Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1861


They turned to shunchengmen. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the street is much more lively.

"Now the hands of the people are still much looser!"

Zhu Zhanji turned off Fang Xing\'s topic and pointed to the rice shop ahead.

There is a sign outside the rice shop. It is probably that the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching. If our rice noodles are sold at a low price.

But even if the price is reduced, there are still not many people in the rice shop.

Nowadays, the grain source of Daming is no longer limited to the interior. Whether it is the black land over nuergandi or the grain producing area in Jiaozhi, it has effectively supplemented the grain market of Daming.

"All countries in the South China Sea produce grain."

Fang Xing\'s voice was a little erratic: "after taking it, you don\'t have to worry about food problems in the next 300 years."

The little glacier is eyeing covetously. If there is no interference and no external food filling, no matter how powerful Daming is, he has to kneel.

"In the north, in case of snow and drought, the north will fall first, so... Dredging ditches and rivers must continue, and it must be done in a hundred years."

Once the little glacier comes, the north of Daming will become a disaster area.

"So this north-south cement road must be built and there must be sea transportation. So we must take the South China Sea, and then plant rubber and grain. Once there is a famine in the Ming Dynasty, seagoing ships can go north and stabilize people\'s hearts with grain."

Fang Xing scoffed at those who opposed the opening of the sea. "The sea must be in the hands of Daming. Fishing can supplement Daming\'s dinner table, and the new continent found can provide minerals and food. At that time, Daming will usher in an era of population explosion."

Fang Xing looked forward to that great era, and Zhu Zhanji was also carefree and fascinated.

"The population of Daming is not enough, far from enough."

The two children rushed over, and Shen Shitou came forward to intercept. Zhu Zhanji snorted, Shen Shitou avoided and let the two children rush in front of Zhu Zhanji.


The two children saw the extraordinary momentum of Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing. They were afraid of bumping into the noble, so they ran to both sides.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the child as if he were looking at countless armies.

"I think... The population of Daming should at least increase to more than 10000, no, 20000."

Zhu Zhanji stood in the middle of the road and said proudly, "at that time, the South China Sea is the inland sea of Daming. No, it\'s our bathtub. If it\'s not clear, it\'s a thief!"

"Twenty thousand!"

Fang Xing smiled. "Twenty million yuan, the world is Daming."

In this era, due to food and health security, the low population can surprise people in the future.

If there is no food gap, Daming\'s population growth will be astonishing.


Fang Xing hesitated and said, "I have to apologize to you for that matter."

Zhu Zhanji gradually put aside the corners of his mouth and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Fang Xing asked angrily.

Zhu Zhanji laughed less and said in a low voice, "after I reported that I was pregnant, I went to the queen, and the queen said the whole thing."

This silly girl!

Fang woke up speechless, spread his hand and said, "this is my fault."

With a pun in his words, Zhu Zhanji said with a smile in his eyes, "brother Dehua, I know what you meant at that time."

Brother Dehua made Fang Xing feel uncomfortable.

Zhu Zhanji said, "at that time, Grandpa Huang had decided to take the Hu family. I was in a row for a while, but I couldn\'t marry the sun family after all, so you want to comfort me..."

"No, that\'s a good girl."

Fang Xing retorted impolitely: "I know there is no reason to like a person, but the queen is a good girl. Now that it has been decided, you should make a choice. Remember, you are the emperor, not the people. Even if the people marry a wife, even if they don\'t like it, they will slowly learn to like her. Yes, it\'s always right to be kind to those who are good to you for a hundred years."

Hu Shanxiang\'s heart hung on Zhu Zhanji after he was appointed Princess TAISUN.

"She expected you to live, but she didn\'t look like a vine. Even if she was ignored, she didn\'t say a word. She stayed there alone. Where were you then? You were in love with sun. Won\'t your conscience hurt?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s smile gradually disappeared and walked back in silence.

Shen Shitou and Jia looked at each other comprehensively. Finally, Shen Shitou leaned up and whispered, "uncle, your majesty is not easy!"

Fang Xing also had some regrets, so he followed Zhu Zhanji and said, "just, I\'m too blunt. In fact, I\'m not much better."

Zhu Zhanji said in a deep voice, "my heart is more about Daming. The love between men and women is just embellishment for me. From the moment I ascended the throne, I have this consciousness."

"Then there are fewer women!"

Fang woke up and regretted. He smiled bitterly and said, "whatever you want."

Zhu Zhanji pointed to his left and said, "your Mo Chou is inside."

On the left is the immortal house. I want my brother to cross his waist and drink and scold a man outside, just like a shrew.

"... you * said! Who do you think you are? You dare to ask for the shares of Shenxianju. Why don\'t you go home and let your mother plug you back and pull you out again..."

After a few rounds of quarrel, the man pointed to his younger brother and scolded, "you bitch, wait until I call someone to take it back. Then I\'ll sell you into the lowest semi hidden door and receive those traffickers and pawns every day..."

Yaodi was furious as soon as he heard it. He was about to come and fight, but he saw the negative hand watching Fang wake up here.


The younger brother came to bless his body, and then said angrily, "the man came here today and asked for shares as soon as he spoke. The young lady ignored him and took the young master to the back. The man was still reluctant and threatened to close the shop when he didn\'t give it."


The man looked arrogant. He was probably from some Xun Qi family. Seeing that Fang woke up with a faint look, Zhu Zhanji just frowned and thought they didn\'t want to take care of it.


Fang Xing didn\'t speak. Zhu Zhanji said unswervingly, "who\'s your master?"

There were many things like forcibly seizing the industry before. Later, after Zhu Di cleaned it up, the relatives began to be honest.

When the man was stunned, Fang woke up and said, "your master is mostly a Xun Qi who has no real power. It\'s hard to see such a situation. Let him sign a contract later."

The man just showed a happy face. Zhu Zhanji had become an advanced immortal house and said, "take your family Huanhuan out and have a look."

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "you\'re going to have two more children soon. I\'m afraid you don\'t have time to hold them."

The two men went in one after another. The man thought of Zhu Zhanji\'s casual tone just now and couldn\'t help but be afraid.

Jia Quan followed in. Shen Shitou stayed behind. He took the man\'s front and threw it on the ground. He said with a grim smile, "you\'re in great trouble. Your master will kill you later!"

The man lay on the ground, looked up and begged, "my Lord, who is that?"

These ignorant people made Shen Shitou feel reluctant to deceive him. He slapped him in the back and shouted, "this is xinghebo\'s place. You\'ve done your best."

The man let out a wail, then his mind turned and his whole body couldn\'t help shaking.

"That\'s... That\'s..."

Shen Shitou sneered, "dare you say it?"


"Those students are in a bit of trouble."

In the private room of Shenxianju, Zhu Zhanji\'s face was not very good-looking.

"Jian Yi chose silence, which is waiting for me to fight, and then... He is threatening me. His heart can be punished!"