Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1860

In the last three days, I asked for monthly tickets and tried to stabilize the monthly ticket list. Countless celebratory memorials flew into the palace. Officials near the capital were the most enthusiastic.

——Kirin appeared in the countryside under my rule!

——Stars shine brightly at night, and the whole city is surprised!

——There are big turtles floating and sinking in the river, with dragon patterns on their backs!


There is no doubt that an heir to the Empire will be born.

At this moment of cheering, Fang Xing walked alone on the way into the palace.

"What do you want to say?"

Sun Xiang, dressed in plain clothes, followed up like a kind-hearted little old man.

"What my daughter-in-law does, I, a husband, always have to find out."

"But your majesty doesn\'t know."

"No, whether he knows it or not, I won\'t hide it from him, and I don\'t need to hide it from him."

"Aren\'t you afraid that your majesty has split up with you?"

Out of professional instinct, Sun Xiang became more and more interested in each other.

It\'s too late for others to cover up such things. It\'s good that they should take the initiative to confess.

"If you don\'t say it, you\'ll get points."

Fang woke up, frowned at Sun Xiang and said, "Grandpa sun, you look like this... You really have some Buddha nature."

Sun Xiang said with a smile, "our family will take it as a compliment. Yes, our family is now dedicated to the Buddha. If it is not for our physical disability, we all want to find a temple to become a monk."

Fang woke up and said, "the Dharma is boundless. As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, everywhere is a practice ground. Hiding in a clean place is just a sign of your inner instability."

Sun Xiang said with a smile: "Xinghe Bo\'s words are very good. There is a Buddha in his heart. Everywhere is a clean place!"

Fang Xing went all the way outside the palace, but no one came. Just when he doubted whether Zhu Zhanji was angry, he saw Shen Shitou and Jia Quan, but there was a man in plain clothes between them, with his head down.

The three gradually approached. Fang Xing shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, "how did you think of it?"

"I\'m suffocating in the palace. Since they were pregnant, those women are driving me crazy. Women appear everywhere."

Thinking of Zhu Zhanji walking in the harem, from time to time, from behind the big tree, among the flowers, around the corner... A shy beauty suddenly appeared, playing the piano here and singing poetry and painting there

"I express my deep sympathy for this."

They went out of the imperial city together. Zhu Zhanji looked at the pedestrians in the street with great interest, especially the shops, which was the focus of his attention.

"It is estimated that there will be a lot of growth in the commercial tax this year. Xia Yuanji has been happy to turn it over. With a stroke of a pen, he took the initiative to allocate money to the palace for repair."

Zhu Zhanji seemed a little proud, which was an emotion he rarely showed.

Daming\'s business tax is gradually advancing. According to Xia Yuanji, it has not been collected at all, and many people are still in a state of tax evasion.

Fang Xing is convinced that with the current development momentum of Daming, commercial tax will gradually become the main source of Finance for the Ministry of household.

Zhu Zhanji said with some melancholy, "the gentry controlled the following. I wanted to try and gradually recapture those rights by increasing officials, but... All the officials opposed it."

"They don\'t object for the sake of opposition, but they are afraid that you will annoy those people. At that time, your emperor will probably become the most unpopular emperor in history. No one will answer wherever the decree goes."

Fang woke up and saw the seller of sour soup. This sour soup was only made recently. It was boiled with kimchi and water. When I drink a bowl of cold sour soup in summer, I feel like I\'ve just gone to an ice warehouse and feel comfortable all over.

In winter, a bowl of hot sour soup will make you sweat and have a big appetite.

Fang woke up, his forefinger moved, put his shoulder on Zhu Zhanji, then put his chin towards the stall and said, "have a bowl?"

Zhu Zhanji was also a little greedy, so he nodded, and then the party surrounded the stall.

There was everything in the palace, but after several procedures, the food sent made Zhu Zhanji miss the first delicious food.

After drinking sour soup, they continued to walk in the street.

"This step can not be urgent. The first thing to add is institutions, that is, positions."

Zhu Zhanji nodded. "It\'s a good idea to get a new position and leave it there. He began to vague his authority. When he had a chance, he slowly stretched out his hand and slowly eroded... I\'m weak enough for the emperor to do this."

Fang woke up and looked around and said, "it has nothing to do with the emperor. It\'s just a dispute of interests. No matter how powerful the emperor is, but look at the Qin emperor, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu. They also hold their grievances, and some hold their grievances more than you, so governance is a technical job. You have to take it easy."