Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1881

There are three kinds of craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty. One is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of industry, the other belongs to the royal family and belongs to various supervision bureaus; Fang Xing\'s idea is too idealistic. He wants to shake Daming\'s registered residence system, but he has forgotten how powerful the benefits are from these systems.

So Zhu Zhanji directly cut the mess and let everyone discuss it. In this way, no matter how, the pressure is dispersed.

Out of the hall, Wu Zhong caught up and said, "Xinghe Bo, the craftsman\'s book cannot be lifted, otherwise there will be great chaos in the world!"

"Local officials want craftsmen, local guards want craftsmen, and the court is a big family. Once the craftsman\'s status is removed, Daming will be disorderly!"

Fang Xing turned back and said, "Why are those craftsmen unwilling to do it when they are paid?"

These people are still holding the idea that it is natural for craftsmen to work, which makes Fang awake speechless.

But when he heard all kinds of feedback the next day, he couldn\'t help getting angry.

"Sir, those people say that you are crying cats and mice, and that you are buying people\'s hearts."

The knife said intermittently: "others say that you are destroying the ancestral system, and your majesty turns a blind eye..."

"... it\'s flattering. Once the craftsmen scatter, you will be the sinner of Daming..."


Fang woke up and went into the palace and whispered with Zhu Zhanji.

"How about a workshop, a royal workshop?"


"People from the palace manage and recruit craftsmen..."

Zhu Zhanji took a cold breath and said, "but the craftsmen are here. Where to recruit?"

"Have you forgotten those who taught themselves science?"

Fang Xing was like an old fox and smiled proudly.

Zhu Zhanji suddenly realized, but still felt unreliable: "no one wants to be a craftsman."

"This is not craftsmanship."

Fang Xing said firmly, "this is employment."

Zhu Zhanji thought for a long time and finally nodded.

So when Fang woke up and left the palace, there were more people around him, a eunuch.

The eunuchs in the palace have no other interest. Only a fiery ambition is driving them to climb up.

Most eunuchs are like this, and Jin Ying is no exception.

But he finally lost the battle with Yu Jia and became a small leader in the palace. Yu Jia was kind-hearted once.

Jin Ying followed Fang\'s house all the way, and was arranged to have a rest in the front yard.

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai, who learned that there were more eunuchs at home, were somewhat frightened.

"Husband, eunuchs can only be used by the royal family."

"It\'s all right. He doesn\'t live in our house. Let him go in a few days."

Fang Xingfeng changed his clothes and went to the front yard.

Jin Ying was outside the pavilion in the front yard, watching as she was teaching those women.

Seeing Fang waking up, he quickly stepped back and explained, "we don\'t see such fresh life in the palace, so we looked more."

"Even if you have that heart, it doesn\'t matter to that guy."

Fang Xing pointed to the front, and they left the pavilion.

"Do you know what you want to do?"

"I don\'t know."

"I don\'t know. If you\'re as cruel as before, you can\'t do this job. You\'ll get a knife sooner or later."

Fang woke up under the big tree and enjoyed the breeze. He said: "you should hear a lot about the disputes between the craftsmen and the foreigners. Now Daming is everywhere, but there are some problems in registered residence, which restrict the development of Daming, and the first place is the craftsman and military rank."

"Do you understand what I mean when I say this?"

Jin Ying shook her head. After Yu Jia took the post, he became a little silent.

Because he knew that once he became active again, Yu Jia would regard him as an opponent, and then use various means to let him die quietly in the palace.

Fang Xing looked at the fallen leaves and said, "you are smart, but if you are a little slack in this matter, it will be worse than threatening Yu Jia."

Jin Ying said with a sad smile, "Xinghe Bo, the original struggle was just ordinary, just like officials competing for promotion opportunities. No one can talk about our family. It was just for the future. However, we know the truth of the winner king and the loser Kou, so we live with our tail in the palace.

Today, since our family came out with you, it\'s dead or alive. Our family depends on your words of xinghebo, no two words! "

This is a frustrated man. Fang Xing feels that it is most appropriate for Zhu Zhanji to send him.

"If you are frustrated, you have to struggle. If you complain about yourself again, God won\'t look at you more, so there is only one chance. After you seize it, you will naturally have a world. Don\'t complain if you can\'t catch you!"

Jin Ying hesitated and said, "Xing Hebo, tell me what life is. Even if we die, we also want to be an understanding ghost."

"Let you take charge of the workshop..."