Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1888

"Xing Hebo, your majesty asks you, is there persecution and abuse in the matter of Yan Hui?"

When Yu Jia came, it happened that Jin Ying was reporting to Fang Xing about the workshop. They met at Fang\'s house and immediately became silent.

Fang Xing didn\'t want to take care of the grievances between them. He said casually, "I\'ve been paying attention to this matter for more than a year. Qian Liang is not clean. He is willing to leave. He guarantees that there is no threat. I\'ve driven Shenyang out... That... Shenyang\'s temperament is rare."

Such a courtier is affectionate and impulsive. This is a good courtier that the king can control!

Moreover, the royal guards and other places are really beyond the control of the emperor\'s confidants. For example, Zhang Juzheng and other guys who even the royal guards commander have to bow down to him are really digging a hole for themselves.

Yu Jiagong arched his hands and left without lifting his eyelids to Jin Ying.

Jin Ying overcast her face and stared at Yu Jia\'s back until she disappeared.

Fang Xing was in a good mood and said, "don\'t hate. There must be no unrest in the palace, otherwise Huang Yan is a lesson."

This is the pavilion in the front yard. After class today, Fang woke up and came here to enjoy the autumn scenery. By the way, he hid from two women at home who hated men after hearing about Yan Hui.

Jin Ying hung her head and whispered, "xinghebo, do you have any wine?"

Fang woke up and asked someone to get wine. Jin Ying rudely picked up the wine pot and drank it.

"Why do you bother! Power is so attractive?"

Jin Ying put down the wine pot, took a long breath, then stretched out his hand to wipe his face and said, "there is no right in the palace. That is the walking corpse, xinghebo. You don\'t understand the suffering of us prisoners!"

"All the people in the palace are snobbish. They have to step on your feet when they see your bad luck. They will flock to you when they see you go up. It\'s hard to say, but no one wants to lose power."

Fang Xing didn\'t pity Jin Ying at all. He felt that the man was purely his own fault.

Jin Ying said some complaints intermittently. After the wine gradually surged up, she got up and left, and staggered back to her place.

"Master, Jin Ying has been diligent these days. She coordinates with the civilian husband in the Ministry of work and Wuzhong every day, and goes to the Ministry of household and Xia Yuanji to ask for money and food. She quarreled several times."

Fang Wu quietly appeared and reported Jin Ying\'s trend these days.

"He wants to turn over!"

Fang woke up and yawned, then got up to see worry free.

Their daughters are always lovely, but the children in the palace are annoying.

When Duan Duan was in a hurry, Fang woke up and looked at the happy scene of two children holding hands. He was not angry, so he asked the bird tail who sent Duan.

"Isn\'t your mother pregnant? How can Duan run around?"

The arrival of Duan Duan broke his plan to find insects with worry free in the afternoon, and also destroyed the family\'s dream of going to the back garden for barbecue and enjoying the autumn scenery.

The sparrow tail coughed and said, "Xinghe Bo, you can\'t talk nonsense about your mother. The princess is just boring in the palace. My mother was worried that she would be tired in autumn, so she asked your majesty to send it here."

"Together with my family, it will become the Royal backyard?"

Fang woke up and felt wronged, but he could only bear to look like carefree and happy.

When they left the inner courtyard, Fang woke up and asked in a low voice, "how\'s your mother?"

The finch tail also whispered, "it\'s OK over there, and it\'s safe."

One asked the queen and the other answered sun Guifei. They both smiled.

The queen must have a son, no matter how old she is!

Fang Xing doesn\'t think it\'s cruel. If he can\'t give birth to a son, it\'s the biggest cruelty to Hu Shanxiang.

Duan Duan had a very happy time at Fang\'s house. Finally, Fang woke up and got a grill in the back garden. The family had a barbecue with Duan Duan.

After returning to the palace, Hu Shanxiang smelled a smell of smoked and roasted on Duanduan\'s body. Before she asked the bird\'s tail, Duanduan beamed and said about his experience in the Fang family.

"Mother, the barbecue is delicious, and the baked potatoes are also delicious. Xinghebo doesn\'t allow me to eat more. Mother, let\'s bake ourselves?"

Duan Duan was taken to take a bath and didn\'t forget to shout. Hu Shanxiang couldn\'t help smiling, and then said, "children can\'t eat more of this."

After mother Yi\'an waited for her to leave, she leaned over and said, "madam, Xing Hebo is reliable. With his help, the princess will be better in the future."

Hu Shanxiang nodded and said happily, "yes! I remember the first time I saw xinghebo in the palace. He went to see him for his current majesty. He was very kind and said some comforting words, which relieved me who was still ignorant at that time."

Yi\'an sighed in her heart: mother! I mean, Xing He Bo is our strong support. Why did you talk about the past!

Yi\'an smiled bitterly in her heart and said bluntly, "madam, this is fate! If you have Xing and Bo outside, the woman should restrain a lot."

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said, "the palace is tired. Have a rest."

Naturally, the work and rest of pregnant women should be based on their bodies. Yi\'an quickly asked someone to make a bed, then served Hu Shanxiang to bed, and waved people out.

"Empress..." after going out, Yi\'an smiled bitterly at the bird tail and said, "Empress is a little naive."

Without saying that he was brilliant, even if he praised Hu Shanxiang, Finch tail said with the same feeling: "my mother is kind-hearted, but there is great power. Wang Zhen looked friendly and came down several times. Our family thought he was too Yin."


Yi\'an sighed: "xinghebo is a strong aid, but the empress refused to contact more. Today, if your majesty hadn\'t nodded, I guess the empress didn\'t want the princess to go."

Finch tail comforted, "my mother is worried that the princess will bring trouble to Xinghe Bo\'s house."

Outside he whispered, but inside Hu Shanxiang looked at the roof and was silent. For a long time, tears fell from the corners of my eyes

There are always many people who can\'t help themselves. No matter how much you want freedom and freedom, under the control of rules, no matter how powerful you are, you have to lower your head unless you want to be the enemy of the whole world.

"If Shenyang is willing to marry you, what do you think?"

"People don\'t know..."

Yan Hui\'s face didn\'t show the color of joy and happiness, but it was light.

"Your heart is dead?"

Fang Xing lit a wax for Shenyang in his heart. He felt that Yanhui was not as fragile and indecisive as Shenyang imagined. The woman\'s bones were as strong as Zhang Shuhui.

"Uncle, the people\'s women\'s sewing is OK. If uncle doesn\'t dislike the people\'s women\'s nagging, the people\'s women are willing to be sewing women."


Fang woke up with a headache and said, "you can do anything, but... Since you are separated, you should inform your family, or Ben Bo will let someone go?"

He was creating opportunities for Shenyang, but Yan Hui said gently and firmly, "thank you, uncle. The people\'s daughter\'s family has already broken their heart. It\'s best not to disturb them."

This is the posture of preparing to be lonely for life. Fang woke up and waved helplessly. After Yan returned, Zhang Shuhui, who accompanied her, said sadly, "husband, Shenyang didn\'t play."

"Why didn\'t he take it?"

Fang Xing retorted, "he withdrew from his marriage before leaving the fortress. He didn\'t want to implicate Yan Hui. When he came back, he found that Yan Hui was not doing well, so he tried to climb up and was ready to marry her. Isn\'t that a responsibility?"

Zhang Shuhui\'s eyes moved and whispered, "husband, if he has a responsibility, he should find a way when he first returned to Beijing. Now he comes to marry Yan Hui. It\'s like playing prestige and boasting."

"Your woman\'s head..."

Fang Xing pointed to his head and said angrily, "you think about these romantic all day, and you don\'t think about the helpless situation when Shenyang just returned to Beijing. If he dared to move around at that time, there would be no place for him in the royal guards."

Zhang Shuhui picked her eyebrows and said, "but it\'s worth it if two people can be together, even if they go to farm."

"I can\'t tell you."

Fang woke up and said, "men always want to give their wives and children the best things. It\'s only an extreme minority. Let\'s just say... Back then. I\'ll go and see what worry free is doing."

Fang woke up and ran away in a panic. Behind him came Zhang Shuhui\'s proud laughter.

Wasn\'t Zhang Shuhui a model of loving drinking?

For Fang Xing, who was still down and out at that time, Zhang Shuhui broke out of the house and stayed with him for three years. What is this?