Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1885

"My lord... My Lord!"

Fang Xinggang turned around, Zhao Mian climbed over, knelt in front of Sai hazhi and said, "Sir, Shenyang\'s whereabouts are mysterious. The lower official just sent someone to follow him to see if he has a rebellious mind. Sir, the lower official is loyal..."

Fang Xing looked back at Sai ha Zhi and said helplessly, "Lord Sai, don\'t take out such reasons to frighten people, okay? Maybe there will be another bloody storm in the royal guards."

In the Ji Gang case, Zhu Di directly cleaned the royal guards, and all the commanders and Tongzhi were taken down. None of the commanders and the town governor was spared. Seven people were taken down from a thousand households, and the high-level was almost wiped out.

If we do it again, Fang Xing feels that the royal guards can almost be abolished.

Saiha Zhiran said, "Xing Hebo, go slowly."

As soon as Fang Mian woke up and left, he whispered, "my Lord, the officer found that Shenyang has been staring at a married woman and asked someone to check the woman\'s husband..."

Saihazhi said coldly, "I have praised you several times in front of your majesty, but what are you in a hurry? Tell me, what are you in a hurry? Do you know why Fang Xing came?"

Zhao Mian said blankly, "my Lord, xinghebo is friendly with Shenyang. He must have come to support Shenyang."

Saihazhi shook his head, arranged his clothes, and passed by with Zhao Mian without expression.

"My Lord!"

Zhao Mian hugged saihazhi\'s thigh, looked up and begged, "my Lord, Shenyang is indeed a mysterious place!"

Saihazhi held his hand around his thigh. After Zhao Mian released it, he went out of the room without looking back.

"You\'ve done your own evil, you can\'t live!"


"Your Majesty, the officials are not strict..."

Saihazhi knelt on the ground and said, "my minister is guilty. Please beg for bones..."

Zhao Mian sent people to follow Shenyang. At most, it was the struggle between his colleagues, the use of public tools for private use, and, more seriously, the crime of being greedy for profit. At most, it was the dismissal.

However, Xai hazhi knew that Zhu Zhanji had long planned to reorganize the royal guards. Zhao Mian\'s work was an introduction that could enable Zhu Zhanji to complete this plan.

Originally, Shenyang\'s qualifications were not enough. Zhu Zhanji probably wanted him to spend a few years, and then slowly rise up.

But now it seems that Zhao Mian\'s move is the help of Shenyang\'s promotion. This fool

Zhu Zhanji looked at him coldly and said, "internal strife, this is consumption!"

"The minister is guilty."

Saihazhi did not have any excuse, but bowed down and pleaded guilty.

This is the smartest approach and the safest choice.

The young emperor is ambitious, and the lifeless royal guards obviously do not meet his requirements. If saihazhi is reluctant to go, he will be disheartened.

Zhu Zhanji rubbed the handrail, his eyes changed several times, and finally said, "Zhao Mian had a bad heart and went to his post."

This means that saihazhi will not be held accountable. He quickly thanked him.

Zhu Zhanji said thoughtfully, "Shenyang has been running outside the Great Wall for many years. The scars on his body are probably unparalleled in the royal guards?"

"Yes, a foolish minister is useless to the country."

Saihazhi thought of the scar on Shenyang\'s face and the missing front tooth.

Although the royal guards abroad are going to live and die for Daming, the royal guards at home are also working diligently!

Is it true that only the royal guards who go to spy in the enemy country can serve the country?

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t like to analyze his subjects\' thoughts, but Zhu Di told him that this was a necessary lesson for the emperor, otherwise he would die without a burial place sooner or later.

Saihazhi can roughly know what he is thinking, but Zhu Zhanji is not ready to change his plan.

"No matter how many crimes can be covered up by achievements, Shenyang takes over... Royal guards commander Tongzhi."

This is a simple promotion, a rocket promotion.

Just when saihazhi didn\'t know whether he should be glad that he had temporarily retained the post of commander of royal guards, or lamented that he had been used as a shield for Shenyang by the king, Shenyang had found Fang Xing.

"Promoted? Congratulations."

The next step is the commander.

"Don\'t learn Ji Gang or Sai ha Zhi."

Fang Xing is worried that Shenyang will learn Ji Gang\'s ruthlessness, so he may have a bad end in the future.

Shenyang bowed down and looked up again. His eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. "Uncle, I\'ve just been promoted. I know it\'s hard to move, but... I can\'t bear to think of Yanhui for a moment."

Fang Xing was also surprised by the violence that erupted from Shenyang. He frowned and said, "you can\'t move at present. If you move, you\'ll hit your Majesty in the face. Yan Hui... Since you never forget her, why don\'t you get her out?"

Shenyang\'s eyes were dim and whispered, "I owed her that year. I wanted to give her the best and the most beautiful, otherwise I wouldn\'t have the face to appear in front of her."

Fang woke up with a sigh and said helplessly, "if she still likes you, even if you are poor and appear in front of her, she will..."

As soon as Shenyang\'s eyes lit up, Fang woke up and gave up his "pure idea".

"She will also give you some money."

Fang woke up and said, "well, a man should start a career, or women will despise you. But you need to calm down now. When your promotion calms down and you gradually seize the power of the royal guards, that\'s when you go to marry her."

The feelings between men and women are hard to tell, impulsive? Or memories, Fang Xing can\'t tell.

It is the dream of countless men to stay away when they are down and return when they are beautiful.

But the vast majority of people have never seen the scenery since they were down.

And the man with the scenery never thought of the girl!

But Shenyang\'s actions proved that he was not impulsive, let alone memories.

"He sneaked into Qian Liang\'s house many times. Every time he hid on the side and secretly looked at the woman. Sometimes when the woman didn\'t come out, he waited until dark."

This is what Fang Xing learned from Zhao Mian. It should be very accurate, because Zhao Mian has become a drowning dog.

"Uncle, please help me. I just want to stay in the royal guards. I will try my best to help Lord Shen."

Saihazhi closed the door to Zhao Mian, and he was not qualified to see the emperor defend himself. He could only watch Shenyang bring someone to hand over his affairs.

Losing rights is painful, but Fang Xing has never seen anyone who is more sad than his parents after losing rights.

Zhao Mian is like this.

Fang Xing is his last hope and straw. He believes that as long as Fang Xing goes to the palace, he can stay in the royal guards and make a slow comeback.

"You\'ve been staring at Shenyang for a long time. Is it interesting?"

Fang Xing didn\'t like to see people kneel down and beg for mercy. He raised his hand. After Zhao Mian got up, he said, "I\'ll give you two choices. One is to go home and farm according to your Majesty\'s wishes. Ben Bo believes that you have a good fortune in the Royal Guards these years."

Royal guards, even dormant royal guards, are not short of money. The following people will always find a way to make money, and filial piety to Shangguan is the hidden rule, which no one questions.

"To be a rich man, or to stay in the royal guards and be a school captain, which one do you choose?"

Fang Xing\'s words were cruel. They directly broke Zhao Mian\'s last hope and burned the last straw.

He still wanted to argue, but Fang woke up with only one word and let him leave.

"Your money is not clean. It\'s not the filial piety of merchants, it\'s extortion, and even the half hidden money selling skin and meat. I want to ask, don\'t you blush when you take the money?"