Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1872

I wish book friends a happy Lantern Festival! This year is going well and everything is going well!


"Those Hales are on guard against us. They often send scouts to spy and see if Daming wants to attack on a large scale."

Zhang Yu is drinking. Hari people are far away. Xinghe castle is safe. His life is much better.

Zhong Ding ate a piece of mutton, then drank wine and frowned.

"They were interrupted by Emperor Wen. Unless they found a big backer, how dare they challenge again?"

Zhong Ding beamed and said, "in the future, this side will be the south of the Great Wall! Lord Zhang, the army will be expanded in the future, and you will be promoted at that time. Let\'s work together to turn this place into the south of the great Ming Dynasty outside the Great Wall."

Zhang Yu sighed, "what should we do if there is no one? Every day we see military households and prisoners, as well as those Tatars. A Tai wants to go to Beiping to live a peaceful life, and says he doesn\'t want to blow the wind outside the Great Wall anymore. Without enough immigrants, who will be here in the future?"

Zhong Ding smiled and said, "last time I wrote to xinghebo to ask about it. He said to ask for conditions. The Chaozhong government will provide better conditions for the people who immigrated outside the Great Wall to ensure that their days outside the great wall are much better than those inside the pass."

Zhang Yu said happily, "that\'s good. The life of immigrants is easier, and our life will not be sad."

Zhong nodded, touched the rough skin on his face and said, "time urges, you and I are getting old."

The two have been working together outside the Great Wall for many years. Zhong Ding\'s words reminded Zhang Yu of his memory. He raised his glass and said, "I don\'t push when I should come, but when I see the Dajing temple, I feel like I\'m still a hairy boy and can kill the enemy for another 100 years."

They smiled at each other. At this time, someone outside probably drank too much and shouted in a hoarse voice.

"... the Sea grows day and night, and Jiang Chun... Jiang Chun enters the old year. Home! Home! Where is home? Ha ha!"

Zhong Ding put his face in his hands, then rubbed it hard, and said in a loud voice, "where is home?"


"Where is home?"

Jiang Di stood in front of the Beijing Temple and lowered his head slowly.

The narrow eyes on the Jingguan stone looked at him quietly, and the pupils were slightly red.

Chen Bi stood beside him and was startled by the strange eye. He stepped back and said, "Jiang Di, there\'s really something evil here. I don\'t think it\'s cold. This eye is even more evil. It\'s said that xinghebo used it to suppress the Beijing Temple..."

"Mom, I\'m a pig."

Chen bi was surprised to see Jiang Di kneeling in front of Jingguan stone. Then he grabbed his shoulder and said, "are you crazy?"

Jiang Di whispered, "this is my mother\'s eyes."

Chen bi was shocked. He turned and looked around, but there was no one.

"Are you stunned? What the hell is it? Get out of here!"

"Mom, I came to see you."

Jiang Di looked at the narrow eyes and whispered, "Mom, I went to Jinling to worship you and went with my father."

Chen bisong opened his hand, stepped back and said in a trembling voice, "you... Are you Yan Niang\'s son?"


Jiang Di stroked the stone tablet and said, "at that time, I was stupid. After I went to Jinling to worship my mother, I felt like I suddenly grew up when I came back."

"My father never allowed me to mention my mother outside... I felt suffocated and flustered, so I followed here."

"Your mother is buried in Jinling. Why don\'t you go there to worship?"

"Accommodation and meals over there are very expensive. Last time my father saved money for a long time to go."

Jiang Di touched the stone tablet and whispered, "Mom, Jinling is so expensive. Shall I come here with you in the future? I\'m here to see you and talk with you every day..."

"Dad didn\'t agree. He said I was stubborn and would follow me after I was 16. Mom, I want to study and let you see me every day."

Chen Bi heard a choking voice. He stepped back sadly and remembered that when his classmates talked about his family in the past, this said that his mother often cooked delicious food, and that his mother would secretly give him money, only Jiang Di. He never said his mother.

"Mom, there is a brother at home. They say I will have children in the future. Mom, I don\'t know these. No one teaches me..."

The young Jiang Di whispered in front of the stone tablet. Chen Bi, two years older than him, slowly looked up at the bones that were sealed by the earth.

The setting sun left only half a circle on the horizon, and Jingguan gradually became gloomy.

That eye is looking at Jiang Di.

In a daze, Chen Bi saw that the eyes became softer.

"Mom, they said that those who were not offered sacrifices were lonely souls and wild ghosts, and they would slowly disperse in the future... Don\'t disperse, I will accompany you, and my children will accompany you in the future..."

Jiang Di opened the baggage he was carrying all the way, untied several layers of earth cloth, and took out an unfinished child\'s dress from inside.

"Mom, this is the clothes you made for me. My father gave it to me and the jade pendant from Xinghe Bo. If I can stay here, I will..."


"You open up wasteland and cultivate land to your heart\'s content. You can graze at will. You don\'t charge taxes for ten years."

Outside a county government office in Shaanxi, a small official shouted at the people gathered around him.

"I didn\'t spend money all the way. The people who eat and live are managed by the government. In the past, I sent cattle and built a house for you. What are you waiting for?"

"We look gray here. I heard that there are grasslands everywhere. Raising a few sheep at random can feed a family. Now I don\'t go, but Chaozhong said, because some places outside the great wall are not suitable for farming. When people are full, they can only go elsewhere."

The little official said his throat was hot. He took the bowl handed by his colleagues, drank water up, and then wiped his mouth comfortably.

An old man suddenly asked, "Sir, where else is it?"

The little official was stunned. He didn\'t know where it was, so he said nonsense: "I have to pee with a stick in winter. There is Myanmar. The mosquitoes there are as big as our heads. Do you want to go?"

The old man shook his head like a rattle and said, "you can\'t die if you\'re bitten? Don\'t go, sir, why do you pee with a stick?"

The petty official proudly displayed: "it\'s cold and frightening over there. The urine will freeze immediately. You have to break it with a stick, or you\'ll wait for the guy to be frozen into a stick!"

The old man thought about it and asked, "Sir, if the family goes there, it\'s winter and there\'s no food to eat!"

The petty official sniffed and said contemptuously, "it\'s said that the government will take care of the past all the way. When you get there, you will distribute rations until your grain is harvested, or your sheep is grown up. Do you understand? It\'s all under the control of the government!"

The old man nodded and said, "Your Majesty is a good emperor. Keep your word. The little one will go home and ask some sons immediately. If you want to go, you can go as soon as possible, so as not to be robbed of all the good land."

The old man squeezed out the crowd and hurried to the city gate.

The petty official jumped down the steps and said, "go back. Those who are willing to sign up come here to register. Once registered, go home and pack up. At that time, look at the notice and wait to start together."

The crowd gradually began to disperse, leaving more than ten people. Seeing this, the petty official said quietly, "you can have a good meal before you go."

A man in ragged clothes sniffed and said, "I\'m afraid everything in my house can only be a delicious meal. It\'s half dead to stay here. Go!"

It\'s easy for someone to take the lead. Under the herd mentality, only one of these more than ten people didn\'t register.

When these people go home to pack up, it will certainly affect many people. At that time

After registration, the petty official went to the back door of the county government. As soon as I went out, I saw the old man who said the most before waiting. I took out a handful of copper coins and counted them carefully.

"I shouted for a long time and became hoarse. I left ten copper coins. The rest is the reward given to you by adults. Count it by myself."

The old man held the copper money in both hands, and then squatted on the ground to count it for three times. Then he put the copper money into a cloth bag, got up and said with a smile: "Sir, small ones can come a few more times."

Seeing that he had been deducted ten copper coins and was sensible and silent, the petty official thought for a moment and said, "remember to wipe your face next time."

The old man went happily. When he went away, he said to himself, "come again a few times, take the boss outside the great wall and give all the copper money to the second son left at home..."