Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1864

Ask for a monthly ticket!


"Ha ha ha!"

Yuan Hua, who had been a local steamed stuffed bun all the way, went to the inn. With a laugh, yuan erniang rushed out of the inn, and then there was no drama of jumping into her father\'s arms and crying.

"Dad, if you don\'t come again, I won\'t take my children to see you in the future. It saves me anger."

Yuan Hua smiled, turned back and pointed to the ox cart outside and said proudly, "look, I\'ve even brought my grandson\'s marriage. Let me see my son-in-law."

Yuan erniang took his arm and said, "tomorrow!"

Yuanhua complained: "there are many rules for Ming people. How simple our stockade is. If you like to take it home..."

When they got inside, Yuanhua was arranged to take a bath and change clothes, and then the food was ready long ago.

After dinner, yuan erniang beat his shoulder again and invited a doctor to check him, which made Yuan Hua very happy.


"Here comes Xinghe Bo."

While enjoying his daughter\'s lovely filial piety, a man came in outside. The informed man quickly flashed to the side and smiled.

Yuan Hua bounced up from his chair in an instant and took a few steps. When Fang Xing was stunned, he hugged Fang Xing hard, then patted him on the back, laughed and said, "we are relatives. You are welcome to be a guest. You are welcome to be a guest in the stockade, but you\'d better bring good news."

Fang woke up and held Yuanhua. His nose was full of the smell of soap from the official workshop.

Li Ermo, a sultry guy, actually sent the soap Zhang Shuhui gave to the bride to please his daughter-in-law in advance.

The two separated. Yuanhua smiled and asked Fang to wake up and sit down, and immediately asked yuanerniang to make tea.

"Tea is a good thing in our village. When my daughter comes here, it\'s so watery. Most of them just drink good tea. I\'ll buy some cars back later. At least I can let the people in the stockade taste it."

Fang woke up and smiled. Yuan erniang came to salute.

"Met the teacher."

Fang Xing raised his hand and said with a smile, "Er Mao\'s family is ready. Naturally, your teacher\'s mother will do it. Now your father has arrived, it\'s just bad rules. I\'ll send someone back to do the marriage well."

Yuan Er Niang didn\'t answer shyly, and then said, "teacher, er Mao said that when he came home, he had to learn to cook and clean clothes. He said that he would help me do it."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "that\'s just a saying. Your mother-in-law is a restless person. As long as you are sincere, you can get along well."

Yuanhua, who was left out in the cold, said, "Xinghe Bo, I\'m going to meet that Mao... That Er Mao\'s mother today. At least my daughter is spoiled. Now look, this hand is also thick and black..."


Yuan Er Niang said angrily, "there is no such rule."

Fang woke up and said faintly, "today I came on behalf of the man. I\'m in law. I\'m ready for life. I\'ll pick up the kiss tomorrow."

Fang woke up, nodded to yuan erniang slightly, and then turned to go out.

Yuanhua also wanted to catch up and entangle. Xin Laoqi\'s eyes narrowed at the back of the hall and immediately forced him to stay in place.


Yuan Er Niang stamped her feet and frowned, "that\'s the teacher of Er Mao. You\'ve used the way to deal with those officials again."


Out of the inn, Fang woke up and saw Shenyang.

"Uncle, there are a group of promoted people in the Ministry of officials recently. The lower officials have asked people to check."

Fang woke up and looked at the scar on his face and asked, "how did you get the register?"

Shenyang smiled and pulled the scar on his face, looking more ferocious.

"The lower official went to the palace to find Yu Jia. He asked someone to get it."

This is cheating. The emperor cheated secretly for Fang Xing.

Fang Xing stood outside the inn, his eyes dim, and said, "be careful. I don\'t want to ruin your future. Don\'t interfere with the results. Just report it to me."

Shenyang said carelessly, "it\'s all like this. Let them."

Once those civil servants find that Shenyang is in the middle looking for ammunition for Fang Xing, their revenge will be fierce in the future.

Fang woke up, nodded and whispered, "take a good road, the road will be easy."

Looking at Fang Xing\'s back, Shenyang mumbled Fang Xing\'s words.

"Take a good road, the road will be easy..."

Shenyang stayed for a long time, then recruited people and went all the way.


"My Lord, this is the situation of this group of officials."

Li Fen put a booklet on the table. When she was ready to quit, she saw that Jian Yi didn\'t read the booklet, but frowned and stared at the void, as if she were outside a wandering object.

"My Lord, why don\'t you... Let it go."

Jian Yi turned sideways, looked deep, stared at Li Fen and said, "Tao can\'t do it. It\'s because there are too many people with such ideas. Someone has to come out, okay? Don\'t hide, hide once, and there\'s no possibility of straightening your back."


Fang woke up and went to Li Er Mao\'s house. When she saw that Zhang Shuhui took someone to decorate the courtyard, she praised it.

Li Er Mao has already begun to take his wedding leave. When he saw Fang waking up, he knelt down and thanked him.

Fang Xing arched his hand at Zhou and said, "everything is all right. The father of the second mother over there has just arrived and brought a few carts of things. Don\'t be surprised and frightened to see you tomorrow. Compared with these, they have taken advantage."

Then he kicked Li Er Mao. When he got up, he said, "that girl is independent and loves you, so how to coordinate the relationship in the future depends on you."

Zhou smiled and said, "thanks to you and your wife, er Mao\'s marriage. Please come and have a drink tomorrow."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Mr. Xie will come to the wedding tomorrow. Your majesty should send someone. Then everything will be the same. Don\'t be afraid, otherwise everyone will be upset."

"Your majesty will send someone to come? Then... Those relatives and villagers are afraid to shout heaven."

Fang Xing smiled, then told Li Er Mao a few words, and took Zhang Shuhui home.

Back home, Zhang Shuhui caught Xiaobai for massage.

"You are lazy at home. My feet are numb and my voice is hoarse."

As soon as Xiaobai pinched her hand, Zhang Shuhui immediately groaned. Fang woke up and coughed, "it\'s over tomorrow. No, I\'ll let you tomorrow..."

"My body is OK."

Zhang Shuhui turned over and pulled Xiaobai away. "Husband, there are many people tomorrow. How can I do without my concubine?"

What a strong woman!

Xiaobai gets an understanding and takes the opportunity to slip away. Zhang Shuhui\'s pillow doesn\'t catch up.

"I owe you a decent wedding."

Fang Xing\'s words stopped Zhang Shuhui, who was preparing to complain. She bowed her head and said, "what does your husband say?"

Fang Xing sat by the bed, took her gradually plump waist and whispered, "it was a small sedan chair. There was only Uncle Chen\'s guest. I really owe you."

Zhang Shuhui leaned gently on his shoulder and whispered, "my concubine didn\'t feel wronged. You were like that again. My concubine just wanted to support the Fang family, but didn\'t think much about anything else."

Fang woke up and thought about his state when he just arrived. He had to be supported by Xiaobai when he walked. He couldn\'t help feeling Sanghai Cangtian.

Both of them were thinking about the difficulties and warmth of that year. Finally, Zhang Shuhui broke the silence.

"Husband, what about yuan Er Niang\'s father?"

When the atmosphere was broken, Fang Xing smiled: "there are some small tricks that seem forthright, but they want to compete with me, and then take advantage of the situation to suppress Er Mao. It\'s considered to be caring for his daughter\'s father. But he still wants to ask for benefits for his stockade, and I ignored him."


Then you have to show your sincerity first!

"My Lord, a man named Yuanhua came to ask for a meeting. He immediately sent gold and silver to the seventh brother. They confiscated it."

Fang Xingsong opened his hand, got up and said, "this is a smart man, so it\'s much easier to do."

Fang Xing went to the front yard. When he saw Yuanhua again, he was still forthright. He was wearing a gold bracelet in his left hand. Fang Xing estimated that it weighed a kilogram. If he met a bandit, he would certainly wash his team.

Yuanhua said sincerely, "I was tired all the way before. I was a little confused. Xinghebo, forget it."

Fang woke up and nodded. They went in and sat down. Yuanhua said, "the government wants the stockade to move down the mountain, but I\'m afraid I\'ll be bullied."

The local chieftains have repeatedly been forced by the government, so Yuanhua\'s remark should have a precedent.

Fang Xing was stabbed by his gold bracelet and said faintly, "don\'t worry, the official administration of Daming will only get better and better."

The key to this is that most of the officials in remote places are similar to exile, so they are either greedy or indifferent.

Yuanhua said, "it\'s ok now. I\'m afraid what we get will be bad in the future. At that time, we can only escape back to the mountain empty handed."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I can live for at least 50 years, that is to say, no one will invade your stronghold in 50 years."

Yuanhua seemed to have a strong desire for power. She asked a wordless question: "Xinghe Bo, what if you\'re gone?"

Fang woke up for a moment and said seriously, "if I\'m gone, someone will take my place to stare at Daming. Many people."