Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1883

"Your Majesty..."

Liu Guan was very painful. On the one hand, he hated the censor so much that his teeth itched; But on the other hand, as Zuo Du censor of ducha hospital, he must bear the responsibility of protecting his gang of lengtouqing.

Otherwise, who will listen to you in the future?

"Let\'s go!"

Zhu Zhanji walked away with cold eyes.

The emperor is angry!

The crowd looked at each other, and then dispersed. Only Yang Rong stayed behind, walked to Liu Guan\'s side, who was standing in place, and sighed: "this is also a good thing. At least it can make those imperial governors not take impeachment as a joke. You want to be famous after talking nonsense. Lord Liu, this idea is not good!"

Liu Guangong arched his hands and went out with Yang Rong.

Out of the hall, looking at the bright sun in the air, Liu Guan said with a bitter smile: "Xinghe Bo urged his majesty to open another workshop. The notice has come out. It\'s not a craftsman\'s status, but a contract employment. It\'s causing great trouble."

Yang Rong said quietly, "try it. How do you know the advantages and disadvantages of craftsmanship? Your majesty and Daming are like the rising sun at the beginning of the morning. You\'d better say less about the idea of dusk."

This is a rare truth. Liu Guan bowed his hand and said gratefully, "thank you for your guidance."

Yang Rong raised his eyes and saw several colleagues in front turning back frequently. He smiled and said, "everyone knows this truth, but they are used to being conservative. No wonder your majesty will be angry."

The position of the first auxiliary is very good, but there are many greedy people.

Yang Rong wants to get closer to himself!

Liu Guan arched his hands and whispered, "thank you, Lord Yang."

This is a preliminary favorable impression. Just like the relationship between men and women, it has to go through several times from the initial exploratory contact to the slow warmth.

When the people of the East Hall arrived at the ducha hospital and dragged out a beaten official with a bruised face, everyone remembered that the emperor still had the big killing weapon of the East Hall in his hand.

Saihazhi is still napping in the royal guards. He hopes that his intention to become an official will come soon, but after waiting for a long time, he still hasn\'t seen anyone calling him into the palace.

He wanted to retire safely, but in the eyes of the people of royal guards, it occupied the pit and didn\'t shit.

The people of royal guards were very angry about this, so someone encouraged Shenyang to vomit bitter water to the emperor.

What bitter water do I vomit?

Shenyang approached the gate and saw a lot of people surrounded by the notice, so he leaned over to have a look.

"... if you don\'t become a craftsman, it\'s like being a waiter in the shop. After signing the contract, you will be paid according to your skills. If you can\'t agree on the reward, you can\'t do it..."

"OK! This is good!"

A college student stood under the notice and said loudly to the people: "There is only one. After the contract is signed, if anyone dares to leak out the things in the workshop, it will be equivalent to Litong foreign vassal. Needless to say, if he gets a knife, his family members will follow him in exile. Therefore, we want to make it clear that the workshop gives priority to recruiting young people who have studied science. As long as they can go in, there is no problem to feed a family of three!"

Shenyang smiled. The scar on his face left him empty.

He walked slowly out of the gate, listened to the discussion about the workshop, and the corners of his mouth tilted slightly.

"My Lord."

His men brought horses, got on the horse in Shenyang and went all the way to fangjiazhuang.

At this time, Fang Xing was eating spring rolls outside the big market and asked Du Hailin how his business was.

"Not hot enough."

Fang Xing took a bite and felt that the taste was wrong. He frowned and said, "don\'t be afraid of guests shouting spicy. The more spicy they shout, the more they like to eat. In addition, you put less sugar and more. The mixture of sweet, salty and spicy is the king."

Du Hailin said with a smile, "uncle, people here are easy to eat like this. Last time I put more pepper, shopkeeper Liu almost opened the stall."

Fang woke up a few times and ate the spring rolls. He asked, "can he come back the next day?"

"Come on!"

Du Hailin blurted out, "is he regretting?"

"No, just make a big bowl. If you want to put more pepper, stir it alone... Eh, how did you come here?"

Fang Xing talked to Du Hailin about hi PI. He didn\'t notice that Shenyang had arrived.

"Uncle, the censor..."

"Is He Fang Xing?"


Du Qian and his good friend, Chen Xiang, the Prime Minister of Guanglu temple, are in the big market, watching Fang Xing talk to Shenyang.

Chen Xiangyan said with envy: "you are Zuo Shaoqing of Dali temple now. If you go further, you can have a glimpse of the post of minister of justice. However, I suggest that you\'d better join the cabinet to assist the government. Looking at the current situation, the power of the cabinet will be more and more important in the future. The first assistant is almost the same as the prime minister. It\'s a good place!"

Du Qian nodded and said melancholy, "people say I\'m the confidant of your majesty and the confidant from the hidden residence, but Dali temple is not a way to make progress!"

Chen xianghi said in a voice, "you are not a confidant. Who is a confidant? Now the six Shangshu are full. For the time being, we can\'t see who will come down. Only the Bachelor of assistant politics will be vacant."

When Du Qian saw Fang Xing pointing to the stall, Du Hailin began to make spring rolls. He couldn\'t help sighing: "look at him. Since Emperor Wen hung the title of xinghebo, no one has been invincible. This is better than any bachelor."

Chen Xiang\'s eyes turned slightly and said faintly, "he is not a civil servant after all!"

Du Qian didn\'t understand him wrong and whispered, "so what? Your majesty believes in him and even the Empress Dowager summoned him several times. What is this?"

Chen Xiang smiled and said, "this is a favorite letter, but it doesn\'t last long. Beauty is easy to die... En Duan."

"Don\'t make fun of this!"

Du Qian leaned over and said with serious eyes, "Your Majesty was taught by him that half of the emperor\'s teacher also made you. If you hear this, even if your majesty is tolerant, Fang Xing will make your life worse than death."

Chen Xiang still smiled and said, "so powerful? I\'m the temple Cheng of Guanglu temple, not those petty officials."

Seeing that Fang woke up and got on his horse, Du Qian turned and said, "how did LV Zhen die?"

Chen Xiang was stunned and said, "didn\'t he die of drinking? Was it him?"

Du Qian shook his head: "it\'s not him, but it has something to do with him."

"Lv Zhen clashed with him many times, which made him lose the value of his majesty. Otherwise, can LV Zhen\'s son really not do it?"

Du Qian walked slowly in the big market, looked at those prosperous people and said with dignified eyes: "the official sea is boundless... Making a boat hard, LV Zhen lost his Majesty\'s trust and was depressed..."


At this time, there was a noise behind him. Du Qian turned around and saw a flash of knife light.

When the knife came out, Shenyang walked over and stepped on the man who fell to the ground and screamed, "what are you doing with us stealthily?"

He just used the back of the knife, otherwise the man has lost a leg now.

Fang Xing was sure that he was not following himself. He remembered the current situation of the royal guards. He leaned over on his horse and said, "it should be the person above you. This matter should not be underestimated. You should take him away for interrogation immediately. If there is any result, you should report it to your majesty immediately. Remember..."

Fang Xing stared at Shenyang and said, "don\'t tell others. You can do it yourself."

When Shenyang was frightened, Fang woke up and whispered, "don\'t worry, your majesty has long wanted to move the royal guards."

Shenyang nodded, and immediately his entourage followed. He ordered, "take it to our place."

Fang woke up and nodded, then arched his hands at Du Qian over there and drove his horse away, but the direction was to enter the city.

Du Qian\'s awkward arch hand. From a standpoint, he and Fang Xing should be together, but there has been some alienation between them. Zhu Zhanji didn\'t see it, let alone let them make friends.

"That man is Shenyang of royal guards. Has he been followed?"