Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1880

The Mid Autumn Festival is a reunion day for most people, but for craftsmen, unless they are dead, the festival has nothing to do with them.

Qin Si is like this.

The workshop in the west of the city is specialized in making armor. Most of the craftsman households in it are sitting craftsman households, that is, long-term craftsmen. Qin Si is a shift craftsman. When he finishes here, he can go home.

Craftsmen should only work ten days a month, but this month they are required to build the armor of jubaoshanwei as soon as possible, and the hydraulic punch in the capital is still under construction, so at present, they can only rely on craftsmen to make it manually.

Fortunately, the iron factory produced thin plates according to the process given by Zhu Fang, otherwise the work was really not done by people.

The craftsmen worked hard, and the supervising officials were also full of complaints and angry.

Qin Si took the opportunity of lunch to go out and buy some moon cakes. Then he hurried back to the workshop. As soon as he entered the door, he was blocked.

Qin Si looked at the head of the small official Gu Yue, holding a whip and looking ferocious, so he fell on his knees and begged, "Sir, it\'s not too late!"

Gu Yue smiled at his left and right colleagues, then went up and kicked Qin Si, waving a whip.

"Do you dare to go out without permission?"


Dang Dang!

The sound of beating armor inside couldn\'t cover Qin Si\'s scream. Three officials who couldn\'t rest on the mid autumn festival took turns to fight and beat Qin Si.


"See if you dare next time!"

Gu Yue gasped and stopped whipping, feeling comfortable all over.

The three officials comfortably entered the workshop, drank and scolded the craftsmen, and their depression gradually dissipated.

When a craftsman who went to the toilet went out and saw Qin Si lying on the ground, he scolded secretly, then went to help him and said, "fourth brother, you can go home and rest today..."

The bruised Qin Siwen silk didn\'t move. The craftsman was surprised, so he stretched out his fingers and tried on his nose.

"Fourth brother! Fourth brother..."


The sound startled the people inside. Gu Yue ran out and was stunned when they saw the scene.

"What should I do?"

A small official tried Qin Si\'s breath, then touched his pulse, turned back, smiled bitterly and shook his head.


The bitter smile seemed like a bolt from the blue, which stunned Gu Yue.

The knocking inside gradually stopped. The craftsmen came out slowly and looked at Qin Si lying motionless on the ground with sad eyes.

Two small officials stared at Gu Yue, meaning very clearly: This is your head, you have to deal with it!

Gu Yue had no time to think about anything else. He subconsciously said, "Qin Si was killed by a shelf. It\'s very poor. I feel bad when I look at you."

He turned to the craftsmen and said slowly, "so... You\'ll have a good life in the future, okay?"

This is the promise of benefits to these craftsmen.

Cannibal hands are soft and short. As long as these people get benefits, then

People are afraid of trouble. Most of these things are a vortex. If they are not careful, they will become cannon fodder.


"In the future, your remuneration will be paid in full. I will give you some money tomorrow... No, today, but..."

He pointed to the remains of Qin Si and looked at the craftsmen.

A craftsman said without hesitation, "Qin Si was killed. We also helped to lift the shelf. Unfortunately, we still can\'t save him."

There were more than 30 people at the scene. Gu Yue said with satisfaction: "then let\'s carry Qin Si under the shelf and let us see how the shelf hit the dead."

The two officials breathed a sigh of relief. They thought Gu Yue\'s disposal method was excellent, so they shouted: "carry it in quickly. Whoever doesn\'t carry it is the murderer of Qin Si!"

The craftsmen walked over and raised Qin Si with all hands and feet, but there were too many more than 30 people. Most of them made a appearance outside.

Gu Yue winked, and two small officials went in.


After a loud noise, a startling cry came from inside: "Qin Si was killed!"

Two small officials came out and smiled proudly at Gu Yue.



After the Mid Autumn Festival, the capital returned to normal, and the Yamen opened as usual.

As soon as the Dali Temple opened, a young man rushed over, knelt down at the door, held a piece of paper in both hands and shouted, "my father was killed. Please be careful!"


Dali Temple took over a case. The reason for the case was very simple, so the three petty officials were soon arrested. But most of the craftsmen were unwilling to testify. Finally, it was the fellow countryman of Qin Si who nailed the three petty officials.

Things are not big from the current point of view.

But the aftermath of the incident is far from over.

As soon as the case was finalized, Fang woke up and was recruited into the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, Fang woke up and saw that all the important officials were there, so he gathered around Zhang Fu and stood with Wu Xun.

"What is it?"

Before the emperor came, everyone could loosen up. Zhu Yong whispered, "someone played a chapter."

Fang woke up speechless and turned his head. You said it and didn\'t say it!

"Your Majesty arrived..."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji came, he threw out a question: "yesterday, someone wrote a memorial that craftsmen worked hard, but they were not free, and their status was low. In the long run, it will become a disadvantage. What do Zhu Qing think?"

Wu Zhong, the Minister of the Ministry of work, could not avoid it. He went out of work and said, "Your Majesty, the craftsman households in Daming are divided into shifts and shifts. The fourth Qin is a shift. He works ten days a month, and then nobody cares about the rest of the day. He can do something to sell. He can also avoid a little labor at home. It\'s not bad."

Fang Xing felt that this memorial was a little strange and did not look like an ordinary official. He went out of class and said: "Your Majesty, the craftsmen on duty pay little. To tell you the truth, it\'s difficult to have a big craftsman under these conditions. As for the shift, Qin Si is a blacksmith. He works every four years. He doesn\'t know what to do when he goes back. When the government says hello, he has to take things to all parties. How much will it take? How long will it take? Isn\'t that bad?"

Wu Zhong said with a wry smile, "Xinghe Bo, this craftsman household system was inherited from the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. There is no way to improve it many times. The only drawback is probably the road. It\'s really hard for craftsmen from all over the country to go to Beijing in shifts."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "it\'s not just hard. Some shift craftsmen are far from the capital. They have to pawn things for travel expenses. They come down several times... Lord Wu, they\'ve broken down!"

Wu Zhonggong arched his hands and could only smile bitterly.

The system of artisans is inherited from Mongolia Yuan, and it is fixed in Hongwu year. Registered residence can not be changed, but the treatment can be discussed.

"Your Majesty, today\'s craftsman management is nonsense. For example, in the armor factory, there are 100 sets of armor. If it can\'t be completed within the time limit, one set is 20 lashes, and the maximum is 50 lashes. Can it be done well? Or did it be done in advance?"

Fang\'s words are thought-provoking. If the craftsman can\'t do well, he will be punished, but what if he does well?

"I think that thousands of craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty must be uneven. If they are good and talented, they should be given more. If they are bad and muddle along, they should be given enough food. Only in this way can someone be willing to work hard."

Yang Rong shook his head and said, "it\'s easy to say but difficult to say. The following petty officials are cunning. It\'s up to them to open their mouth in the end."

"Lord Yang said this thoroughly."

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "that\'s the truth, so I want to ask you, if you cancel the craftsman\'s status?"


Yang Rong\'s eyes were slightly cold and said, "after canceling the craftsman\'s status, where can I find a craftsman in the future?"