Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1865

It\'s * *, brothers and sisters, give it a hand! Ask for a monthly ticket!


On this day, Li Er Mao got up early. His father died early, so he was a little confused early in the morning.

Zhou had gone to the memorial tablet and muttered that there was a knock outside the door.

Li Ermo thought he was a classmate of the Academy, but unexpectedly, when he opened the door, Fang Xing, Xie Jin and several professors of the Academy were outside.

"Er Mao, are you nervous? Ha ha!"

Li Ermo hurried out of the way and Xie Jin came in first. Then a group of students rushed in and made fun of Li Ermo.

"Elder martial brother, did someone make the bed yesterday?"

"Elder martial brother, is the bride beautiful?"

Li Er Mao said angrily, "have you had breakfast?"

"Eat, eat."

Yue Baoguo pointed to Li Ermo with a smile and said, "senior brother, change your official clothes quickly."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

A group of students surrounded Li Ermo to the inner room.

"Thank you."

The Zhou family came out to meet him. Xie Jin stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Er Mao is very happy today. The Academy will stop classes for one day, which makes everyone loose."

Xie Jin turned back and pointed to Xie Zhenliang and said, "the child acts as a deacon today."

Xie Zhenliang arched his hand and said, "students should try their best."

Zhou waved his hand and said, "thank you, but Er Mao\'s father went early. Today..."

At this time, Li Er Mao put on his official clothes. He bowed forward and said, "the student is a woodcutter. Only if the teacher doesn\'t give up, can we have today. Please make decisions for the students today."

This is to ask Fang Xing to fulfill his father\'s responsibility and complete the wedding procedure today.

Fang woke up stunned and sighed, "you\'re married now. Your father\'s spirit in heaven must be comforted, but today Mr. Xie is the most respected."

Fang Xing felt that he was no big deal to Li Er Mao. He was a little uncomfortable in exercising this responsibility.

Xie Jin frowned and said, "when Er Mao came to the city to sell firewood, he met you. Later, he was destined to become a teacher and apprentice. How can he not make it? It has nothing to do with loyalty, so you quickly sat down."

Xie Jin couldn\'t help saying that he grabbed Fang to wake up and went to the main hall. As he walked, he said, "I can\'t sit long. It\'s OK to be a welcome today."

Xie Jin welcomes the guests. The treatment is probably only for the emperor to get married.

Fang Xingduan sat in the main hall and praised LV Changbo: "bow!"

Master, I am a teacher for one day and a father for life.

Fang Xing looked at Li Ermo bowing with emotion and thought of the firewood boy scolded by the haonu. Now the boy has become the censor and the figure in the emperor\'s pocket.


Li Er Mao knelt down slowly, looked at Fang Xing and remembered the smiling man on the day when the hot-air balloon flew into the sky.





Xie Zhenliang handed Li Ermo a glass of wine. Li Ermo spilled some on the ground and then took a sip.

He handed the glass to Xie Zhenliang, got up and went to Fang Xing\'s body.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you\'re fine."

Li Er Mao lowered his eyes and said, "thank you for your kindness."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Li Er Neizhi, ask for your horse."

Li Er Mao bowed and said, "dare not obey orders!"

Looking at this scene, LV Changbo remembered the scene when he applied for the post of Professor, and couldn\'t help sighing.


Zhou watched his son grow up and stand, bow down, and then kneel down

Er Mao\'s father, our son is getting married today. You are going to have grandchildren... Your four seasons sacrifice will not be broken in the future.

She wiped away her tears with the back of her rough hand and watched Li Ermo get up happily.

"The bride is waiting at home! The groom is ready to go!"

The matchmaker shouted outside with a smile.

Fang woke up and generous, and the matchmaker got a lot of benefits. So she stared at the students who poured into the main hall, hoping that these young people would be matchmakers themselves after their marriage.

"Elder martial brother, go and pick up the bride!"

A group of students crowded Li Ermo out, laughing and laughing through the door. The children outside waiting to see the excitement and want to see if there is happy money clapped and shouted.

"Marry the bride, marry the bride, marry the bride to eat imperial food. The little daughter-in-law, the little daughter-in-law, and the baby of tomorrow can be the household."

Fang woke up and went to the door. He watched Li Ermo get on his horse and go away surrounded by the students of the Academy. He smiled and said, "give these children happy money."

Xin Laoqi came over with a small basket in one hand and shouted at the happy children: "get out of the way and be careful to hit your head."

The children gave way to an open space, and Xin Laoqi suddenly dumped the small basket outward.

The copper coins flew out like raindrops, and the children cheered and rushed up to pick up the money on the ground.

This is not humiliation, but excitement. If you queue up to send it, it\'s humiliation - this is helping!

Children\'s joy is the purest. A group of children pick up money on the ground and laugh. This is the atmosphere of the wedding.

"Dad! Dad!"

Fang Xing smiled and looked at the children picking up the money. When he heard the sound, he saw Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai coming with their three children. And worry free ran in front and smiled at him with open arms.

In the back is mo Chou. She holds Huanhuan and smiles.

Fang woke up, waved and smiled down the steps.


Worry free lowered his head and picked up a copper coin. Then he ran over and was picked up by Fang Xing. He took the copper coin and said, "Dad, I picked up the money."


Fang Xing walked to Mo Chou with worry free in his arms and said, "Huanhuan is still young. Go inside first and watch the ceremony when the new people come."

"Brother! Brother!"

Worry free reached out to touch Huanhuan\'s face in Fang Xing\'s arms and said, "aunt, my brother doesn\'t speak."

Mo Chou said with a smile: "Huanhuan is still small, I can\'t tell."


Being extremely disappointed, Fang woke up and said to Tudou and Ping\'an, "today is your senior brother\'s marriage. You need help and don\'t make trouble."


The two children bowed their hands like little adults. Fang woke up and smiled. He felt that in ten years, he should watch his son get married.

A man seemed to be watching the excitement, crowded over from among the children, walked behind Fang Xing and whispered, "uncle, it\'s beginning."

Fang Xing nodded slightly and said, "go in."


After lunch, the cook came with three helpers, set up a soil stove in the backyard of Li Er Mao\'s house, and then began to prepare the banquet.

The marriage gradually reached a climax


At this time, Jian Yi was answering Zhu Zhanji\'s question in the Qianqing palace.

"Lin Bu has been involved in politics for five years in the left of the Jiangxi chief envoy department. He has been praised from top to bottom. He is upright and loves the people like a son..."

Jian Yi\'s voice was very stable without any fluctuation: "I thought he should take over Wang Yue\'s position. As for whether to skip the rank or not, please make a decision."

The left political participation directly jumped to the left political envoy department, which is a jump in rank. However, Daming has never lacked a grade jump, and Lin Bu has participated in politics for five years. His qualifications are enough.

Zhu Zhanji nodded. Jian Yi was relieved. When he was preparing to return to the class, someone came out of the class and said, "tell your majesty, I have something to say."

Zhu Zhanji glanced and said, "you can tell."

"Your Majesty, I consulted a lot of Lin Bu\'s materials and found that when he was in office and left to participate in politics, at least five people said he was corrupt, but later there was no evidence. I thought I should check it first before I was promoted."

Jian Yi was stunned, and then went out of the class and said: "people\'s words are terrible. Most of the officials with more than five grades say corruption or dereliction of duty behind them. I just checked it as usual. There is no evidence to prove Lin Bu\'s corruption. Naturally, I won\'t mention it."

Yu Qian raised his head and said, "Mr. Jian, the inspector general did not come to a conclusion on this. I thought that the Jiangxi inspector general was malfeasance!"

The power of the Commissioner is not small, but it is gradually encroached and corroded by the chief envoy, but the basic supervision work can not be abandoned.

Today is to discuss the vacant positions in various places, and the official department is the protagonist. Therefore, as an official department, Yu Qian appeared in the court.