Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1879

The Mid Autumn Festival is a reunion day for Daming people. Every family will make or buy some moon cakes and give them to relatives and friends.

The same is true of the Fang family. Just after Zhang Shuhui entered the palace, Xiaobai asked someone to pick up Mochou\'s mother and son, and Fang Jielun came to Fang Xing with the list for consultation.

After checking the people who should be sent, Fang Jielun went to Hua Niang to get moon cakes and fruit.

Hua Niang\'s craft is getting better and better. In Fang Xing\'s words, there is no fireworks, which is much better than the imperial kitchen.

She also got some roast ducks and wrapped them in oil paper. Each family sent one. Although the gift list is thin, it is real.

Fang Jielun called the servants and assigned several families to give gifts.

Xin Laoqi was assigned to the government house. He went out with a box in his hands. He happened to meet a long lost person who should be under house arrest.

"What is he doing here?"

Xin Laoqi frowned and asked.

I haven\'t seen him for a long time. He is also the captured Prince Harley.

He was brought to Shenyang. Shenyang said, "he has some big plans to say. It\'s just a festival in the palace. Your majesty asked him to come here and have a look first."

"Big plan? Harry is torn apart. What else?"

Xin Laoqi nodded, then got on his horse and went away.

Shenyang took yisiya into the front hall. It wasn\'t long before Fang woke up.

"I\'ve seen uncle."

The Chinese words of yesiya are already very good, which makes Fang Xing feel better.

"What\'s up?"

Fang Xing is tying kites for the children, so he is in a hurry.

Shenyang also thought of his teeth, and then said with a smile: "uncle\'s food is famous. I have the courage to try moon cakes."

Fang Xing said casually, "it\'s not urgent. I\'ll pack you a box when I leave."

As soon as he turned his eyes and saw that he was a little embarrassed, he slowed down and said, "you can live a stable life in Peiping. If you like, you can naturally marry a grassland woman for you. Today you say you have a big plan. What\'s the big plan?"

Also think of teeth fat, the original thin man now even has a double chin.

He said uneasily: "uncle, I heard that HA lie is now divided, I think of those brothers. They are more ambitious, but now Daming is so... So powerful, they must not dare to come, so they can only fight inside ha lie, but there is more harmful meat in the West. I think... Can you tell... Let them obey Daming."

Fang woke up and said, "first, you have a brother named Wu en. He has colluded with meat charming and invaded Daming before he was defeated. Second, you say obedience, but your brothers are ambitious. It\'s difficult to do this."

Also Siya looked slightly gloomy and said: "no matter how ambitious people are, they should stop under the suppression of two powerful countries in East and West, otherwise they just open the way for others. Compared with meat charm, Daming is at least good. If you want to choose Daming, you can only choose Daming, so I\'m thinking of going back and seeing if you can persuade those brothers..."

"What if you can\'t move?" Fang Xing asked.

Also Siya said with a wry smile: "I have no soldiers and no help in the beginning. If I can\'t move, I\'d rather go back to Daming, otherwise I\'ll stay in Ha lie and probably have no good end."

"Little hope!"

Fang Xing first defined it, and then said, "it\'s good for you to have this heart. Why? Why do you suddenly become a defender of peace?"

After thinking for a while, he understood Fang Xing\'s meaning. He bowed his head and said, "I... Like a girl."

Fang Xing\'s face suddenly turned cold. "Is it Daming\'s girl?"

Shenyang knew that he had probably touched the uncle\'s discomfort.

How can a woman in Daming marry an outsider?

When the people of the vara mission asked to marry an ugly girl in fangjiazhuang, Fang woke up and kicked out.

Also Siya nodded and said, "she likes me too, so I\'m ready to do meritorious service, and then I can be free."

"Do you want to... Do meritorious service and receive rewards, and then marry her?"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "are you sure she likes you too?"

Yesiya is under house arrest. Only two people from royal guards chat with him every day. Where can I get to know girls?

Also Siya was shy for a while, and then said, "her father delivers rice to me. Sometimes she comes too."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "I\'ll report it to your majesty. If it\'s feasible, you\'ll be ready."

Also Siya got up, arched his hands and said happily, "thank you, uncle."

In front of him, the former Prince Harley is now like a teenager in first love. He forgot to leave with joy and hurried out.

Shenyang winked and two royal guards followed.

"There are women?"

Fang woke up and asked, looking a little unhappy.

Shenyang knew his mind, so he said awkwardly, "the servant didn\'t ask. I\'ll check it later."

"Go and have a look now."

It\'s a matter of military and state affairs. Fang Xing naturally wants to see it in person.


The place where yesiya is under house arrest is not far from the imperial city. Because he has no destructive power and is worth using, he is very loose.

Fang Xing estimated that it was lunchtime outside the courtyard, stood by and waited with Shenyang.

Before long, they saw a girl in blue Bijia coming with a food box.

Shenyang\'s eyes were poisonous. He glanced and said, "uncle, you look ordinary!"

Fang Xing also took a look, then turned back and whispered, "beauty is in the eyes of lovers. See if this girl is interested in him."

When the girl went in, they came to the open door and looked in.


"Five younger sister, you\'re here."

Yisiya is like a young man in love. He walks towards the girl and rubs his hands, which makes him very nervous.

The girl called five younger sister said coldly, "who is your five younger sister?"

She put the food box on the ground and said, "remember to put it away after eating. I\'ll pick it up this afternoon."

I also thought of the tooth pile and said with a smile, "I will wash it well and clean it."

The girl frowned and said, "my father will be deducted if you wash it. Hey! Please don\'t wash it, okay?"

Fang woke up and saw the joy in her eyes. She couldn\'t help shaking her head slightly, and then quietly withdrew from Shenyang.

"Unrequited love!"

Fang woke up to this comment, thought about it, and said, "he has no effect in Daming. Instead, he is consuming food. I\'ll talk to your majesty."

Shenyang said, "uncle, today is the Mid Autumn Festival!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "just because it\'s the Mid Autumn Festival, I\'ll leave it to him and go home for the festival myself."



Zhu Zhanji was dressed in civilian clothes. There were several moon cakes on the plate around him. Fang woke up and recognized that it was his own thing.

"Little hope, or no chance at all."

Fang Xing analyzed and said, "those people are thinking of unified Hari! There is no one or money in yisiya\'s hands. No one will pay attention to him when they go back."

"He has no good fruit to eat when he goes back. He might as well keep it in Daming and release it in a few years. I think this man really loves the five younger sisters."

Zhu Zhanji felt fresh and asked, "the five younger sisters are a stunning beauty?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "ordinary."

Zhu Zhanji hesitated and said, "it\'s up to him, but his followers are building roads. I don\'t know how many are left."

"There are only a few left. Let him identify who he wants to take back. When it\'s done, we\'ll save food."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "but it\'s hard to pass the news. At present, the people of the royal guards have withdrawn from Ha lie. He will be an orphan at that time. We don\'t know whether he will live or die."

Fang Xing said indifferently, "think about it yourself. I have to go home for the festival first."