Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1874

"... after going out these days, I know what is difficult to travel, and I have had a lot of conflicts with those Confucian scholars."

Jiao Qiren was on the podium. He said with a smile: "those Confucian scholars despise us and ridicule those who study science as craftsmen, but those students refuse to admit defeat and quarrel with them. Remember, don\'t advise at this time. The more serious the quarrel is, the more good it will be for our publicity."

"Elder martial brother, what if there is a fight?"

A student raised his hand and asked.

Jiao Qiren glanced at LV Changbo, who was sitting in the back with a straight face, and coughed, "we should warn the students first that we don\'t start first. As the mountain leader said, people don\'t offend me... Fight again when they offend."

"This is tempting others to make mistakes!"

LV Changbo muttered behind him. He felt that all the students from the Academy were cunning and had done a lot of digging and trampling.

"... what we teach is practical. Those Confucian scholars are pale and weak. They can\'t do anything. No, they don\'t want to do it, so most of them feel that their children have no hope of imperial examination and are willing to let them study science..."

Jiao qieren waved his fist and said excitedly, "all these things I went out to see tell us that science has great achievements! Small officials are not terrible. As long as they can do well and step up step by step, it is the most stable official career, more stable than anyone!"

"The students should work hard. We should make science catch up with Confucianism, make them lose their six gods, and make them angry... Work hard!"

"Work hard!"

The classroom was full of fists and cheers.

"A bunch of careless boys!"

Xie Jin shook his head, smiled and scolded. As a former assistant of Confucian origin, his feelings for Confucianism are more complex.

"In fact, the so-called group heating depends on the timing."

Xie Jin analyzed: "for example, many people in the current court are holding a group to keep warm, but that\'s because your majesty has different ideas from them, so they must hold a group to slowly influence your majesty."

"It must be good to hold a group. It\'s like what those people say about the village Party now. Yes! When people come out of one place, they hold a group and exchange what they need. This is a friend party."

Fang woke up and said, "so it\'s still that sentence. Friends don\'t party."

Xie Jin shook his head and said, "no, you are different. You must form a party, or these students will fall down in their official career sooner or later. Can you be indifferent at that time?"

Fang Xing said, "yes! If they are indifferent, those people won\'t care about any rules. Countless sets are waiting for these students to step on. If I don\'t stand out for them, I guess these students will die in ten years."

Xie Jin said with a smile, "Confucianism is the dominant family, but there are disputes within them. Everyone has different interests and holds their own group. So will science in the future?"

This is to teach Fang how to avoid the taboo of kings.

At this time, a person came in. Fang woke up and squinted. It was actually Xu Jingchang.

"Is Ding Guogong going to say something to the students of the academy?"

Looking at Xu Jingchang with a proud look, Fang woke up and joked.

Xie Jingong enters the classroom. He is not willing to deal with old dandies such as Xu Jingchang.

Xu Jingchang angrily looked at Xie Jin\'s back and said, "today I found some popular women to sing and dance in the house, invited the British Duke and Cheng Guogong, and some excellent students in the Imperial College. They want to ask you for advice."

Seeing Fang Xing was not interested, Xu Jingchang said, "two of them praised brother Wen Bi. They can be called young Junyan. It\'s good to see them!"

Then he pointed to the classroom. Fang woke up and said, "in that case, it\'s annoying."


The regulation of Dingguo government is not small, and pavilions and pavilions are everywhere.

It is near the Mid Autumn Festival, and there are colorful flowers in Dingguo government house.

Fang Xing is not a hammer. Xu Jingchang intends to help. Anyway, he has to come and hold a show. If you refuse coldly, who is willing to associate with you in the future.

Just drinking and watching songs and dances with his brother-in-law, Fang Xing always felt some diaphragmatic response, which was the same as when his brother met when he went whoring.

I passed many places and finally stopped in front of a waterside pavilion.

There were more than ten people sitting in the waterside pavilion. When they saw that Xu Jingchang and Fang woke up, they all got up and bowed their hands.

Zhang Fu, Zhu Yong, two young people, and several women.

After some greetings, everyone sat down in the waterside pavilion. Xu Jingchang asked someone to give a banquet, and then the women wanted to lean over.

Fang Xing waved his hand. Xu Jingchang stared and said, "it\'s not that you sleep in my house, chat, just chat."

Fang woke up helpless. A woman took the initiative to come over. Yingying smiled and said, "Qin Hong has seen uncle."

The woman had a gentle smile and bright eyes, as if she were talking.

Fang woke up and nodded, then looked at the two people in the Imperial College.

Bai Jing\'s name was Xu min. when he saw Fang wake up, he smiled modestly.

Some serious people are called Yang Jin. He just nodded slightly.

That\'s interesting!

Fang woke up and nodded. He felt soft around him. He said uneasily, "drink."

Qin Hong pulled up her sleeve in her left hand, revealing a touch of tender white, then took the wine pot in her right hand and poured wine for Fang Xing.

When a faint fragrance came, Fang woke up and turned away from his body unnaturally.

When Xu Jingchang saw it, he joked, "is Xinghe still afraid of the inside?"

Zhu Yong, who hugged the woman around him, also said with a smile: "don\'t worry, brother Wen Bi won\'t reveal it."

Zhang Fu didn\'t hug the woman around him. He just smiled and acquiesced to Zhu Yong\'s words.

Fang Xingzhen eyebrowed and said, "if you want to play on the occasion, Fang still will, but with all the children, you rarely come out to socialize. Please help yourself."

Xu Min and Yang Jin are obviously relaxed. The women around them depend on them.

This is the celebrity style advocated by many people.

After three rounds of wine, Xu Jingchang said, "the students of Zhixing academy won the following from the Ministry of officials in this great battle, which makes people envy. I think they will be simple in the heart of the emperor in the future."

This is the introduction. Fang Xing smiled and said, "it\'s just a small official, suffering slowly."

Zhang Fu said approvingly, "it\'s not until you get through it that you know the sufferings of the people. Both emperor Gao and Emperor Wen earnestly teach you, lest officials be high. Over time, it\'s inevitable that you will have the idea of eating minced meat."

Zhu Yong also agreed: "there is a truth in civil and military affairs. We have to fight in the array to kill the enemy. Otherwise, who will listen to you? Just say Xinghe Bo. He has had many adventures, or where will he get his title?"

This is to set the tone first or prefer Fang Xing\'s tone, which makes Fang Xing more and more curious about what the two Guozijian students can say.

Slowly eating wine and vegetables, autumn wind blowing, people feel refreshing.

"Xinghebo, a toast to you, student."

Xu Min got up, held the glass and smiled.

Fang Xing pressed his hand and said, "sit down and talk."

Xu Min sat down after drinking it all, and then said, "xinghebo, your students have read those books. In fact, many people in the Imperial College have read them. It\'s just the difference between going deep and floating on the surface."

Fang Xing took a sip of the wine and said, "Fang is flattered to be valued by the sages of the Imperial College."

Xu Min said with a smile, "science has many practical points. It is really worth learning for our generation. Students have relatives who want to enter the college, but I don\'t know whether the next enrollment assessment of the college can be simpler."

This is praising Fang Xing, but Fang Xing only said faintly: "now Fang no longer manages the Academy. If you have ideas, you can try it. Mr. Xie will naturally listen to the views of the outside world on the Academy."

"Xing He Bo." then Yang Jin drank up and said, "Xing He Bo, as far as the students know, there are many petty officials who have learned science. Why don\'t you keep these students as professors and expand the academy?"

"Are you worried about the expansion of the academy?"

Fang woke up and looked at Xu Jingchang. Xu Jingchang was also a little stunned. Then he frowned and said to Yang Jin, "what do you say?"

Yang Jin arched his hand and said, "it\'s the students who take the liberty, but the students of the Academy agree that they serve as petty officials. Xinghe Bo, the Ming arithmetic Department has long been established, so why not ask your majesty to reopen?"

Fang Xing smiled and looked at Zhang Fu. Zhang Fu said, "as soon as the Ming computing Department opened, it was the time to restart the dispute. There was Ming computing in the former Tang Dynasty, but why not in the former Song Dynasty? It was all because everything was inferior. Only the reading was high, and the Ming computing department was just a petty official, so we gave it up in this dynasty. Don\'t talk lightly about such important things."

From the beginning of the Sui Dynasty to the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the most prominent imperial examination in all dynasties was Jinshi. Jinshi is mainly composed of poems, songs, Fu, political comments, Ming arithmetic... That\'s a fart. Clamp it down and keep quiet!

Not to mention, if Di Renjie didn\'t have Wu Zetian\'s simplicity, he would be regarded as prime minister because of his Ming classics background. The prime minister couldn\'t get one leg hair.

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "who plays a greater role in the so-called Ming Sutra and Ming Suan? The prime minister really needs to be familiar with Jing Yi to do it? What can Jing Yi teach you? What do you know if you don\'t have the experience of petty officials? Shit don\'t understand!"

Fang woke up a little impatient. He thought today was the day to reconcile with the Imperial College. Unexpectedly, it was a temptation, which disappointed him.

But his words surprised people. Even Zhang Fu was smiling bitterly.

Are you going to trample Confucianism into the mud?

A silence

The autumn wind blew the fallen leaves, and the yellow leaves floated across the red face and fell to the ground immediately.