Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1863

On the penultimate day of this month, we are still in the 10th place in the monthly ticket list, more than 100 votes away from the ninth place. Please ask for a ticket! thank!!!


"Don\'t you want to start a family yet?"

Shenyang is still like that. It can scare children. When I opened my mouth to speak, the missing front tooth made people feel gloomy.

"No, officer..."

"You\'re still thinking about her."

Fang woke up, stared at him and said seriously, "since you like her, that person doesn\'t treat her well, then go and get her back!"

Shenyang\'s cheeks relaxed at once, and his eyes were dim. The whole person looked decadent and melancholy.

"What are you afraid of?"

This is royal guards. It\'s quiet in Shenyang.

"You... You don\'t hesitate to serve your country. Your majesty has a good impression of you. Royal guards, I think you will be in charge sooner or later, but I hope you can leave here. Even if you are a businessman and guard your home every day, I think you should like such a day."

Shenyang looked at the ground blankly. Fang Xing suddenly couldn\'t bear it. He said softly, "if you like, I can go to your majesty to say something for you and let you leave the royal guards."

Shenyang shook his head, "uncle, when you enter the royal guards, you will never wash away the smell. When you leave the royal guards, you are a drowning dog. The lower officer wants to marry her and carries her home openly..."

"What are you hesitating about?" Fang Xing stared at him and asked. He thought Shenyang was too indecisive. He could say it elsewhere, but he had some trouble in the royal guards.

"Officer... I don\'t know."

Fang woke up and left. Shenyang sat there blankly, allowing the light to move slowly from his head to his shoulders.

As time passed, a roar suddenly came from the room in Shenyang.


Just now, footsteps came from all around quietly.

Shenyang got up, opened the door, squinted at the sun and said, "go check Qian Liang."

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Still have." Shenyang light way: "stare at the official department and Jian Yi, report in time."

"My lord..."

Mi Quan hesitated and said, "Your Excellency, this matter must be agreed by your majesty, otherwise..."

There are more than ten royal guards standing under the steps. They look excited. They hope that Shenyang can take the royal guards out of the confusion and desolation after Ji Gang.

Shenyang said coldly, "just do it. I\'ll bear it if I have something to do!"


Mi Quan promised loudly.

Shenyang remembered Fang Xing\'s previous words. Knowing this, the emperor must pretend not to know and let Fang Xing and Jian Yi fight in secret.

This is the battle of orthodoxy and position!

But Confucianism is like the meridians of the Ming Dynasty. How can a small Academy of knowledge and practice be an opponent?

Shenyang looked for saihazhi with gloomy eyes.

"My Lord, I have something to tell you."

Saihazhi still looked like he couldn\'t wake up. He didn\'t listen to Shenyang\'s follow-up report. He said lazily, "go by yourself."

Shenyang arched his hands and turned away.

Saihazhi\'s eyes suddenly opened, looked at the back of Shenyang striding out, and smiled coldly.

"Getting involved in these things is Ji Gang. Second, do you think those civil servants are vegetarian? I\'ll see how you die in the future!"


"Can you be less involved in this matter?"

Xie Jin had a headache. He pointed to Fang Xing and said, "you privately mobilize the royal guards to check Jianyi. In the future, regardless of success or failure, your majesty will move you, which will be one of your great sins at any time. Think about them more and restrain yourself."

They were walking in Chuang Tzu. Near the Mid Autumn Festival, the farmers went out to buy and came back. In twos and threes, they saw both bow their hands.

"I like this kind of life. If I can, I\'m willing to retire and spend a leisurely life in Fangjia villa with my wife and children."

Fang woke up and touched a child\'s head, and the two continued to move forward.

"Jian Yi wants to be the gate to block the advance of Zhixing Academy. How can I be weak?"

Fang Xing\'s eyebrows were more confident: "I just said, why don\'t scientific children go out of office openly? He Jian Yi did things against his conscience, and I don\'t know if there would be a trace of guilt."

"You underestimated Jian Yi, he won\'t feel guilty."

Xie Jin said proudly, "if you want to be an important minister and a senior official, you must first put away your kindness. You only have a purpose in your eyes, and the rest is just the cannon fodder you said."

"What do you want to do? Call the door directly? You\'re best at this. Jian Yi can\'t beat you."

Fang Xing smiled, "No."


Li Er Mao\'s wedding is advancing in an orderly way, and Zhang Shuhui has taken over the process.

"Has the woman\'s family arrived yet?"

Zhang Shuhui has been very busy these days. Originally, she and Xiaobai had a tacit understanding to take care of the affairs of the Fang family in an orderly manner without any interference from the demander.

But Li Er Mao\'s family has a headache. The key is the bride\'s family!

Fang Jielun also came to help these days. With a bitter face, he said, "madam, it\'s about to enter the city, but how long has it been? I haven\'t seen anyone yet."

Li Er Mao\'s mother rubbed her hands on the side, with a guilty face. Her ability and knowledge were not enough to support such a marriage, so she had to try her best.

Zhang Shuhui raised her eyebrows and said, "ask someone to hurry. It\'s going to be married tomorrow. What\'s the matter if the woman\'s family doesn\'t arrive?"

Fang Jielun answered and went out to find a servant.


Outside Peiping City, several ox carts were blocked in the middle, and more than ten people on the side were pointing at the wall with a shocked face.

"The city of the Han people is so powerful that we can\'t beat it. That Mao is right. Live a good life and follow your majesty."

The talking man was dressed in silk and his dark face was full of pride.

"My son-in-law is an official of Daming. Who dares to provoke us there in the future? Ha ha!"

These people and ox carts blocked the road. A sergeant came over the gate, frowned and said, "where did you come from?"

The man looked up and said, "what did he say?"

A man came out of the motorcade. He smiled and said, "Sir, this is the chieftain Yuanhua of Yunnan. They are here to marry their daughter."

The sergeant had a headache and said, "where is the document?"

From Yunnan to Beijing, if there were no documents, they would have been caught and cleaned up by the inspection department on the way.

The man took out the document, handed it over and said, "his son-in-law is an imperial censor and a student of what uncle."

The sergeant read the document, frowned and said, "the imperial censor who is preparing to marry in the city recently is Lord Li Ermo Li, but he is a student of xinghebo. Is that really the case?"

Li Er Mao\'s plan to marry a chieftain\'s daughter has long become a talk in Beiping. The sergeant looked at the upstart appearance of Yuanhua and had determined most of it in his heart.

"Go in, where do you know? Oh! It\'s like getting married tomorrow. You can find a place by asking."

"Ha ha ha!"

Yuanhua came over and stretched out his hand for a piece of silver. The sergeant\'s eyes flashed a happy look, but he stepped back and said, "don\'t do this! Bribery, you\'re a bribe. If someone bribes someone, there must be something illegal."

After Yuan Er Niang followed Li Er Mao away, Yuan Hua began to learn Chinese, so as soon as he heard the sergeant\'s words, he glared and said, "my son-in-law is the imperial censor. Come and try."

The interpreter waved his hand and said, "this is not a bribe. In Yunnan, this is the meeting ceremony. Yes, it is the meeting ceremony."

Meeting gift?

The small flag officer who came felt jealous. He was jealous of the people who went to Yunnan.


At this time, he rode out of the gate and drove his horse slowly when he saw the ox cart.

"But Lord Yuanhua?"

Yuan Hua looked at the sound and nodded, "who are you?"

"Madam has been asking where the woman\'s people are. Lord Yuanhua, come to the city quickly. The bride is about to tear down the inn!"

As soon as Yuan Hua heard this, she said with a dry cough, "how\'s my daughter? That Mao has bullied her? The official will cut him today, and then shut him up in the stockade to serve my daughter every day."


With his father-in-law, Fang Wu began to have a headache for Li Ermo.

The small flag officer knew Fang Wu, so he went over and asked. Then he took someone to check several ox carts at will, and returned to the gate with a blank face.

As the ox cart entered the city, the small flag officer murmured, "I\'m going to be special! The censor has found a rich daughter-in-law! Can the censor continue?"