Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1877


Wan Wan sat in front of the dressing table, frowned and looked at the rouge on her lips. Suddenly she picked up her handkerchief and wiped it off.

"Princess, it\'s time to go to the Empress Dowager."

Wan Wan got up, turned around and said to Qingye, "has sister-in-law gone?"

Green leaf nodded and said, "the queen has gone."


The Empress Dowager\'s mood has been better and better since she learned that the queen and Princess sun are pregnant. After she took over the palace affairs, she found you\'s hair and found a lot of things. In essence, she still wanted to pray for the two children, but she was cheered by the palace.

"This man is like this. He will be happy when he has benefits... There will be two more children in the palace. Who is happy? Who is sad? This palace knows these, but let them stare."

The Empress Dowager sarcastically said, "those people have green eyes, but they forget that only the son of the queen can inherit the great unification. They rush to block the emperor on the road one by one, which is the modesty they praise when they enter the palace."

She ridiculed the recent move of those concubines in the harem to encircle Zhu Zhanji, which finally turned into a sigh.

"The empress, the empress is coming."

"What is she doing here?"

The Empress Dowager frowned and said, "help in quickly and be careful."

But Hu Shanxiang came in with vigorous steps and no consciousness to be careful after pregnancy.

"What are you doing here at this time? It\'s right to have a baby."

The Empress Dowager frowned and looked at Hu Shanxiang saluting. She raised her hand. Someone went to help her.

Hu Shanxiang insisted on bending his knees and blessing his body. Then he was helped to sit beside him.

"Is it possible to eat?"

The Empress Dowager examined Hu Shanxiang and asked.

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said, "I can eat. My concubines are still the same as before every day. They just cook five meals. They say it\'s good for adults and children."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "I hear you\'re still walking?"

Hu Shanxiang nodded and said, "yes. It\'s the same with the empress mother and the Xinghe family. When you are pregnant, except for starting to rest for a few days, you\'ll be fine as usual as long as you don\'t do heavy work."

The Empress Dowager asked in amazement, "that\'s what happened when you were pregnant?"

Hu Shanxiang nodded. The Empress Dowager smiled and said, "well, someone in the palace is pregnant. The hospital is too afraid to bear the responsibility. I wish I could let people lie down all day and don\'t get up. That\'s suffering!"

"Mother, here comes the princess."

Before the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked a few words, the Empress Dowager was happy and said with a smile: "this little sister-in-law knows how to protect her sister-in-law. Let her come in quickly."

"Empress, please see imperial concubine sun."

Wan Wan was about to come in, and Princess sun came outside again.

Holding Wan Wan\'s hand, the Empress Dowager was asking her if she could eat the newly made moon cakes. When she heard the speech, she said faintly, "please come in."

Sun was helped in by two palace maids and looked weak.

After saluting, the Empress Dowager pointed to her right and said, "be careful when you are pregnant. Don\'t run around."

Sun sat down and said with a smile, "the tea here is so fragrant that my concubine can\'t help but want to come a few more times!"

The Empress Dowager said faintly, "the tea in Jianning mansion in Fujian is distributed in the palace every year. There are some in this palace, but you should drink less tea when you are pregnant, and wait."

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward, but sun smiled naturally and calmly.

Wan Wan asked, "sister-in-law, where\'s Duan?"

In the palace, only Hu Shanxiang could be her sister-in-law, so even if it was not polite, Hu Shanxiang still said gently: "Your Majesty has a rest today, so he brought Duanduan to the front, probably to play crazy for a while."

The Empress Dowager said with a smile, "the emperor is tired. He can be relaxed even if he has a end. You take good care of yourself. There will be more children in the palace and it will be more lively... Well, go back and have a baby. Don\'t worship any month at night to avoid cold."

Wan Wan got up and said, "empress mother, I want to see Duan Duan."

Today\'s Mid Autumn Festival, the Empress Dowager said, "go, go, don\'t be too noisy."

As soon as they left, the Empress Dowager leaned back in her chair, and a maid in waiting came to massage her shoulders.

The Empress Dowager smiled bitterly and said, "when can we not be moved in this palace?"


Outside the Qianqing palace, Duan Duan was running madly with a small lantern in his hand, with a line of palace maids and mammies behind him.

Zhu Zhanji stood on the steps and looked at Sun Xiang.

"Your Majesty, Lord Quan left the city early in the morning. On the way, he met xinghebo and ate a potstickers... After leaving the city, he sang a fisherman\'s pride by fan Wenzheng."

Zhu Zhanji touched the railing and murmured, "people can\'t sleep. The general has white hair and tears... What does he want to say? Who can be it under the spring tide? If I don\'t enter, the enemy will enter. Why can\'t so many people understand the truth for thousands of years?"

Sun Xiang didn\'t dare to answer Zhu Zhanji\'s words. He knew he was just a transition. In order to have a good result after stepping down, he rarely touched the East factory recently, and most of them were handed over to Anlun.

Zhu Zhanji waved and Sun Xiang left.

Duanduan had a rare chance to wait for Sahuan. He ran crazy in front of the hall for a long time, and then stood sweating at the foot of the steps and shouted, "father, you want to eat moon cakes."

Zhu Zhanji frowned, pretended to be unhappy and said, "you\'re fat. You can\'t eat moon cakes."

He looked down at his short legs and said, "father, I\'m not carefree and fat."

Zhu Zhanji looked at his daughter carefully and suddenly found that he seemed to have neglected a lot, including the process of her daughter\'s growth. He smiled and said, "the moon cakes in the palace are still making and can only be eaten at night."

In fact, the moon cakes in the palace were made in the morning and distributed, but the moon cakes on the emperor\'s side were sent in the evening.

Duanduan was very angry and shouted, "worry free ate moon cakes yesterday."

As the only daughter of the emperor, Duan is deeply loved by the empress dowager, so she has developed a lively personality and is not afraid of the emperor.

"How did you know?"

Zhu Zhanji walked down slowly and teased his daughter.

Holding his thigh, he looked up and said, "worry free followed him into the palace a few days ago. She said that their family can eat moon cakes today. Father, is our family very poor? We haven\'t worry free. We have money."

Zhu Zhanji helplessly bowed his head and said, "it\'s the rules, not lack of money."

With a sigh of regret, the little adult said, "father, I\'ll save some flowers? I\'ll give you more meat."

Children\'s words are ridiculous, but they are sincere. Zhu Zhanji felt soft in his heart, touched her head and said, "my father has money and doesn\'t have to save."

The father and daughter whispered there. Yu Jia hurried over and said, "Your Majesty, Mrs. Xinghe has sent a lot of things."

"Moon cake!"

Duanduan immediately cheered, then took Zhu Zhanji\'s hand and begged, "father, eat moon cakes, eat moon cakes."

Zhu Zhanji was dragged by her hand and could only say helplessly, "go, go, eat less."

He was worried that his daughter would end up fat. In the eyes of the queen and the empress dowager, eating and jumping is a pistachio.

Duan Duan was taken to the rear palace. Zhu Zhanji paced in front of the palace with his hands down. Song Chengcheng followed him with a broom as usual.

"What do you eat for the Mid Autumn Festival?"

Zhu Zhanji waved him over and asked about the situation at home.

As a eunuch with the most special treatment in the palace, song Chengli has become very popular recently. He can actually see his mother once a month.

Song Chengcheng said with his fingers firmly, "Your Majesty, the maidservant\'s family wants to kill a chicken and make stuffed pastries for the Mid Autumn Festival. My father also wants to drink wine. In the evening, the family sits in the yard and eats slowly."

Zhu Zhanji saw that he was salivating and said, "the palace also makes you loose at night, but those on duty are not allowed to drink."