Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1871

"Don\'t say it, please..."

Zhu Zhanyi felt that he must have been possessed by a ghost just now. He actually said these words. He arched his hands pale and begged.

He thought Fang Xing was a devil and could induce himself to say those words.

Those words that can make you doomed!

Fang Xing frowned and said, "I\'m thinking... What good are you doing to the country? Think about those people, those people who once moaned under the iron hoof of other nationalities... How do you think you are better than them?"

Zhu Zhanyi said eagerly, "I just want to go to the fief. I will concentrate on reading..."

Fang Xing felt that his brain circuit was fundamentally different from the person in front of him. He took a deep breath and said in disappointment: "I\'m very disappointed. My words just wanted to tell you that you enjoyed wealth and honor for no reason, and this is not your credit, just because you had a good baby."

"See? You just reincarnated and chose the right place."

Fang Xing disdained: "in my eyes, you are just a floating dust. You can\'t compare with many people..."

Zhu Zhanyi suddenly sneered, "is it like that yanniang?"

Then he saw Fang Xing\'s face turn cold, like a stranger.

"I made a slip of the tongue. I was just excited by you. I..."

Zhu Zhanyi apologized in panic.

Fang Xing said faintly, "you can\'t annoy me yet. Yes, in my heart, you can\'t compare with her, so you cherish it yourself."

Zhu Zhanyi said angrily, "then I\'m willing to go to Xinghe city. I\'m willing to seal it there!"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "don\'t forget my title. Not everyone can go there."

Xinghe city is about to be built, and immigrants are advancing at the same time.

But after all, it is beyond the Great Wall, so there are still not enough immigrants.

Fang Xing found Zhu Zhanji, gently conveyed the Empress Dowager\'s words, and finally said, "announce it earlier. You\'d better convince your mother first, or you won\'t be at peace."

Zhu Zhanji said with a wry smile, "the empress mother said that she was powerful and soft hearted. I have no way to go!"

Fang Xing didn\'t want to take care of his family affairs, so he casually said, "Xinghe city is almost the same, but there are not enough immigrants!"

Zhu Zhanji said with a headache, "no one wants to go. It seems that what you said is right. If you want to immigrate to the side wall and overseas, you must have more benefits, otherwise there will be only one way."

"Try not to force it. After all, volunteering can attract more people."


Jiang Di never thought he would come to the Great Wall one day.

Really, he never thought about it!

At present, he is following a caravan, which is moving forward on the grassland.

This is their trip to the frontier. "Lord Lu of the work department has returned to Beijing. At the moment, you are the biggest here. Who are you looking for?"

"You are now the seventh grade, but uncle said long before he left. In the future, this is the prefecture. You must be the magistrate. Find a way to go by yourself!"

Jiang Di turned back slowly and looked at a civil servant and a military general arguing. The two people were foaming and wouldn\'t give in to each other.

"You see, the new town is over there."

Su Lin pointed to the distance and exclaimed, "it\'s a beautiful city."

Then the caravan began to set up stalls, that is, to show the goods on the car.

Those military households and Tatars came to choose one after another, and Jiang Di, who specialized in bookkeeping, had to be a waiter by the way.

When the sun set, the construction site of the new town rested, and the craftsmen and countless prisoners and sergeants returned.

The business of the caravan was much better. Busy Jiang Di, they had to help carry the goods.

After being busy, Jiang Di found the shopkeeper.

"The students want to go to Jingguan."

The shopkeeper looked up at the setting sun in the west, frowned and said, "that place is gloomy. Local people don\'t dare to go at this time. You\'re still young. Don\'t be contaminated with the wrong soul."

"There is only one wronged soul!"

Jiang Di said seriously, "the others are damn people!"

The shopkeeper looked at the copper coins and treasure bills in the bag in front of him comfortably and said casually, "that place is evil. It is said that it can pray for blessings, but it\'s also scared crazy. No one goes there when it\'s getting dark. A stick of incense is more than no one comes to you."

"Jiang Di, don\'t go."

Chen Bi took Jiang Di and whispered, "that\'s the cursed place. The stone tablet will devour the soul on the corpse mountain at night. I just heard these. Don\'t go."

Su Lin stepped back and said, "we\'re not here for adventure. I won\'t go."

Jiang Di broke free of Chen Bi\'s hand and said, "I\'ll go and have a look first."

"You\'re crazy!"

Under the setting sun, the Beijing Temple seems to be glittering with golden light, but everyone knows that it won\'t take long for the Beijing Temple to return to darkness.

Jiang Di walked slowly over. Chen Bi hesitated and shouted, "wait, I\'ll go with you!"

Su Lin looked at the two men walking towards Jingguan and hesitated, but finally they packed up the goods with the team and prepared to go into the camp for a rest.