Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1890

There began to be rumors in the palace that the queen was angry with her majesty, but didn\'t dare to spread it more. A gust of wind passed, but it still made many people think.

Hearing this, Zhang Shuhui tried to see the queen. As a result, she successfully entered the palace.

When she saw Hu Shanxiang, the man was drinking porridge. Duan Duan sat on the side, holding his cheeks with both hands and staring at him.

"Mother, don\'t stop. Drink it up."

After finishing the instructions, Zhang Shuhui got up to meet him. Seeing this, Zhang Shuhui put down her heart and said, "I really thought my mother was ill and fidgeting at home. Now I feel at ease at first sight."

Hu Shanxiang frowned and drank porridge. When he didn\'t pay attention, he handed the bowl to the maid in waiting, and then said, "it\'s not a serious disease, or it\'s infected with wind and cold. The palace left aside the royal doctor. It\'s just business as usual every day, which makes you worried."

Zhang Shuhui picked up Duan, looked around and whispered, "where\'s your majesty?"

Hu Shanxiang lowered his eyes and said, "Your Majesty is busy in state affairs..."

"Mrs. xinghebo, your majesty is with the fox spirit!"

Said Yue, ignoring the presence of the imperial doctor, said disgustingly.

Hu Shanxiang\'s eyes trembled and said, "don\'t talk nonsense. I\'m nothing. There are so many people in the back palace. Your Majesty must go and see them one by one."

"What are you looking at?"

Zhang Shuhui suddenly broke out. She looked at the two royal doctors who wanted to find a hole in the ground and said, "madam zhengtou is ill, your majesty... It\'s unfair!"

"Madam, I\'ll leave."

Zhang Shuhui actually pointed the spearhead at the emperor and sun Guifei, which made the two imperial doctors feel that it was a vortex, so they walked away regardless.

Hu Shanxiang knew that Zhang Shuhui was defending herself against injustice. She held back her tears and said, "it\'s hard for your majesty..."

Duanduan was in Zhang Shuhui\'s arms with tears in his eyes and shouted, "my father hasn\'t come to dinner for several days. My mother, my father doesn\'t like me."

Hu Shanxiang gently shook his head around, his eyes kept blinking, and then accelerated. After all, he couldn\'t help crying

Zhang Shuhui hugged Duan Duan and went out. Yi\'an hurried out and advised, "madam, forget it. If your majesty is angry, your mother will be sad."

Zhang Shuhui looked at her and said, "my humble husband had never been anywhere when I was ill. Even if he vomited, he took a basin and patted me on the back by the bed."

Zhang Shuhui went out with Duan in her arms. Yi\'an was stunned and said with a bitter smile, "that\'s... This is your majesty!"

Zhang Shuhui didn\'t have the right to walk at will in the palace, so she was intercepted not far away.

"My concubine, please see your majesty..."


"Your Majesty, the child is a worry-free, not noisy."

Sun touched his belly and his face was filled with happiness.

Zhu Zhanji sat on the side. Seeing that her face was a little fat, he said, "every day, remember to let the people from the imperial hospital come to see and diagnose the pulse. Be careful when eating and remember the instructions of the imperial doctor..."

Sun nodded and said, "Your Majesty, the empress is still ill. You..."

She hung her head and looked a little melancholy.

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "it\'s just cold. The imperial doctor said nothing."

Sun\'s hand touched.

The imperial doctor didn\'t say nothing, but Hu Shanxiang was stubborn and didn\'t want to take medicine to hurt the fetus.

Tai hospital is now in full readiness. Three Royal doctors stare at the queen in shifts every day. They just say that it takes dozens of pulse diagnoses every day.

Sun looked up and said happily, "that\'s a good thing. My concubine is worried about this these two days. My mother has nothing to do..."

"Your majesty!"

At this time, Yu Jia rushed in. He didn\'t look at sun\'s gradually cooling face and said, "Your Majesty, Mrs. Xinghe is coming this way."

Zhu Zhan was basically furious, but when he heard that Zhang Shuhui was coming, he said, "well, I\'ll go and have a look. You can have a baby."

"Where is your majesty?"

Zhang Shuhui\'s voice came from outside. Zhu Zhanji got up and went out, leaving an expressionless sun.

"Your Majesty, your mother is ill. How can you leave her here?"

Zhang Shuhui\'s voice with a questioning tone came from outside. Wang Zhen said with a low eyebrow: "empress, this is domineering!"

Sun\'s Wooden way: "don\'t talk nonsense."

The haze gradually increased in those bright eyes. The slender hands loved by Zhu Zhanji grasped the cushion under him and gradually tightened it.

Outside, Duan Duan had already cried, rubbing his eyes and howling.

"Father Emperor... Father emperor doesn\'t like carrying..."

A foreign minister\'s wife broke into the palace and questioned the king face to face. This is a great sin everywhere.

But Zhu Zhanji is black faced at the moment, listening to Zhang Shuhui\'s complaints. From how clever he was in fangjiazhuang... To his maturity after marrying a wife, he gradually becomes strange, more moody and less honest than when he was young

"... your majesty, if I love Xiaobai any more, I won\'t go beyond my concubine!"

After Zhang Shuhui said that, she walked away bravely.


Duan Duan lay on Zhang Shuhui\'s shoulder and stretched out his hand to shout at Zhu Zhanji with tears in his eyes.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the pathetic little crying face and couldn\'t help feeling some palpitations. The Wan Wan of that year appeared in his mind.


"Uncle, does Yan Hui still refuse to promise?"

Shenyang will come to Fang\'s house when he is free. He doesn\'t dare to see Yan Hui. He can only come to Fang Xing.

Fang Xing is still waiting for Zhang Shuhui\'s news. When he hears the speech, he points to the outside.

Shenyang looked back and saw that worry free was holding a brother in one hand. The three were playing games with two big dogs in the yard.

"Don\'t look, I agree with you."

Fang Xing said helplessly, "but women\'s ideas are different from our men. Hey! Grind it slowly."

Shenyang leaned against the door and watched the two big dogs desperately trying to bypass the three brothers and sisters of Tudou to eat the delicious food on the steps. Both sides ran to intercept. For a time, children\'s laughter and dog barking filled the yard.

Shenyang looked at this scene with envy and felt that he would be satisfied as long as he had such half of happiness.

"You should go and see her. Don\'t hide. It\'s no responsibility to hide."

Fang Xing peels the peanuts. The freshly fried peanuts are crispy and delicious.

Shenyang shook his head and said, "uncle, I\'m afraid."

"Are you worried that she will turn you down? Or do you feel guilty?"

Shenyang shook his head again and said bitterly, "the lower officer is more worried that she will be surprised."

"Yes! If she\'s surprised, you\'re a tragedy, a complete tragedy."

Shenyang was melancholy and finally left. Before leaving, he secretly went to the outside where Yan Hui lived for a long time, but he didn\'t have the courage to meet.

Not long after Shenyang left, Zhang Shuhui came back with fear on her face.

"Husband, I just asked your majesty."

Xiaobai said happily, "he\'s angry?"

Fang woke up and stared at her and asked, "how\'s the queen?"

After nervous, she was tired. After sitting down, Zhang Shuhui waved worry free to come over, and then said weakly, "Xiaobai, go and pour tea. I have to think about what I just said."

Xiaobai arrives at tea, and then looks gossip waiting to listen to the dog blood in the palace. Even worry free looked up at Zhang Shuhui and wanted to know if Duanduan was involved.

It feels very good to be noticed. If she is not tired, Zhang Shuhui still wants to sell off again.

"When my concubine went, Her Majesty was right there. The queen and Duanduan were there alone. Just two royal doctors were staring. Poor!"

"Get to the point!"