Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1887

You have to see someone else\'s daughter-in-law when you enter the house. This is not a close friend, that is, you don\'t understand etiquette.

Fang Xing and Qian Liang were certainly not close friends, but Qian Liang did not hesitate to ask someone to send a message behind.

Before long, a woman in a plain dress came in. Yingying blessed her body and said, "the people\'s wife has seen uncle."

The pale face is a beautiful facial features, but the eyes look numb, like a haggard wood.

What a pity!

Fang Xing felt sorry for Shenyang and her and asked, "would you like to make peace with Qian liang?"

In this age, women and separation are almost a dead end. Their mother\'s family will feel ashamed and most of them are unwilling to accept it. Even if it is accepted, it is also the nature of a mop. That gossip can almost make a normal person depressed.

Fang Xing felt that Yanhui would hesitate or even refuse. After all, living is better than dying.

Yan returned to Mu Ran\'s blessing body and said, "my body is willing."

Fang Xing was surprised by Yan Hui\'s reaction, so he glanced at Qian Liang.

Qian Liang was frightened by his killing eyes. He got up and went to Yan Hui\'s body. He looked begging and said, "tell me, do you think I treated you badly? Even if you were cold, I didn\'t lack your supply!"

Yan Hui looked at Qian Liang in a wooden way and said faintly, "I know."

fuck! This woman is dying!

Qian Liang wished he had never been married to this woman. He begged, "tell Uncle!"

Fang Xing looked at Yan Hui with great interest and waited for her to speak.

Yan retreated a few steps back and said to Fu Shen, "my father is a small official. My husband has benefited from my father many times. Otherwise, I\'m afraid I\'ve already been in the hall."


Fang woke up and almost wanted to shoot the case!

"In that case, those two are willing to leave. Who doesn\'t agree?"


Two wishes to leave is peace and separation, which belongs to the peaceful separation of husband and wife, which will not hinder the woman\'s reputation.

"Is your family willing to accept you?"

After completing the formalities, Fang woke up and asked Yan Hui.

Behind Yanhui is Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao. They carry a burden, which contains Yanhui\'s dowry.

Yan Hui shook his head blankly and said, "thank you for your help. My daughter wants to find an inn to settle down temporarily."

Fang Xing saw Shenyang hiding more than ten steps behind Yan Hui. He stared at Shenyang and said, "in that case, if you can rest assured, go to Fang\'s house first."

Yan Hui\'s eyebrows spread and said with a smile, "uncle is such a person. People\'s women are not worth being uncle. It\'s just that people\'s women are unlucky and don\'t bother your house."

When Fang woke up and saw Shenyang slowly retreating, he said, "what\'s ominous? Benbo has killed countless people. There\'s no taboo. Besides, the Fang family doesn\'t need a person\'s food. Let\'s go."

Shenyang stood behind his men and watched Fang wake up to find the carriage, and then the party went away.

"My Lord, go find a matchmaker."

His subordinates frowned and suggested that Shenyang looked red, like a fledgling young man. Na Na said, "thanks to uncle\'s action, wait first."

The man laughed and said, "uncle must have asked someone to test. When the news arrives, sir, you\'ll be ready to set up a bar."

Shenyang said with a straight face, "there are a lot of things Qian Liang committed. I\'ll use it when I look back."

"My Lord, Qian Liang\'s hands are crippled. He didn\'t stop destroying others\' property. Finally, he found Qingpi and broke the man\'s hands and feet. My Lord, it\'s enough to kill his head."


When she arrived at fangjiazhuang, Zhang Shuhui already knew about Yanhui. As soon as the people arrived, she took Yanhui to warmly comfort them. They soon became warm. Then Zhang Shuhui took her to the place prepared for her in the front yard.

When she came back, Zhang Shuhui saw Fang Xing holding worry free staring at the remaining grapes on the grapevine. She was greedy and said, "men are not good things!"

Worry free hugged Fang Xing\'s neck and shouted, "it\'s not a good thing! Dad, I want to eat grapes."

Fang Xing turned back in amazement. Seeing that Zhang Shuhui\'s eyes were red, he said, "you have swept down a boat of people with this pole. There must be some reasons."

Grapes are old roots for many years, wrapped around the shelf, and finally climbed the big tree on the side. Every year, this vine can bear hundreds of kilograms of fruit.

Most of the grapes have been picked, and the remaining ten clusters have matured. Looking at the green and purple grapes, some are beginning to crack.

Fang Xing put worry free on the ground, then got a bamboo pole, split the front end, and then put a small bamboo stick in the middle.


Fang Xing used the crack at the front end of the bamboo pole to fork into the root of the grape bunch, and then stirred it to the right. Soon a bunch of grapes were clamped down.

"Wash and eat."

Fang Xing handed the grapes to Muhua, but he got two and squeezed them into his mouth.

"So sweet!"

Zhang Shuhui, who was left out in the cold, let Muhua go in with worry free. Then she raised her skirt regardless of the image, squatted beside Fang Xing and said unhappily, "husband, Yan Hui is so miserable."

"Have you been miserable?"

Fang Xing looked at Zhang Shuhui sideways and said, "I said you\'re not Mrs. Bo!"

Zhang Shuhui reached out and pinched angrily, and said in Fang Xing\'s grin, "Shenyang is also a person who has no responsibility. She actually withdrew from her marriage, which made her spend these years there like a wooden man."

"Her family also complained about her, saying that she was tired by Qian Liang. What she said was that she was a trouble maker, concubine..."

"What did I say you were crying for?"

Zhang Shuhui cried. The better the woman\'s life, the softer her heart will be. She can\'t hear the tragic things.

"This is... Shuhui, Fang Xing bullied you?"

Xie Jin is old. Fang Xing has long said that he can go in and out of Fang\'s house at will. At the moment, he led youyou in and saw Zhang Shuhui squatting and weeping. He couldn\'t help shouting at Fang Xing, blowing his beard and staring: "bullying women, are you good at it?"

Zhang Shuhui quickly got up, wiped away her tears and said, "Mr. Xie, it has nothing to do with her husband. It\'s about Yan Hui. My concubine is more sad."

"Which Yan Hui?"

When Xie Jin learned about the situation, he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "this is the wave robbery! All the hard work and happiness, good! Good! Good!"

"Mr Xie!"

Zhang Shuhui rarely showed her anger and said, "this is a tragic thing!"

Xie Jin let go of youyou and asked him to find carefree to play. Then he stroked his beard and said, "your women are sentimental. You have to know how many lovers can only look forward to wearing them. Shenyang is the commander of the royal guards. I estimate that he is mostly the commander of your majesty. It\'s good to have such a daughter-in-law!"

Men always look at problems from the perspective of interests from the perspective of bystanders.

But women are emotional!

Zhang Shuhui said angrily, "if men are like this, Mr. Xie is no exception!"

Looking at her entering the inner room, Xie Jin said in amazement: "you can\'t do this with the help of a virtuous wife! Dehua, you have to teach more. Once you stand in the wrong place, there will be a great disaster."

Fang Xing said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xie, you can\'t teach any more. I\'m afraid you\'ll have to be vegetarian for dinner."

"Husband Gang is not strong!"

Xie Jin despised Fang, woke up and said, "so saihazhi is an arrow blocker?"

Fang woke up and nodded. He thought Zhu Zhanji probably thought so.

"No one else is to blame for his inaction and prying into the holy will."

Xie Jin shook his head and said, "if saiha Zhi is smart enough, he should learn to let go from now on and let Shenyang take charge of the royal guards, otherwise I\'m worried that he won\'t be able to keep his life at night."