Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1876

Stay up late for a few days and go to sleep at 3 a.m. every day. Just for everyone\'s satisfaction today, continue!


Qin Hong covered her mouth and couldn\'t believe looking at Fang awake.

Several women were a little surprised. In their impression, the xinghebo in front of them could be called a gentle and elegant figure with both civil and military skills.

And Fang Xing just scolded Xu Min, but he didn\'t scold. Unexpectedly, he was so vulgar in the end.

But looking at Fang Xing\'s calm appearance and thinking about his rude words just now, several women think it\'s most appropriate.

This is a free and easy way!

Xu Jingchang patted the table and shouted, "well said! It\'s better to rub eggs at home without blood! Come on, dry!"

A few people were slightly drunk. Zhang Fu suddenly sighed: "Lord Quan resigned today. Unexpectedly, even the Mid Autumn Festival is ready to pass on the road."

Xu Jingchang hiccupped and said incredulously, "what\'s his hurry?"

Zhang Fu said faintly, "I probably don\'t want to stay for a moment."

Zhu Yong drank more and said with a smile, "Lao Quan is a good man. His majesty wants to keep him as a memorial archway. Finally, if he can\'t keep it, he will send someone to Xuzhou to build a filial son memorial archway there. Lao Quan\'s merit is perfect."

Fang woke up and said with an arched hand, "today\'s fun is exhausted. Thank you for the hospitality of Duke Ding and the company of elder brother Cheng. I\'ll give a banquet at home another day."

The three were stunned, then nodded together, watched Fang wake up and went away accompanied by the servant.

Seeing Qin Hong\'s disappointed look, Xu Jingchang smiled and said, "that\'s a wife and son. Don\'t think about it."

Qin Hong quickly hung her head to hide her gaffe.

Zhu Yong asked, "brother Wen Bi, what does Xing He Bo mean?"

Everyone came out to drink and have fun. It\'s a great faux pas to leave first for no reason!

Zhang Fu shook his head and said, "Dehua and Lord Quan have worked together for some time in Jinling. I probably want to go and have a look."

"So heavy on friendship?"

Xu Jingchang was surprised and said that for him, love is not a necessity.

But the one who values friendship is haoerlang!

Several women couldn\'t help feeling melancholy. They just felt that they had no fate with such a good boy.


Fang Xing came all the way to the Quan mansion and saw the door open and some men and women in rags waiting.

"These are unnecessary things. You can take them."

Several servants moved out a lot of things. The men and women scrambled for it. Then the gate was empty, only a piece of waste paper blown by the autumn wind on the ground.

The waste paper danced all the way to Fang Xing\'s body, and the handwriting on it was vivid.

"Who are you looking for?"

A servant came out and asked.

Fang Xing picked up the paper and looked at the content on it. It was an article. He asked, "where is Lord Quan?"

The servant shook his head and said, "my master said that no one will be seen today, nor will your majesty come."


Back home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai are preparing for tomorrow\'s Mid Autumn Festival. The two children are also at home because of the college\'s holiday today.

Seeing Fang waking up, the potato who was being pestered by worry free to climb the tree was pardoned and said, "Dad, I want to do my homework."

Fang woke up, nodded and asked, "where\'s peace?"

"Ping An will settle the accounts."

The potato then ran away. Worry free slowly walked to Fang Xing, frowned and said, "Dad, my brothers don\'t play with me."

Fang Xing led her inside and said, "just be busy today, and tomorrow will be fine."

Tudou and Ping An children of this age have no patience to play with children younger than themselves. They always feel worry free, childish and boring.

"How about reading after a few years without worry?"

Fang Xing felt it necessary to set up a small school at home to teach worry free.

When he thought of this, he thought of Fang Wuhe, who is now regarded as a "female scholar" in Chuang Tzu, and enlightenment is easy.

Then worry free begged Fang Xing to take her to play. Finally, they went to the back garden and searched everywhere. Unexpectedly, they got two bird eggs. Finally, Fang Xing put them back and said that birds would fly out next year.


The next day, Fang woke up before dawn. He just said he had something to do and came back later.

Fang woke up from his bedroom and saw worry free. Unexpectedly, worry free got up early and was sitting on a small bench dozing and waiting.

Fang Xing shook his head and went over to pick her up.


Worry free vaguely opened his eyes. When he saw that Fang woke up, he closed his eyes again, put his face on his shoulder and continued to sleep.

Fang woke up and carried worry free along the way. Then he wrapped her in his cloak and went all the way to the city.


Quan\'s house was in a hurry at the moment. Two carriages were led out, and then Quan Jin, who was helped out by his children and grandchildren. As for the servants, except the two who came from his hometown, Quan Jin asked someone to pay for their dismissal.

Quan Jin stood outside the house, just looked at the house, turned and asked someone to help him into the carriage, closed his eyes and said, "let\'s go."

The carriage shimmered away, and the house door behind him immediately closed.

This will be the residence of another official, and the traces of the power family will gradually disappear.

Walking all the way through the city, some of their descendants lifted the curtain and greedily looked at the style of the capital. They knew that they would probably never come back in this life.

Quan Jin doesn\'t care about these. His requirements for his children are righteousness and filial piety. With these two kinds, this person can\'t be different.

"Grandpa, my grandson wants potstickers."

At this time, someone on the left in front was setting up a stall to sell potstickers. The fragrance floated in bursts and pressed down the morning fog.

Quan Jin nodded and was helped out of the car.

"Father, your majesty sent people to see you off. Why did you leave early?"

Quan Jin glanced at his son and said, "Your Majesty often said to welcome and send less. Being a father and an official for many years is not beneficial to the country. Why bother."

When I arrived at the stall, a father and daughter were already sitting, and two big men were standing, looking like guards. While eating potstickers, they watched the pedestrians warily. When they saw Quan Jin, one said, "master, it\'s Quan."

Fang Xing, with his back to the street, smelled the speech and turned back. He arched his hands and said, "if the boss really wants to leave in advance, Fang fortunately didn\'t miss it. Come, how about having a potstickers today? I don\'t think it\'s a round of bribery, ha ha!"

Quan Jin was stunned for a moment, then nodded to sit down and said, "Xinghe Bo has a heart."

Fang woke up and called for potstickers, and asked him to bring porridge.

In the early morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, the heat of porridge dispersed and faintly.

Worry free soon finished eating, and then looked at the pedestrians on Fang Xing\'s lap, whispering what she thought was strange from time to time.

Quan Jin looked at the scene with muddy old eyes and said with a smile: "I\'m going to think about Xinghe Bo\'s days. I\'m happy to play with my grandchildren and enjoy the forest. In my spare time, I\'ll teach my children, write something, and then go back."

Fang woke up and took a sip of porridge. Seeing one of Quan Jin\'s grandsons looking at him curiously, he nodded, smiled and said, "in those days, Wang Jinggong was hard, left sadly, and then the former Song Dynasty overturned. Quan Gong, Daming can\'t study the former Song Dynasty."

Quan Jin frowned at the grandson, and then smiled leniently, startling the grandson who rarely saw Quan Jin\'s charitable smile.

"After all, there were too many disputes. The former Song Dynasty was not killed by Wang Jinggong, but by party disputes."

Fang Xing hesitated and said, "it\'s a party struggle... Well, Lord Quan, you\'re about to return home. You don\'t know much about such troubles, or you\'re worried!"

Quan Jin nodded somewhat disappointed, got up hard and said, "thank you for seeing me off. I\'m leaving."

Fang woke up and grabbed Wuyou. Then he sent Quan Jin\'s family out of the city all the way. They arched their hands, and then the curtain fell. Immediately, Quan Jin\'s old voice came from the car.

"The scenery is different in autumn, and the geese in Hengyang don\'t pay attention. The sound from all sides starts from the horn, thousands of peaks, long smoke and sunset, and the lonely city is closed..."

This is Fan Zhongyan\'s fisherman pride. Fang Xing stood outside the city with worry free and watched the team leave slowly.

A group of geese flying in the shape of adults flew across the sky, and a lonely cry came from afar.

"... with a cup of turbid wine, the family is thousands of miles away, and there is no way for the swallow to return. The Qiang pipe is long, the frost is all over the ground, people can\'t sleep, and the general\'s white hair is crying."