Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1882

"Teacher, the memorial was written by the disciples."

After going to the yamen, Ma Su, who had just returned, came to Fang Xing to apologize.

"You just played a memorial to show your attitude. What\'s the crime?"

Fang woke up and asked someone to get some dishes, and then ate in the yard with Ma su.

Steamed pork with dried vegetables melts at the entrance. After drinking a mouthful of low alcohol wine, it is greasy. Suddenly, I feel that even the autumn wind has become charming.

"I never thought you were my vassal."

Fang Xing enjoyed the delicious food comfortably and said casually, "when you become an official, you have to have your own opinion. What I say is what, and what official is that?"

Masu woke Fang up with wine, nodded and said, "teacher, I see."

Friends without party!

Once the party is formed, no matter what happens in the future, various interest disputes will arise within the group. It is better to maintain a loose relationship. As long as the goal is the same, it is a force.

"Teacher, those petty officials are too bold. If Qin Si\'s son hadn\'t just followed the caravan into the city and visited Qin Si by the way, it would have sunk."

"The status of craftsmen is low. People die every year. Craftsmen die for nothing."


Jin Ying never felt so tired. Early in the morning, he ran to the Ministry of work. After breaking up with Wu Zhong, he went to the Ministry of household.

"You want a workshop?"

Xia Yuanji knew that Fang Xing\'s calm yesterday was abnormal. Sure enough, it was "painstaking efforts to disrupt the court program, evil intentions to confuse the king, and Xinghe Boke can afford such charges?"

Zhu Zhanji looked at Zuo Du\'s censor Liu Guan and said, "this is Xiang Zhuang\'s sword dance, which is intended for me! Liu Guan, when can the censor talk about the matter? Or can it be attributed to my lawlessness if it rains?"

It\'s common for the censor to impeach Fang Xing. Fang Xing doesn\'t matter. The emperor doesn\'t see it. Everyone has been in peace over the years.

But the censor pointed at Zhu Zhanji, suggesting that the emperor was conniving at Fang Xing.

This is a dangerous signal!

Originally, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji could echo each other when they met things. But once this memorial is fermented, it is to bypass Zhu Zhanji\'s shield and prepare to press Zhu Zhanji with momentum first, and then clean up Fang awake.

The memorial to impeach Fang Xing had never been associated with the emperor before, which is a precedent today.

Fang woke up and Zhu Zhanji didn\'t call him.

Liu Guan went out of class and said bitterly, "Your Majesty, this Zhang minister... I have never seen him."

That is to say, the memorials did not come up through normal channels.

Who handed it over?

Not everyone can play the memorial, and not everyone\'s memorial can reach the emperor smoothly.

Liu Guan\'s words are suspected of clearing the responsibility, but the investigation hospital is a group of lengtouqing. It\'s common to have such things.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "I just received the memorial. There was a lot of noise outside. Who leaked it?"

The memorials were handed over to the cabinet by various ministries and departments, then filtered by the cabinet, and finally transferred to Zhu Zhanji.

Yang Rong went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, ministers and others received the memorial immediately without delay."

After receiving the memorials from various ministries, the Bachelor of assistant politics divided them. In case of trouble, they discussed collectively and finally reported to Zhu Zhanji.

"This memorial was taken over by my minister at that time. I hesitated, but I didn\'t dare to keep it in private. I discussed with my colleagues and sent it up."

Yang Pu came out to claim the process of the memorial, but Liu Guan was shot again.

Liu Guan said reluctantly, "Your Majesty, the memorial to the court must have the permission of the minister or Wang Zhang, but... If Wang Zhang encounters such Memorial, he naturally wants to discuss with the minister..."

Who sent the medallion!

Zhu Zhanji suddenly got up and angrily said, "Sun Xiang!"

"Your majesty!"

Sun Xiang had been waiting outside the hall and was passed in.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "go get the person who sent the memorials to the hospital and ask questions immediately!"

"Yes, your majesty."

Sun Xiang abandoned the name of Sun Fo, responded murderously, and went out.

The eunuch had only one master, the emperor.

They really felt the humiliation of the emperor.

So why did the emperor believe in eunuchs? Is determined by the position.