Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1873

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The day before the Mid Autumn Festival, Quan Jin was shakily supported into the carriage. He looked back at the house he had lived in for many years and said to his family, "I\'m old and don\'t dare eat vegetarian food in the position of a bachelor. You tidy up your things and we\'ll go back to Xuzhou."

The family all answered, Quan Jin nodded happily, and then ordered, "go to Chaozhong."


"Your Majesty, Qin Tianjian reported that there was a meteor last night, as big as a chicken, with a red flame at the tail..."

The ministers looked dignified, but Zhu Zhanji covered his forehead and said, "there are meteors every year. Why bother to report?"

The ministers were suddenly discouraged. Funny to say, whenever natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods and droughts occur, officials and even people all over the world stare at the palace and the emperor for the first time.

Your majesty! Did you do something to make God angry again?

Xia Yuanji went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, immigrants from all over the country are going to Xinghe City, but there are some complaints from Shaanxi that they have evacuated the people, the population under the jurisdiction of the local government has withered, and the taxes have become less and less."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "there is soil erosion in Shaanxi. There is little rain. A slight change is drought. In those years, those prisoners planted a lot of trees. I heard that many were cut down to burn firewood. Local officials are not anxious. They muddle along and intend to reprimand!"

When Yang Rong was out of class, someone gave the pen and ink to draft the decree immediately, then recited it once, printed it out after checking it.

"Not only Shaanxi, Shanxi and Shandong... The population of the whole North needs to move out slowly. While moving, the original population will slowly fill up or even exceed. There is a large area outside the Great Wall, so it can accommodate many people there. In the future, Daming will slowly expand to the North, and the population is indispensable."

What\'s in the north?

This emperor is different from his predecessors. The previous terms, including Zhu Di, mainly focused on suppressing opponents in the north, and did not want to rule there directly.

The ministers have a headache.

Yang Shiqi said, "Your Majesty, the northern part of the Great Wall is deserted. If you want to move to the past, food is a problem. The second is to stay away from the Ming Dynasty. After a long time, I\'m worried that it will become a place outside."

"There are potatoes."

Zhu Zhanji dismissed the grain issue in one sentence.

Since potatoes came to Daming\'s table, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that potatoes were not selective and did not have high requirements for the environment, so potatoes changed and became the third staple food of Daming after wheat and rice.

"First of all, we should control the North Sea."

Zhu Zhanji said, "it\'s a good place. The cold shouldn\'t be a weapon to block Daming\'s steps, and slowly penetrate through."


The officials were relieved. After vara was defeated and Tatars were annexed, Beihai was actually the territory of Daming, but it was not controlled there at present.

The emperor\'s desire to expand was too strong, and the officials were a little uneasy. Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, it is difficult to feed too many people outside the Great Wall. If there is any change, it is difficult for Daming to give rescue in time. You should be careful!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded. When the officials were happy, he said faintly, "if there is an enemy, then come on a expedition."

This is the emperor taught by Emperor Wen!

"Daming\'s army will be decadent if it doesn\'t fight for a long time."

Zhu Zhanji gave a benchmark: "every few years, Daming must carry out an expedition to the outside world, regardless of the scale. The army should experience and fight."

As long as there is expedition, it is difficult to decide the outcome of the civil and military struggle in Daming!

Seeing the disappointment, Zhu Zhanji said, "the next goal is... Yili!"

Yang Rong was surprised. When he was preparing to advise, someone outside came in and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Quan, please see me."

"Quan Jin? Help me in."

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, Quan Jin began to cheer up and want to help. But as time went by, he found that Zhu Zhanji\'s ideas deviated greatly from his own, so he advised him, but to no avail.

The discouraged Quan Jin reported that he was ill at home. Zhu Zhanji also sent an imperial doctor to visit him. When he came back, he only said that the old man was depressed.

When Quan Jin was helped in by the eunuch, all the ministers turned sideways and hung their heads to show their respect.

Zhu Zhanji looked at Quan Jin with complex eyes. He wanted to leave the old minister, but seeing Quan Jin\'s appearance, it was clear that he had decided to go.

Sure enough, Quan Jin knelt down. When Zhu Zhanji asked him to help him, Quan Jin said, "Your Majesty, the old minister is old and can\'t be driven by the king. His body is vegetarian. It\'s more and more difficult for the old minister to walk recently. Please your majesty..."

Quan Jin looked up and his lips moved a few times, but he still said that.

"Old minister, please beg bones... To return home."

Those turbid eyes looked at Zhu Zhanji with bleak eyes.

A silence!

Zhu Zhanji was reluctant to give up the real gentleman.

Quan Jin was held up by two eunuchs. He gasped and said, "the old minister has witnessed the Ming Dynasty from being enemies on all sides to... Today, Siyi guest service is booming. It should be written in the pen and passed on to his descendants..."

Zhu Zhanji sighed and said, "the eldest man has gone through several dynasties and is upright, which is rare in ancient and modern times..."

This is the king\'s judgment on the old ministers who are about to retire, and all the ministers are envious.

"... Daming is short of many gentlemen like an old man. I can\'t hide my disappointment when the old man returns today."

Zhu Zhanji said sadly, "people go to Xuzhou to build memorial archways to encourage the backward."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Quan Jin knelt down again and kowtowed solemnly.

This is the last time!

Zhu Zhanji took back his outstretched hand and got up and said, "go now... The rules are here, and I can\'t break them. In this way, I\'ll make people prepare cars and horses and have a good trip."

The emperor prepared chariots and horses. This treatment can make people jealous.

Quan Jin kowtows to thank you again and is immediately helped up and leaves.


The students of Zhixing Academy who are about to leave office have been pleasantly surprised and began to prepare. According to the arrangement, they have to leave after the Mid Autumn Festival tomorrow.

The Academy took a day off and invited those students who were about to leave office to come back and teach their experience to the younger students.

"... I\'ve known a lot of people since I went out to teach science for more than a year. From the beginning, I was a little awkward. Later, I slowly learned to deal with people I didn\'t know, and also learned to teach students. When I came home, my parents said that I seemed to be a different person, calm and cheerful..."

In the classroom, an outgoing student was calmly telling his own experience, and the following students listened attentively.

"Some reluctant ah!"

Outside the classroom, Xie Jin sighed: "they are all grown up by the old man, but now they are going to be scattered all over the world, just like the dandelion you said. When the wind comes, the children are about to leave the matrix and look for their opportunities..."

Fang Xing\'s regret is different from him: "Your Majesty can\'t come. It\'s a pity."

Xie Zhenliang said with a smile, "if your majesty comes, those people in the Imperial Academy will dare to write outside the imperial city."

"Who is afraid of them?"

Xie Jin disdained: "our students have been honed out. Those students in the Imperial College only know that they have good heads and poor classics. They are good all day. How do they know what the hardships of the people\'s livelihood are?"

If the Imperial College in the Hongwu Period was a cadre school, then the Imperial College in Yongle was a shortcut. After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, when everyone looked at that appearance, it was clear that they were not ready to pay attention to the Imperial College.

Where is the way out?

The teachers and students of the Imperial College are anxious. In contrast, the students of the academy are confident in their abilities, dare to go out and start from small officials.