Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1889

The docks in Tongzhou were busy. The folk men unloaded the goods from the ship. When they saw a group of people standing on the side pointing at the shore, they couldn\'t help but feel happy and thought they were looking for someone to work.

"Why not use the pulley?"

Fang woke up and saw the folk men walking on the trestle with big wooden boxes, so he asked the steward around him.

The steward was an official. He smiled and said, "uncle, the pulley block is broken. The person who went to the work department to ask for the wheel hasn\'t come back."

"Then just reduce a set of wheels. You can\'t even do this?"

The steward said awkwardly: "uncle, someone would have done it at first, but later, the dock lost his position, and he was unwilling to carry the work. It is said that he went to the city..."

The dissemination of science needs more and faster. The road is long!

The pulley block has a detailed explanation in those books, but no one can understand a magnificent wharf. Fang Xing is a little disappointed by this discovery.

Seeing Fang\'s sober face, the steward pointed to the folk men who were putting the goods in the car and said, "uncle, this track directly leads to the main road. Two horses can easily pull a car of goods over, saving a lot of trouble!"

"Your ability to change the topic is not small. If you can turn this ability into ability and manage the wharf in an orderly manner, I don\'t think you will still be here now."

Fang Xing mercilessly refuted the steward, then went to the front, watched a civilian man empty throw his whip, the two horses moved gently, and then gradually pulled the railcar.

It hasn\'t rained recently. The track is bright and Clank. Fang Xing reaches out and touches it. He feels that it is smoother than a woman\'s skin.

"Master, be careful!"

Xin Laoqi pulled Fang Xing, and the accelerating carriage rushed in front of Fang Xing.

"Brother Chen, you\'re looking for death!"

When the steward saw this scene on the side, he was so scared that he sweated out. He pointed to the coachman and shouted, "get down!"

When Fang Xing stood still, he saw the coachman sitting on the shaft, smiling and bowing his hands to apologize, so he said, "it\'s just Ben Bo\'s negligence. I don\'t blame him."

The playful people naturally took care of him. Fang woke up and pointed to the front and walked over with Jin Ying, Zhu Fang and others.

More than 300 steps ahead, there is a large flat on the left. At this time, there are several more huts, tables and stools outside, hanging under the guise of tea and food.

Jin Ying said: "xinghebo, there was no one here at first, but later, there were more minerals and grain in the south, and those people spontaneously made some food shops, but this is a small matter. Our family just told them to go away."

Fang woke up and stared at him. He looked up and down for a while. When Jin Ying laughed, he said, "people do their own business. Who provokes whom?"

Jin Ying explained, "Xing Hebo, this place is ownerless. It\'s not against the law to let them move away!"

"The law is but human!"

Fang woke up and surveyed the site, and said with satisfaction, "yes, after measuring the land, Zhu Fang immediately drew a map there, and then hired a civilian husband for construction."

Zhu Fang had a plan in mind. He said, "Sir, the terrain here is wide and the lower reaches of the canal are. If you go further, it will be convenient to store water at that time and will not affect the wharf."

Jin Ying made full preparations. He said proudly, "there are fewer people downstream. It\'s a pity that it\'s not in the suburbs of Beijing. It\'s the natural place to build dams."

"But the ore and big things in the workshop are difficult to transport by land, so it is convenient to be close to the canal."

Zhu Fang is more like a technical house. She has no taboo against the so-called eunuch. She suddenly pushed Jin Ying\'s amateur out.

Jin Ying habitually glanced at him. Fang woke up and walked over and said, "the workshop should not affect the canal. In addition, the money and grain given by the Ministry of household should be distributed by a specially assigned person. When something goes wrong, Jin Ying, you know the consequences."

Jin Ying shrugged and remembered that he was not around the emperor now. He quickly responded, and then communicated with Zhu Fang about the number of civilian husbands he needed.

"Five hundred people, go and talk to the Ministry of household according to this number."

Jin Ying wanted to strangle Zhu Fang, but Fang woke up on his side. He had to swear in a low voice: "are you a fool? How can 500 people be enough? At least 1000 people."

Zhu Fang looked at him puzzled, frowned and said, "do you think the workshop is those fools of the work department? We have tools to work. How can we use so many people?"

Jin Ying was once stopped by Zhu Fang, his eyes gleaming with a dull look. "The workshop has the final say."

As soon as Zhu Fang\'s bull temper came up, he said, "do it yourself!"

Without Fang Xing\'s greeting, Zhu Fang is still in his beloved workshop and doing various experiments. There is no spare time to go out for an outing.

Yes, the group looked like they were on an outing until someone came to deliver a message.

"Uncle, the queen is ill."

"Why did you come in person?"

Fang woke up and felt a little cold in his heart, but Shenyang said awkwardly: "uncle, Yanhui..."

"Can\'t you be a little worried about the country and the people?"

Fang woke up, turned back and said, "you continue to investigate, subject to Zhu Fang\'s meaning, and report back."

Jin Ying\'s face turned black, but Zhu Fang muttered discontentedly, "this should be the responsibility of the work department. Why did you find my head?"

Fang Xing beat his horse all the way to Beijing. Instead of entering the palace, he waited for news at home.

"Uncle, I\'m afraid... Does anyone dare to take risks?"

Huang Zhong has gathered a lot of news, but most of them are rumors. He combed it and said suspiciously, "there is no panic in the palace. It can be seen that the Queen\'s condition is not critical, but it\'s said that there are noses and eyes. It\'s afraid there are some problems with this baby."


Fang Xing suddenly burst into foul language, and then scolded: "this is also my fault. Shuhui is friendly with the queen. Those people want someone to push the queen down. Then they will change the queen who has a gap with the Fang family. When the next generation comes, the prince nurtured by hatred is afraid to think about how to kill me since childhood!"

Huang Zhong put away a pile of paper and comforted: "don\'t worry, uncle. Your majesty is here!"


"Be relieved, madam. Your majesty is here!"

Hu Shanxiang was lying in bed pale. She nodded and said, "yes, the palace is just worried about the child\'s suffering, so it\'s better not to take medicine."

After hearing these words, the two imperial doctors couldn\'t help looking at each other. One of them said, "madam, the imperial hospital has many prescriptions that are harmless to the fetus... They are all tested prescriptions."

Hu Shanxiang shook his head and said firmly, "it\'s medicine. The child is delicate and can\'t stand it."

"Here comes your majesty."

Zhu Zhanji opened the curtain and walked in. Seeing Hu Shanxiang\'s appearance, he frowned and said, "take medicine when it\'s time. By the way, what\'s the disease?"

The imperial doctor replied, "Your Majesty, it\'s cold."

Zhu Zhanji breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Hu Shanxiang wanted to get up, he pressed his hand and said, "lie down and take medicine."

Hu Shanxiang said, "Your Majesty, you can\'t take medicine if you have a fetus."

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyebrows wrinkled, and a cold breath echoed in the room.

Since he ascended the throne, no one dared to oppose him in the palace except the Empress Dowager.

The two imperial doctors retreated to the side, ready to escape the coming storm.

Yi\'an stood behind and tried hard to wink at Hu Shanxiang. Under Yu Jia\'s eyelids, his eyes turned fast.

But Hu Shanxiang was not moved at all, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little nervous.