Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1875

Of course, the banquet of the public houses is a serving of individual dishes, and we have one person and a few small ones.

Fang Xing sat cross legged on the mat, glanced at the crowd, raised his glass and said, "pour the wine!"

Qin Hong smiled with a smile. The faint fragrance filled her sleeves and the wine was full.

Fang Xing raised his glass and said, "Ming Suan Ming Jing... Are all biased. Do you want to test Fang\'s determination to let the Academy fully intervene in the court? Sorry, I\'m disappointed. The Academy will still maintain its current scale."

The day when the Academy wantonly expands is the day when it completely turns its face with Confucianism. There is no room for both sides to turn around. All kinds of open and secret fights will become the mainstream of the government. But what is Daming?

At that time, orthodoxy is the king. If you lose orthodoxy, Daming will be a fart!

So Fang Xing was very sober. Even if Jian Yi bowed his head temporarily, he was still not proud.

The scale of each enrollment of the academy is so many. To tell the truth, it is far from the scale of a government school.

This is the reason why today\'s Confucianism has always tolerated the Academy. Otherwise, everyone will see the popularity of the knife!

"Mingsuan..." Fang Xing smiled: "That\'s just to test the treasurer. As for the ridiculous calculation of the lunar eclipse... With all due respect, mingsuan can only be a part of what a student learns, and set up a special subject for this purpose. It can be seen that those Confucian people are so proud that they despise arithmetic and think that they can govern the country by relying on scriptures. I still say that... Cure hemorrhoids and show my uncle?!"

Fang Xing put the wine glass on the small table, leaned back slightly, and said to Xu Jingchang, "is it true that the Duke of Ding is going to hold a Hongmen banquet today?"

Xu Jingchang said with a dry smile, "you are too sharp. Everyone has something to say!"

Xu Min was smiling. Yang Jin was thoughtful. Fang woke up and said casually, "the students of the academy have gone out of office together. I said how the reaction outside is so quiet and they are waiting for me here. Why are you here today, brother?"

Zhang Fu said leisurely, "drink."

Fang Xing smiled and nodded to Zhu Yong. Zhu Yong said, "I heard that someone is going to say something enlightening today, so Zhu is here. Where is the word?"

Xu Jingchang said awkwardly, "it\'s just that both sides agreed. After listening to it, I think it\'s a good meeting. Why don\'t I find these women?"

Xu Min and Yang Jin were shocked: Fang Xing asked at random. The three princes actually said their positions one after another, and they didn\'t dare to stand against him.

How powerful is this?

Qin Hong secretly moved, and her body could not help but deviate from the past, with a soft jade and warm fragrance.

Fang Xing easily blocked Qin Hong. Ignoring her bitter eyes, she said, "Confucianism is superior. How can you reconcile with me? Today is not a Hongmen banquet, but it is also a drunken man\'s intention. If you want to test, you can clearly say, why waste everyone\'s time? It\'s boring!"


Yang Jin got up and said angrily, "these students are just petty officials. If they want to do bad things, why should they come here?"

"Because you are afraid!"

Fang woke up and looked at him, saying, "Benbo is generous. How many people fell under these four words. You are timid and cherish your body. Who dares to fight? Who?!"

Yang Jin\'s momentum stagnated, and then shouted, "the students are not confused. If they see ugliness, how dare they not?!"

Fang Xing stared at him with indifferent eyes. After half a ring, he nodded, looked up at Xu Min and said: "You\'ve been watching and don\'t want to stand out. This is speculation. I don\'t hate speculators, but when facing a famous count like me, Yang Jin dares not to retreat. It\'s commendable, and you... Maybe you\'ll become a person with a smooth career in the future, but it must be of no benefit to your family and country."

Fang Xing\'s words almost determined their future career.

Yang Jin is praised and will probably be suppressed in the future. Xu Min is criticized and will certainly be pursued in the future.

There are so many people who like to do things that can make Fang wake up sick.


Xu Jingchang, as the host, felt that the atmosphere was too embarrassing, so he motioned.

Fang Xing arched his hands to apologize and appreciate, but refused to forgive.

"Go back and tell the people who asked you to come. Fang is clean and does not target people, but... People don\'t offend me, I don\'t offend, if people offend me..."

Fang Xing smiled, turned his eyes, and looked at the people sitting. Qin Hong looked at his side face with an intoxicated face. He just felt that the tall man seemed to be filled with heaven and earth. Just one look could make people surrender.

Xu Min\'s face was as usual. Fang Xing nodded and said, "your face is thick enough and has the style of spitting on your face. This is the prerequisite for success. Fang is optimistic about you."

Xu Min looked at Xu Jingchang innocently and said, "xinghebo, the student didn\'t say anything!"

Zhang Fu raised his eyelids slightly and said faintly, "sometimes it\'s just a statement. You\'ve made a statement."

Zhu Yong frowned and said, "young people, don\'t learn from those old guys. They just want to pick up benefits in the back. Do you think you are a royal family?"

The literati despised Wu Xun, but Wu Xun felt that he was a title fought by his ancestors with a knife and a gun. Of course, he also despised Xun Qi.

Therefore, Zhu Yong directly took Xun Qi out to ridicule people. If it was spread, some people would curse him behind his back.

Xu Jingchang coughed and said, "well, drink."

He\'s a national now, so he\'s embarrassed.

Fang woke up and raised his glass. He found that several women were sitting straight. From time to time, they glanced at themselves with a red face, and drank it in a puzzled way.

He didn\'t know that in Qin Hong\'s eyes, the three princes sitting there could be called the role of stamping their feet to make the capital tremble a few times. And just now he was arrogant and unscrupulous, laughing and scolding in front of them

You know, two of these three usually think of themselves as Confucian children.

Zhu Yong said unswervingly, "the atmosphere is wrong. Where does the wine come from? Change a place."

Although the two members of the Imperial College had an ambiguous intention, Xu Jingchang\'s kind intention was to wake up, so he raised his hand and said, "why? We can enjoy ourselves."

But after all, there was a gap in my heart, and the next atmosphere was naturally disharmonious. However, after a few rounds of wine, the two men got up and pleaded guilty, saying that they were unable to drink.

But it was Yang Jin who spoke, not Xu Min, who should be ashamed of himself.

After the two men left, Xu Jingchang said, "your movement is too loud. Jian Yi must have been pressed by his majesty, so I issued a document. So I wanted to ease one or two, which led the line. I knew they were coming to test. I kicked out with one kick and wanted to drink and hold the beauty?"

Xu Jingchang hugged the woman around him and said proudly, "go home and hold the pillow!"

When the two women were free, Xu Jingchang ordered them to dance. For a moment, the sound of the ring was clear and crisp, and the fragrance came in bursts.

"Those students become official with great fanfare. There will be more things for you in the future."

Zhang Fu whispered, "those people will naturally tease you with the students\' official career. When you are tired of running, everyone is tired. Who will help you then?"

"Then kill them!"

Fang Xing smiled and said something that made Qin Hong feel cold. She couldn\'t help sitting up straight and didn\'t dare to approach. She just hated that she didn\'t hear it just now.

Zhang Fu was stunned. Fang Xing said, "how can there be so many people who work for others in this world? Kill a few more and make an example of others. Naturally, it will stop."

Zhang Fu shook his head slightly and felt that Fang Xing\'s disposal method was too overbearing and could not last long after all.

Zhu Yong raised his glass and said, "Xing He Bo\'s words are just like mine. Have a drink."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "happiness, gratitude and hatred are blood. If the martial arts have no blood, why do you still eat vegetarian food? Do you stay at home and rub eggs?"