Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1886

After the handover of Shenyang, he couldn\'t stand it anymore. He went to see saihazhi first.

"I\'m old. I don\'t have much time. You\'ll watch the royal guards more in the future."

Saihazhi seldom sleeps, but also smiles, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

But Shenyang knew it was an illusion. If he thought the old man in front of him was a harmless sheep, sooner or later the sheep would turn into a tiger and swallow him.

Shenyang bowed and said, "thank you for your cultivation."

He was an old man before Zhu Zhanji. If he didn\'t make mistakes, he can stand in front of saihazhi.

As for cultivation, it was Zhu Zhanji who cultivated him, and Fang Xing who helped him.

So he walked out with his head held high, and no one dared to look at him wherever he looked.

The heaven of royal guards is about to change!

Shenyang thought he never lacked blood, so he immediately went to Qian\'s house and went quietly.

He stood in the middle of the alley. The autumn wind rolled the fallen leaves and swirled up and down, just like his current mood.

Don\'t look back. The alley has been sealed at both ends by his people. No one can see what he is doing now.

Skillfully climbed over the wall, skillfully avoided the servant girl in Qian\'s backyard, and Shenyang came to the main courtyard.

The sun shone on the yard and on the woman standing under the tree.

When Shenyang saw the woman, he hid in the side of the wing room and looked at it foolishly.

"Madam, the master is back."

The woman was basking in the sun in the yard. She touched the tree trunk, turned back slowly, looked at Qian Liang and Fu Shen coming in, and said faintly, "master, it\'s hard."

Qian Liang\'s face was ugly. He went to the woman and said coldly, "your old lover has been promoted."

The woman said, "I don\'t have any old lovers."

Qian Liang raised his hand angrily. There was more coldness in Shenyang\'s eyes. He vowed that as long as Qian Liang dared to fight, he would make this life worse than death.

The woman looked up numbly, Qian Liang stamped his feet and scolded, "he is a commander now. I knew it was like this. How could I marry you, a lost star!"

The woman said indifferently, "my concubine didn\'t humiliate the lintel of the Qian family, never!"

The autumn wind blew the woman\'s skirt, revealing a smooth ankle.

Qian Liang clenched his teeth and said, "that man is the commander of the royal guards. The next step is the commander of the royal guards. How can I offend him? Hurry into the house, madder! How long haven\'t I touched you? Give me a baby quickly."

When Qian Liang entered the house, the woman looked at the big tree and two lines of tears fell.

Shenyang\'s hand was pulling against the wall. He didn\'t bring a knife in, but he believed that he could make Qian Liang die with one hand.

But he can\'t show up like this. It\'s breaking into a house.

So he turned back and ran without hesitation.


Just as Shenyang ran to the fence in the backyard, when the woman came to the front of the house, a servant girl hurried in and rushed in without seeing the woman.

Qian Liang was already naked. When he saw the servant girl coming in, he shouted, "get out!"

When the servant girl saw Qian Liang naked, she screamed and ran out. Then she remembered something and shouted, "Sir, someone is in the front yard. She said she wanted you to go out quickly."


Qian Liang was angry and asked angrily.

The servant girl said, "the man said that a incense stick can\'t come out. When you turn back, master, you\'ll prepare a rope... Hang yourself quickly to avoid being cut in two."

what the fuck!

Qian Liang\'s anger just rose and fell down again in an instant.

When he got dressed and came out to see the dull woman, he said, "take a bath and wait for me to come back."

The woman watched him out, and then stood under the tree in the sun.

Her skin was white and morbid pale, and there was only a little blush in the sun.

Qian Liang took his anger all the way to the front hall. When he saw two men standing outside the front hall, he asked impatiently, "which one?"

The first thing businessmen have money is to buy nursing homes, that is, hire.

The world is not friendly to businessmen. Not only officials but also powerful people covet it. If there is no courtyard guard, I don\'t know when I will die.

A man on the left pointed inside and said, "you still have ten interest."

Qian Liang walked into the front hall with a sneer and saw a green man sitting on the main seat, holding a strange bottle and drinking unknown things.

"You\'re here?"

The man smiled and nodded. Qian Liang was a little flustered for some reason. He arched his hand and said, "who do you dare to ask?"

The man smiled and said, "we wake up."

Qian Liang\'s feet were soft and staggered. Then he knelt down in panic and said, "little Qian Liang, have you seen uncle."

"You\'re not smart enough, Qian Liang!"

When Fang woke up, Qian Liang couldn\'t help sweating. He bowed his head and said, "uncle, I don\'t know what I\'ve done. I beg uncle\'s advice."

"You don\'t lack the merchant\'s eyesight. You can judge Ben Bo\'s identity with two servants. You\'re not stupid!"

Qian Liang didn\'t know whether Fang Xing praised him or hurt him. He just giggled.


Just as Fang woke up to knock the goods, there was a loud noise at the gate, and then the two doors flew in.


Fang Xing\'s arrival has made Qian Liang fight, but Fang Xing is not afraid of his enemies.

It is a humiliation in Chinese tradition to call the door. If you don\'t fight half dead, you don\'t count.

In the dust, Shenyang came in with a ferocious face. When his eyes turned, he saw Fang Xing sitting in the front hall.

"Get out!"

Fang Xing threw the teacup out and smashed it under the steps. His face was gloomy and said, "this is not your wild place. Go back!"

Shenyang bowed and said, "lower Officer..."

"Get out!"

Shenyang arched hands and took people out of the money house.

Fang Xing didn\'t want to ruin his future again, so he came here first. Shenyang was grateful and left a man here for consultation.

It\'s Shenyang! Qian Liang had already secretly seen it, so he almost peed in his pants when he came in Shenyang just now.

He regretted it. He thought about it in the merchant\'s mind and trembled.

It was clear that he wanted to provoke Yanhui, so he called the door!

There are people from royal guards at home!

This\' discovery \'made Qian Liang want to castrate his own guy.

I\'m so rich that I\'m afraid I can\'t find a woman? How many women in the capital want to climb the rich family?

Qian Liang, who was green with remorse, said piously, "uncle, I thought Lord Shen was no longer interested in that woman, so... Otherwise I would have driven that woman out of the house."

This is a smart guy!

Fang Xing had no tea cup in his hand. He bent his fingers and knocked on the table and said, "Ben Bo knows what you and Yan Hui do. What do you want to do?"

Qian Liang was surprised, and then said, "Yan Hui is rigid in the small home. The small one hasn\'t touched her several times. He has long wanted to leave with her."

He looked up boldly. Seeing Fang Xing smiling, he thought he was dissatisfied, so he quickly added: "uncle, after he left, he still had some money to send. At least it was the end of this marriage."

Then he waited nervously, afraid that Fang woke up and gave an order, and then the two servants at the door who looked bad would make him disappear silently.

Don\'t doubt that Fang Xing has the ability to do this.

Fang woke up without talking. He waited until he was sweating. Then he said slowly, "what are you waiting for? Go and ask Yan to come back and ask Ben Bo."