. I\'m afraid... I\'m afraid of myself..."

"But you watched me suffer alone."

Yan Hui stared at Shenyang. He was not afraid of the scar on his face, nor did he care about the black hole in his mouth after he opened his mouth.

Shenyang said dejectedly, "I\'m... I\'m afraid you don\'t... I\'m afraid you don\'t want to."

At this time, the voice in the pavilion suddenly became louder, and more than a dozen girls recited together in a clear voice.

"Yan Yan is flying and his feather is flying. His son is returning. He is sent to the wild and looks at Fu Ji. He cries like rain..."

In this crisp reading sound, Yan Hui suddenly burst into tears and sobbed: "you were so cruel, even if you took me out of the fortress, you..."

Yan Hui suddenly turned back and left. Shenyang stayed where he was, and regret was gnawing at his heart.

"Hey! The woman is different from what we think. Go after her and get her home early. My family can also save some food."

Shenyang slowly moved forward and gradually accelerated under its feet.

"Yan Yan is flying, fighting against each other. His son is returning, far from the river. Look at Fu Ji, stand and cry..."

The ancient book of songs makes people fantasize about that era and that scene in their mind. They are ecstatic as soon as they get rid of it.

Worry free hugged Fang Xing\'s neck and asked curiously, "Dad, did they quarrel?"


Fang Xing\'s eyes turned and said, "yes, after a quarrel, you see that woman suffered a loss and went back crying all the way, so worry free should learn to be more powerful. You can\'t be bullied in the future."

"Husband... If worry free becomes powerful, who will you find in the future?"

Zhang Shuhui also liked to watch this drama of reunion after a long separation, so she quietly followed up. After hearing Fang Xingjiao\'s words, she couldn\'t help but feel deeply that being a father can\'t teach her daughter, otherwise in her daughter\'s eyes, men are mostly bad guys.

Fang Xing turned back with worry free in his arms and said plausibly, "if a woman is not powerful, that man will advance an inch. At that time, I\'m afraid you\'ll regret it more than I do!"

Zhang Shuhui grabbed carefree and said as she walked, "don\'t listen to your father\'s nonsense. We should learn sewing and rules. We will abide by the rules when they are not. If anyone breaks the rules, we will..."