Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1891

Fang Xing feels that women\'s flirting is a natural attribute. This is instinct, which is completely incompatible with reserve.

But it was his daughter-in-law, so he had to bear it.

Zhang Shuhui was selling off, but she couldn\'t wait for worry free to rush over, put her arms around her waist and shouted, "Mom, speak quickly, speak quickly!"

Zhang Shuhui smiled and hugged worry free and said, "my concubine was somehow so bold that she questioned her majesty and said that the woman... Later, her majesty didn\'t blame her, but she went to the queen and gave a jade Ruyi, saying that she was playing for worry free."

Then she took out a jade, and instead of giving it to worry free, she asked someone to thread it. She said it was hung at the head of worry free bed to ward off evil spirits.

Fang woke up with a black face and looked at her pointing East and West. After carefree and disappointed came, they were sad to each other.

This woman is really wild!


"Your daughter-in-law has arranged for your Majesty\'s food before. At that time, your Majesty was still young. Naturally, this feeling is different. But today, she is also reckless. If it were someone else, she estimates that she will be escorted back today."

Xie Jin feels that Fang Xing and his wife are more and more unscrupulous. If they go on like this, they will become the two characters in Fang Xing\'s story to the children.

"Black and white double evils are talking about you and your wife."

"Your Majesty has a preference for imperial concubine sun, which is known by the Manchu Dynasty. The queen is stubborn and her heart is not together. Your husband and wife can\'t persuade you! Now it\'s just to see whether the queen can give birth to a son. As long as you have a son, you don\'t have to worry about being liquidated in the future."

Xie Jin joked: "you have to be careful. If it\'s wrong, entrust the children to me. I\'ll take them across the sea and go overseas."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "there won\'t be such a day. I have confidence in your majesty."

"But he likes sun!"

Xie Jin said coldly, "if you support the queen, sun and you are enemies. If sun is superior, do you think you can hide?"

"She can\'t come up!"

Fang woke up and said hard, but he was thinking about sun\'s position in the original history. He could think about it. He only knew that Zhu Zhanji seemed to have abolished Hu Shanxiang. Sun\'s eldest son didn\'t work hard. He made a civil castle and almost buried Daming.

As for the sun family... Fang Xing feels that Hu Shanxiang is not her opponent. Even with her own help, she still stands aloof from the world.

If Hu Shanxiang has no son, the new queen must be sun!

"The queen must have a son, must!"

Fang Xing said firmly.

Xie Jin jokingly said, "Your Majesty, don\'t go to the queen. How can you get pregnant. Also, the prince still likes it or not. What if your majesty doesn\'t like him?"

"He\'ll like it."

Fang Xing\'s confident way.

Xie Jin nodded, got up and said, "I\'m hungry. I\'m eating at your house today. Go and get some good dishes and some good wine. I\'m drunk today."

Xie Jin is not the only one who wants to get drunk. Today\'s news in the palace slowly spread, and those qualified to know naturally know it.

"This is coercion, your majesty!"

Jin Youzi was furious and said, "Your Majesty should take the woman immediately."

Huang Huai murmured, "the minister\'s woman dared to spill in the palace, but her majesty didn\'t deal with it... It shouldn\'t be! Why?"

Yang Pu\'s eyes were deep and said, "when your Majesty was in fangjiazhuang, Xinghe Bo taught for some time, and Mrs. Xinghe Bo also took care of your Majesty\'s food. This is love. How can your majesty deal with it?"

Yang Shiqi thought of what happened in those years and said with a smile: "Mrs. xinghebo has a bad temper, and there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, there is nothing wrong. The queen is ill, and her majesty has left aside other places. This dignity and inferiority can be reversed."

Jin Youzi said in a stern voice, "what kind of love! It\'s just Fang Xing\'s outstanding military achievements. Your majesty can\'t tear his face."

Jin Youzi was angry. Seeing the silence of the people, he patted the table and said, "this is domineering! Domineering! Who has been so domineering in all dynasties? Who?"

Yang Pu glanced at him and wrote with his head down.

The brush is flexible, and there are gradually more meticulous small characters on the paper.

——The city is changing, and the beauty is not old

"Just a woman, why get angry!"

Yang Rong just said a word, and then got up to ask Zhu Zhanji.

Jin Youzi was so angry that he pointed to the door after Yang Rong disappeared and said, "look, this man has become a good man. He is kind everywhere, but domineering is domineering. The more kind he is, the more his face will be!"

Yang Rong didn\'t know what happened behind him. After seeing Zhu Zhanji, he said, "Your Majesty, the former Dali Temple Secretary Wang Mian is in Shaanxi and has been recovered recently."

Zhu Zhanji stood in the hall, looked at the surrounding furnishings with his negative hand, and smelled the speech. He turned back and said, "the crown has taken bribes. The evidence is conclusive, and he can be demoted to the people."


Yang Rong immediately drew up a decree, and naturally someone picked it up.

"Your Majesty." Yang Rong hesitated, and then said what he thought.

"The palace minister shouldn\'t ask, but... The palace..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s face suddenly turned cold and looked at Yang Rong indifferently.

Yang Rong only felt itchy and gradually heated, which was a sign of tension.

He hardened his head and said, "Your Majesty, Zhonggong... Charity, virtuous... All ministers die..."

Looking at Yang Rong kneeling in front of him, Zhu Zhanji said expressionless, "get back!"

Yang Rong got up and left. He was soaked with cold sweat.

Zhu Zhanji stood in the hall, playing with paperweights in his hands, with deep eyes.

Yu Jia felt a little uneasy nearby. He was worried that the matter of the harem would be detonated one day, and a group of people would be killed.

Amitabha, don\'t blow up our house!

Yang Rong returned to the duty room, nodded to his colleagues and said, "go and talk about Wang Mian."

In the duty room, Huang Huai said with a smile, "Wang Mian is also lucky, otherwise he will lose face in the capital."

Yang Rong smiled and nodded, then sat down and continued to deal with business.

After half an hour, Yu Jia suddenly came.

He glanced at everyone first, then looked at Yang Rong and said with a smile: "Lord Yang, your majesty praises you for being old and prudent and having the body of a minister."

Then he handed over the brocade box in his hand. Yang Rong bowed down and said, "I\'m stupid. I don\'t dare to be praised by your majesty. I dare to ask Duke Yu. Do I want to thank you?"

Courtiers are rewarded. It\'s instinct to thank them. But Yu Jia said with a smile, "no, your majesty said that you have worked hard in state affairs. Lunch will be delivered later."

This is a banquet. Everyone immediately bowed down to thank him, and then watched Yu Jia go out.

As soon as they left, they all glanced at the brocade box in Yang Rong\'s hand, and then sat down to work.

Yang Rong\'s mouth was tight and firm. He could have gone home and opened the brocade box, but

When the brocade box was opened, Yang Rong took out the contents and unfolded them.

Zhu Zhanji\'s attainments in calligraphy and painting are not bad. Looking at each word, he has a momentum.

Yang Shiqi squinted and said, "Lao Cheng seeks the country? Yes, Congratulations, Lord Yang."

The word "Lao Cheng seeks the country" almost represents the greatest value of the emperor.

The breathing in the room was heavy for a moment, and then returned to normal.

Yang Pu silently picked up his pen, wiped out the words he had written one by one, and then got up and went out.

When he walked around the duty room for two times, the paper in his hand could not see its true face.

When he returned to the duty room, he threw the paper into the wastepaper basket and looked at the latest memorials carefully.

Life is like this. When you desire a certain height, you must resist envy and urgency. Then slowly, step by step, climb up