Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1862

"Your Majesty first tried to increase the number of county and township officials. After being pushed back by us, he took the college students out of office to suppress us. If we refuse once, we can\'t refuse again. Your Majesty\'s means are becoming more and more skilled. We don\'t know whether it\'s good or bad for us."

Jin Youzi felt that the emperor had gone too far. "This is a constant temptation. When we retreat, you will cover the sky with one hand at that time."

This suggests that Zhu Zhanji may become Zhu Di\'s second.

"This is not a bad thing."

The emperor has left the palace. It is said that Fang Xing is waiting outside, which makes people sad.

Huang Huai rubbed his eyebrows and said wearily, "Emperor Wen\'s second is OK, but Fang Xing is mixed with it. In my opinion, his set of so-called science is an evil way that shakes people\'s hearts. He has no mind and only seeks benefits."

"So what?"

Yang Pu always felt that he was living in a swamp and it was difficult to turn his body.

"Your Majesty has recognized that set wholeheartedly. Can you find a great Confucian to drink with the head of Buddhism and bring your majesty back?"

His forbearance has become inaction in Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes, and has been repeatedly ignored recently.

He liked to read Zizhi Tongjian. During the days of Zhao prison, Zhu Di did not restrict him from reading with Huang Huai, so most of the books in his family were moved in.

Zizhi Tongjian is his favorite.

He likes the silent rise and fall hidden between the lines. That pen represents the joys and sorrows of emperors and generals.

Sima Kuang became famous all over the world for his comprehensive study of Zizhi. He gathered world fame and returned to Beijing. Amid the dreamy cheers, he took over the "mess" left by Wang Anshi and became a "famous official of ZTE" in the former Song Dynasty.

Can\'t I?

Yang puzong thought he was another Sima Guang, and he endured humiliation and carried on. Now it has finally entered the center, but it has been ignored.

So he impolitely pointed out the emperor\'s mind: I want to promote science and use it to compete with Confucianism.

"If you dig roots, your majesty will not act rashly. As for the Academy..."

Yang Pu said more today than ever before, and his eyebrows were more confident: "there are not many people, just a drop in the sea, but this beginning is not easy to open. Once he starts, the Academy will expand in the future. At that time, it will be a place comparable to the Imperial college. It\'s frightening!"

"Mr. Jian is really a model of our generation."

Yang Pu\'s words were agreed by Jin Youzi. He had no deep friends with Jian Yi in the past, but now he sincerely praised Jian Yi\'s toughness.

"Lord Jian is supporting independently. He is the only one who intercepts the list. You guys, we must not sit idly by!"


"Jian Yi, do you want to be a guardian?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little angry, but more was the emperor\'s powerless depression.

Fang Xing said softly, "you are the emperor, and the students can always become officials. What Jian Yi wants to stop is just that integrity. As long as he quietly puts the students down, I promise Jian Yi won\'t care at all. It\'s just a fight with different positions. Although there is no blood, it\'s more cruel than the battle. You... Must be prepared to see through with them for a long time."

Zhu Zhanji said with a bitter smile, "when you are an emperor, you can\'t be free, stretch or bend!"

Fang Xing said with deep meaning, "if the emperor loses his restraint, that is the beginning of danger."

"Yes, your majesty."

At this time, Mo Chou came with Huanhuan in his arms. Fang woke up and whispered, "you don\'t need to take care of this matter. I\'ll deal with Jianyi them myself."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and Fang woke up hurriedly and said, "you can\'t tear your face with them, but I can, so... Hold on."


Fang woke up, greeted him, took Huanhuan with a smile, and then whispered to Mo Chou, "you should let someone tell me."

Mo Chou hung his eyes, "most of the people don\'t dare. This is to scare people. I just want not to disturb you."

"You think too much. You can say something later."

"Show me."

Zhu Zhanji\'s desire for his son had reached a peak. He took over Huanhuan and coaxed him awkwardly.

At the door of the immortal house, those who came in and out laughed at the man on his knees.

Someone recognized the man\'s identity and was surprised.

"Is this family poor and crazy? It\'s death to come to blackmail people without asking!"

The man looked at the gate in panic and looked forward to Fang Xing and the emperor coming out to apologize.

But Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji finally left the immortal house through the back door


Back in the palace, Zhu Zhanji pondered for a while and finally went to Hu Shanxiang.

Hu Shanxiang didn\'t have much control over the palace affairs. After the Empress Dowager took over the whole thing, she just kept the baby all day.

But she refused to stay in the house and asked someone to take a walk in the yard while the weather was cool.

Kunning palace is the Queen\'s territory. Those concubines can\'t enter without notification, so Hu Shanxiang is very happy.

"The child will be born next year. I don\'t know whether it will be a brother or a sister. If you want to be so good, you always want to be a sister, but your majesty can\'t live without a son. You\'re worried!"

Hu Shanxiang\'s gestures and her smiles are filled with the happiness of being a mother.

"Empress, your highness is better to avoid being coveted by others!"

The grand maid said that Yue carefully held her and felt that there was something wrong with the Queen\'s mentality.

Hu Shanxiang didn\'t have any capable people around him. The Empress Dowager later gave her a mammy around her. As soon as she arrived at the Kunning palace, the mother called Yi\'an almost turned it over and cleaned up many people.

Yi\'an\'s eyes were sharp. She glanced at the moon and said, "don\'t say anything. It\'s better not to say anything. It\'s good for the prince or princess. Your majesty and empress are strong. It\'s not a matter to have a few more. Remember, don\'t say anything in the future."

She said that Yue Bian\'s mouth was flat, and her tearful appearance made Yi\'an frown. "You have to change your habit of crying all the time, or you will miss your mother\'s business sooner or later."

Seeing this, Hu Shanxiang said, "just say that the moon is still small. AON, teach her slowly. But these things are God\'s will. There\'s no need to worry. Don\'t talk about them in the future."

When the moon was due, Hu Shanxiang said with a smile: "we are happy here, and then slowly save some dowry for Duanduan, so that they can get married. I feel reluctant to give up when I think about it!"

Yi\'an couldn\'t help laughing and said, "madam, you think so far. How old is the princess now? It will take many years to get married, so you should eat, drink and don\'t save those things. Your majesty will naturally worry about the princess\'s dowry."

Hu Shanxiang nodded, touched Xianhuai\'s belly and said with longing: "if you are a son, you\'d better ask Xinghe Bo to teach you. Think about his potatoes. They are polite but generous and knowledgeable. Hey! I just don\'t know Xinghe Bo Tong doesn\'t agree..."

The corners of Zhu Zhanji\'s mouth tilted slightly.

He and Yu Jia stood behind the side door. Yu Jia was worried that he was angry, so he whispered, "Your Majesty, you are also the one who wants to teach! My mother is afraid you have no Kung Fu!"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head slightly. Fang Xing\'s two sons seemed to be free range, but Zhu Zhanji knew that Fang Xing was staring at them all the time. If there were any bad signs, he would immediately correct them in various ways including father son talk.

Zhu Zhanji, the prince in the deep palace, remembers that his younger brothers have studied with the great Confucianism since childhood, practicing calligraphy and reciting classics all day. When you are older, you have to start all kinds of learning, which is unbearable.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at Hu Shanxiang, then turned and left Kunning palace.