Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1884

There are two commanders in the royal guards, of which Zhao Mian is most valued by Sai ha Zhi and can almost be half of the royal guards.

This is also saihazhi looking for a way back for himself.

If you step down from the position of commander of royal guards, you will naturally have no rights in the future. How can you protect your own interests?

Zhao Mian entered saihazhi\'s sight, and then after his repeated recommendation, Zhao Mian was promoted.

Zhao Mian also knows how to repay his kindness. He will go to saiha Zhi to report major and minor events. He is completely proud of his orders as soon as he has the power.

In front of Zhao Mian, saihazhi will not look like a sleepy man. His spirit is good.

"... Shenyang is close to xinghebo. Sir, xinghebo has enough influence on your majesty. The lower officer is worried..."

Zhao Mian looks quite good. If he sits up straight, he looks valiant and makes people feel that he can bear great things.

Sai ha Zhi shook his head and said, "the royal guards are the key, which can\'t be controlled by your Majesty\'s confidants. I won\'t last for a year here, but the face and open teeth of Shenyang can\'t succeed. Think about it, in front of your majesty, the commander of the Royal guards is ferocious, and a mouth is a black hole. Can your majesty be in a good mood?"

Zhao Mian thought it was the same, so he got up and left.

Saihazhi continued to doze, but before he could wait, someone knocked at the door.

"My Lord."

Saihazhi opened his eyes in an instant, and his eyes flashed past. Where did he still look old.

"Come in."

As soon as Zhao Mian came in, saihazhi saw that he looked a little flustered, so he shouted, "what\'s the matter?"

Zhao Mian forgot to close the door and said in a low voice, "my Lord, lower official... Lower official sent someone to stare at Shenyang and was caught by him."

Sai ha Zhi relaxed and frowned, "be careful next time."

He can handle it in a word.

"Let Shenyang come."

Saihazhi is ready to protect his weaknesses. He doesn\'t believe that Shenyang dares to go against his will. Otherwise, a crime of disrespect to the senior official will be suppressed, and no matter what tracking it is, it will be covered up.

Zhao Mian bowed down and sent a message with a grateful face.

Saihazhi closed his eyes again and thought it would be better to take the initiative to wait for the emperor\'s order before retiring.

The knock on the door sounded. Saihazhi\'s face was more dignified for a moment, and he said faintly, "come in."

The door opened, but there was no call for adults. Saihazhi didn\'t open his eyes, but said coldly, "do you think the royal guards can\'t hold you?"

"The royal guards really can\'t hold me."

The sound came to his ears. Saihazhi suddenly opened his eyes, then got up and arched his hands and said, "Xinghe Boke is a rare guest. I don\'t know. I\'ve been neglected."

Fang Xing sat down, bent his fingers and knocked on the table and asked, "where\'s the tea? This is not the way to treat guests."

Sai ha Zhi said in a deep voice, "go and make tea."

Someone answered outside the door. Saihazhi hated: fool! I didn\'t know to give a notice just now.

"Mr. Sai looks in good spirits!"

Saihazhi nodded and said with a smile, "xinghebo praised."

Then Fang woke up and started chatting, from saihazhi\'s descendants to the royal guards under his jurisdiction.


In the office in Shenyang, screams came from time to time from the wing room, which made Zhao Mian\'s eyelids jump.

"Shenyang, master Sai invites you."

Shenyang stood in the middle of the yard and arched his hands and said, "please wait a moment, Lord Zhao. There will be a question right away. At that time, the lower official will just tell Lord Sai about it."

"... ah..."

"Say, who told you to follow our adults?"

Zhao Mian\'s face was cold and said, "Lord Sai\'s greeting... Aren\'t you going to listen?"

The scar on Shenyang\'s right face jumped. He stared at Zhao Mian and said, "Lord Zhao, it\'s a kind of incense."


Behind Zhao Mian, there were more than ten lux captains. He said coldly, "say it again, go right away!"

The people behind him held the handle of the knife in their right hand and stamped their feet together.

Shenyang\'s face gradually changed and became ferocious, "Lord Zhao, this man... Do you want it?"

"I said... Ah... It\'s Lord Zhao, it\'s Lord Zhao..."

Shenyang smiled and said, "Lord Zhao... Which Lord Zhao?"

In the wing room, I couldn\'t hear the words here, but what I cooperated with was another scream. Then the man shouted, "Zhao Mian, it\'s Zhao Mian..."

Zhao Mian stepped back and said coldly, "you\'re killing yourself!"

After a ha ha in Shenyang, many people gradually gathered around him. He said, "Lord Zhao, you have to avoid suspicion and stay with me!"

Shenyang entered the wing room, and then his men were blocked outside, their eyes turned green, and it seemed that they were ready to fight.

Zhao Mian knew that Shenyang was going in to confirm, and then asked for a written confession. He nodded, looked at the people blocked outside the door and said, "OK! The means of trapping are good. Let\'s wait for Lord Sai to decide. Let\'s go!"


"Lord Sai, this picture is good! How about lending it to Fang for a few days?"

At Sai ha Zhi\'s office, Fang Xing talks about gossip slowly, while Sai ha Zhi always responds to what he has said at the beginning. Up to now, he just hums ha ha. He just wishes Fang Xing could get out of here.

This man is here to support Shenyang!

Saihazhi\'s face wore a faint smile. Glancing at Fang Xing\'s smiling appearance, he sneered in his heart and said, "xinghebo, but do you want to eat here?"

"Good! Fang hasn\'t eaten the food of royal guards yet. He has failed to live up to the reputation of gluttonous food. It\'s just time to try today."

Saihazhi was silly. What he said just now was a bright order to leave, but Fang woke up and climbed up along the pole.

At this time, someone knocked at the door outside. Saihazhi\'s heart sank and said, "I\'ll talk about something later."

But the people outside the door couldn\'t wait and pushed open the door regardless of taboos.

"You... Get out!"

Saihazhi didn\'t expect Zhao Mian to be so ignorant, so he pointed out the door and shouted.

How can we say this in front of Fang Xing? Isn\'t this a living handle?

But Zhao Mian said pale, "my Lord, Shenyang has entered the palace."


Saihazhi got up, glared at Fang and woke up: "can you manage the affairs of my royal guards?"

Fang Xing dragged him here, while Shenyang dared to take Zhao Mian\'s confession into the palace, which was clearly a premeditated action.

Fang Xing still sat and said faintly, "do you want to protect your weaknesses?"

Sai hazhi stared at him and said, "can\'t you?"

Fang woke up and nodded. He got up and said, "there\'s a problem with Benbo, too."

When they looked at each other, saihazhi was more angry in his eyes, but Fang Xing was cold.

Zhao Mian on the side knew that he was afraid of being finished. He leaned against the door and murmured, "that\'s tectonic collapse."

Fang Xing sneered: "frame collapse? Benbo was present!"

Behind him came the sound of people sliding on the ground. Fang woke up and shook his head. He felt that if these official fans were the commander of the royal guards, it would be a disaster for Daming and Zhu Zhanji.

If someone else said this, saihazhi would only take a big ear scraper to clean him up, but when he saw Fang waking up with a smile, he could only say in a low voice, "xinghebo, are you trying to protect Shenyang and take down our official?"

Fang Xinggong arched his hand and said, "nothing. Benbo came to the royal guards today. Lord Sai is hospitable, but Benbo has something important to do. He can only live up to Lord Sai\'s kindness. We\'ll meet again another day and leave."

Saihazhi\'s eyes were full of silk color. He pointed to Zhao Mian and said, "how is he?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Shenyang lives and dies outside the Great Wall. How can he compare?"

Saihazhi\'s eyes darkened and nodded, "xinghebo is going well. I won\'t send him away."