Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1878

Both the queen and the Empress Dowager can summon the life woman. Zhang Shuhui\'s gift giving in the palace is naturally smooth.

"Why do you have so many fillings in your moon cakes?"

The Empress Dowager tasted a small half of the moon cake filled with fruit, and then said to the queen, "most of the moon cakes in the palace are greasy. Don\'t eat them. Just eat them filled with fruit."

Wan Wan ate a grape, nodded and said, "people in the palace don\'t dare to make new tastes. They\'re afraid they don\'t like being punished."

The Empress Dowager looked at her sympathetically and said, "those people are lazy and don\'t move without scolding. If you want to eat something, just say it. Now the emperor has a lot of money, but our wives can\'t eat and drink."

Hu Shanxiang nodded. As soon as she ate a fruit filled moon cake, she said shyly, "the fruit filling is delicious, but my concubine is greedy."

Zhang Shuhui was familiar with them and had no restraint. She said, "madam, this is nothing. When my concubine was pregnant with potatoes, my humble husband made a lot of delicious food and asked my concubine to eat three meals a day. At that time, I was not afraid. As a result, after giving birth to potatoes, I gained ten kilograms. My humble husband complained that there was no place for him to lie in the bed at home."

"Ha ha ha!"

The queen covered her mouth and smiled, but the Empress Dowager smiled and pointed to Zhang Shuhui and scolded, "you narrow-minded, are you laughing at the Queen\'s obesity?"

Zhang Shuhui made a serious apology, but the queen stared at her and said, "your family is more fat than Duanduan. I think you are greedy and become a little fat with your children..."

The Empress Dowager said in a trance, "eh, why didn\'t you bring worry free?"

Wan Wan also said angrily, "yes, if worry free is there, Duanduan will be happy."

Zhang Shuhui said, "the girl pestered her humble husband to take her out early in the morning. She was uneasy when she came home. She was in Chuang Tzu with her two brothers and said she was going to inspect."

"Ha ha ha!"


Potatoes lead, Ping An leads worry free behind. The three seriously visit and comfort in Chuang Tzu, and each family sends a few moon cakes.

Those farmers also thanked the three young masters and ladies seriously, but they forgot Fang Xing who was pressing behind.

Zhu Zhanyong looked at the scene with envy and said, "xinghebo, the children of those families are playing. No one is willing to deal with the farmers... So generation is not as good as generation."

When Fang woke up to see the worry free ahead, he touched a child\'s head and spoke seriously, he smiled and said, "there are noble people everywhere, but noble people who are self-confident and far away from the people, such as the current Xun Qi, will not be promising in the future, that is, rice worms."

"So I don\'t want to go to Xinxiang. I don\'t want my children to be rice worms."

Zhu Zhanyong said anxiously, "the palace is already under construction, but I asked the emperor\'s brother, but he refused to answer."

"How old are you?"

Fang woke up and asked, "young people think so much. Look at those young people."

The potatoes in front were given to a family of mooncakes. One of them, a young man about the age of Zhu Zhanyong, stole a bite and was chased out all the way by his mother.

"Your sister hasn\'t eaten yet. You... You, you stop!"

A six or seven year old girl frowned at the bitten moon cake, complained to her father wrongly, and then a men\'s and women\'s doubles began.


Zhu Zhanyong went out of fangjiazhuang and carried a box on the horse behind him, which contained the mid autumn festival food sent by Fang Xing.

He didn\'t want to go back to the deserted palace, so he slowly turned to the big market all the way.

Businessmen make heavy profits. Even if today is the Mid Autumn Festival, there are still guests coming and going in the big market.

To Zhu Zhanyong\'s surprise, Du Hailin was still there, and Duchamp was also there. The father and son were busy living.

After this group of guests left, Zhu Zhanyong came up to say hello and asked, "Mr. Du, why don\'t you rest today? But isn\'t the cost at home enough?"

Du Hailin\'s face was ruddy and said with a smile: "earn a little today and a little tomorrow. I always don\'t want to rest. I feel lost when I rest. It\'s so simple."

Duchamp made a spring roll himself, sat down and ate it. Smelling the speech, he said, "Dad, let\'s collect it earlier today. My mother made a lot of delicious food at home."

"OK, go home after the noon trip."

Duchamp continued to eat spring rolls with satisfaction. He didn\'t like Zhu Zhanyong. He always felt that the princess was a person who wouldn\'t enjoy a good day.

Du Hailin also got one for Zhu Zhanyong. He squatted on the ground and watched the people in and out of the big market eat slowly.

"Uncle said these dishes need some sugar to taste good. After school, they did. Those people thought they were delicious, but they were too salty. After adding sugar, the taste was different..."

"Dad, why don\'t I stop going to school? It\'s better to set up a stall elsewhere to sell spring rolls than to be a petty official in the future."

"Nonsense! You\'ve been cheated. Besides, if you can\'t pass the exam, there\'s no way out to be a petty official at that time. It\'s better to learn science. No matter what you do, you have a foundation..."

Zhu Zhanyong listened to the father and son muttering, slowly finished the spring rolls, got up, arched his hands, and then returned to the palace.

"Dad, is he stupid? The prince has money to feed every year, and he looks sad all day. He really doesn\'t know his happiness in happiness."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Everyone has different ideas. He is like a beggar on the street. What he wants most is to have enough food every day. Is that what you think?"

"Dad, the beggars are caught by the soldiers of the five cities, and then sent to immigrants. Where else?"

This policy began during Zhu Di\'s period. Beggars were sent directly to immigrants without asking for reasons. So that there are no beggars in the capital today, which makes those people stunned.

Without beggars, it\'s impossible for any generation, isn\'t it?

But Daming is gone!

Zhu Zhanyong carried the box all the way into the palace. There was a family banquet in the palace in the evening. All the Royal relatives in Beijing would come, but he could not be absent.

When he got outside his yard, he saw Zhu Zhanyi sitting on the threshold in a daze.


Zhu Zhanyong asked lazily, and then walked in from him.

"Xing and burken must be angry with me."

Zhu Zhanyong stopped, pointed inside, and the eunuch hurried back.

"What does he hate you for?"

Zhu Zhanyong came over, put the box by the door and sat on the threshold.

Zhu Zhanyi whispered, "he made friends with the imperial brother. Uncle Zhao suffered a great loss in those years. Those rebels plotted against me in my name, but what does it have to do with me?"

Zhu Zhanyong rubbed his face and said with a smile, "are you afraid that he will speak ill of you in front of the emperor\'s brother?"

Zhu Zhanyi hesitated and finally nodded.

"Are you afraid of his eyes?"

Zhu Zhanyong continued, "it seems that you can see through your thoughts. It\'s really annoying. But if you are selfless, what are you afraid of? Brother Huang is not such a cruel emperor. As long as you are good, no one can do anything to you."

"But..." Zhu Zhanyi\'s eyes twinkled and said, "but I listen to them. We\'ll probably be sealed outside the Great Wall in the future. How will we live then?"

Zhu Zhanyong got up and said, "you have a good brain and many ideas. But you have a good brain and a bad brain."

Zhu Zhanyi wanted to distinguish. Zhu Zhanyong sighed, "if you want to ask, you have to beat around the bush. Is this negotiating with the enemy? Are you tired?"

Zhu Zhanyi hung his head and Zhu Zhanyong said, "you think too much. After the Great Wall, it is the important place of Daming. How can you be enfeoffed? Be at ease."

"Thank you, second brother."

Zhu Zhanyi nodded and went back.

Zhu Zhanyong watched him enter his yard and murmured, "beyond the Great Wall? There are no such beautiful things. Most of them are overseas."