Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1859

Zhu gaoxu left and took a team of bodyguards out of Peiping.

The court was relieved. Even Zhu Zhanji thought that uncle Huang was a double-edged sword. When he hurt the enemy, he often hurt his own people.

Yang Pu\'s caudal vertebra contusion, too the hospital gave the best advice to rest for ten days, but he only stayed at home for two days and stumbled to the court.

The government continued to be stable, but some undercurrent surged in Zhu Zhanji\'s harem.


Sun leaned against the head of the bed, carefully touched his belly and asked in a low voice, "are you sure I\'m pregnant?"

Mother Zhou said happily, "madam, the old slave used to serve Emperor Wen\'s concubine. The concubine was pregnant and looked like you now!"

Sun nodded, covered his surprise and said calmly, "wait a few days. If it\'s settled, find a royal doctor."

Mother Zhou said impatiently, "madam, the old slave must have a guarantee! Now report it, your majesty is watching, and you don\'t dare to do it there! Besides, she\'s only a daughter. If you give birth to a little highness... Madam, it\'s universal celebration!"

Sun looked at the door and said, "who can tell it\'s a son at this time? It\'s just... Just go and ask the imperial doctor."


At Hu Shanxiang\'s place, Zhang Shuhui is apologizing.

"My humble husband told me that I should go to the imperial doctor to see this matter in a fair and aboveboard manner. The noble Queen, who dares to do it! Alas! Fortunately, it\'s not too late, madam. Go to the imperial doctor to have a look?"

Hu Shanxiang had the experience of pregnant, so he said firmly: "I must be pregnant, imperial doctor... Just go and invite one."

Zhang Shuhui breathed a sigh of relief, and then exchanged the children\'s Sutra with Hu Shanxiang. They were happy.

But it didn\'t take long for bird tail to come back.

"My lady, when I went, the man who happened to meet imperial concubine sun invited a royal doctor and said that she might be pregnant."

The bird\'s tail was a little flustered. Zhang Shuhui broke and shouted, "where\'s the imperial doctor you asked?"

The bird\'s tail said in panic: "I thought I was noticed by the people over there, so... I wanted to come back and report first."

Hu Shanxiang said blankly, "it\'s a good thing that we are all pregnant. You don\'t know, the Empress Dowager and outside are talking about your Majesty\'s lack of son. It\'s okay, it\'s okay..."

The bird tail regretted. He said, "madam, I blame the slaves and maidservants. But now I go to ask the imperial doctor. I\'m afraid it\'s a suspicion of following the trend and being jealous."

Hu Shanxiang suddenly lost his mind and looked at Zhang Shuhui.

Zhang Shuhui got up and turned around and said, "well, this tone can\'t be robbed by that woman. Madam, let someone immediately report to your majesty that she is pregnant."

"But..." Hu Shanxiang touched his stomach and hesitated, "but the imperial doctor hasn\'t come to feel his pulse yet!"

"What are you afraid of!"

Zhang Shuhui glared and said, "you\'re the right wife. She\'s just a concubine. Can your majesty let the concubine climb on your head? The humble husband said he would come into the palace and have a fight with your majesty."

Hu Shanxiang said weakly, "why don\'t... Let her take the lead."

Zhang Shuhui hated iron and said, "you! You know tolerance all day. If you let you go again, there will be no place to go!"

Looking back, Zhang Shuhui said to the bird tail, "listen to me. Go to your majesty now and say that your mother is pregnant. If there is any fault, I will bear it!"

The bird tail looked at Hu Shanxiang and had no answer. He gave a shout and turned out.

"If you make a mistake, the servant will say you heard it wrong!"

Zhang Shuhui said happily, "look, look, so many people are thinking of you. What are you afraid of?"

However, this is somewhat unreliable. Zhang Shuhui is still ready to stand out for Hu Shanxiang.


Zhu Zhanji spoke to the empress dowager, and the bird tail hurried to see him outside.

"What\'s the matter with the queen?"

Duanduan was playing around the Empress Dowager. The bird tail said, "tell your mother, tell your majesty, the queen is pregnant."


The Empress Dowager got up happily, looked at Zhu Zhanji and said, "good thing! The emperor, go and have a look."

Zhu Zhanji asked, "have you let the imperial doctor see it?"

The bird\'s tail said with a stiff head, "both the empress and Mrs. Xinghe said they were pregnant, and they said they didn\'t call the imperial doctor, so as not to make trouble everywhere."

Duan Duan shouted on the side, "grandma Huang, my mother has been walking carefully these days."

The Empress Dowager sighed and said, "well, Duanduan knows that she loves your mother."

The struggle in the harem is not tragic, but it is inevitable to fight for favor. Hu Shanxiang is in peace with the world, so the delay of pregnancy news must be Zhang Shuhui\'s attention, and the purpose

The Empress Dowager sighed: "the emperor, the Queen\'s duty, can\'t let someone bully her."

As a member of the harem, the Empress Dowager Hu Shanxiang also felt that it was inappropriate, but... If supported by the emperor, it would be extremely inappropriate.

Zhu Zhanji was a little confused, but he still answered, and then hurried to Hu Shanxiang.

Duanduan also wanted to go back. The Empress Dowager dragged her and said, "your father and mother have something to say. You\'ll go back later. Let your mother harden up at that time, otherwise you can\'t protect you!"

The voice was bleak. The Empress Dowager thought of the past and couldn\'t help shaking her head: "who did you lose in the end?"


"Congratulations, madam. I\'m pregnant."

The imperial doctor stroked his beard and was very proud.

But there was no news of children in the palace for a long time. He won the first prize. Naturally, the reward is inevitable.

Sun Shi was relieved at last. She leaned and said, "go and tell your majesty personally."

"Madam, I\'ll go now."

Wang Zhen ran away. Seeing his urgency, sun smiled and said, "he wants to ask for a reward!"

Mother Zhou said proudly, "madam, this is a great event. Your Majesty must have a big reward. The maidservant moves slowly, or I really want to rob this job."

Sun smiled and said, "I have something here later. It can be regarded as congratulations."

"Thank you, madam."


Wang Zhen is not greedy for that reward. He wants to show his face in front of the emperor!

He hurried all the way to the front. When he asked the emperor, he was not there. He only said that he was behind the back palace, so he turned around to find someone to ask.

When he learned that the emperor was with the queen, he couldn\'t help smiling proudly, and then went to see him.

"Your Majesty is inside. We\'ll talk later."

Yu Jia directly blocked Wang Zhen. Wang Zhen said anxiously, "father-in-law, empress sun is pregnant!"

The disdain on Yu Jia\'s face flashed by and said with a straight face, "the queen is pregnant, too. Does your majesty want to go there first?"


Wang Zhen only felt a thunder falling on his head. His body shook, and then stood on the side waiting.

It wasn\'t long before Zhu Zhanji came out, and Wang Zhen quickly told him.

"Is she pregnant, too?"

Zhu Zhanji was so happy that he followed him to the other side.


"She\'s been pretending?"

After Zhu Zhanji left, mother Zhou was so angry that she said regardless of her dignity: "the slave and maidservant are pretending to see this. This is to hit you in the face!"

Sun\'s face was pale and shook his head. "The imperial doctors have confirmed that they are indeed pregnant."

Mother Zhou said angrily, "but why didn\'t she say it? Madam, this is a traitor! We were cheated by her in the past."

Wang Zhen made a psychoanalysis and said, "madam, I heard that Mrs. Xinghe often went to the palace these days. My maid guessed whether it would be Mrs. Xinghe\'s idea?"

Sun said faintly, "don\'t talk nonsense."

Wang Zhen said with a smile: "madam, Mrs. Xing Hebo and Xing Hebo have the same temperament. She must want to make a decision after looking at your situation, but how do they know that you are pregnant? Slaves doubt..."

Wang Zhen looked around. Mammy Zhou said ruthlessly, "someone must be eating inside and outside. Please ask your mother and maidservant to inquire."

Sun looked blankly at the void. Mother Zhou sighed and went out of the bedroom.

"My mother is pregnant. Call everyone and have something to say!"

Sun\'s side was like facing a great enemy, while Hu Shanxiang was laughing and laughing.

Pregnancy means that the queen is not a hen who can\'t lay eggs. As for children, it depends on the diligence of the emperor.

The two women were pregnant at the same time. As soon as the Empress Dowager was happy, she asked someone to temporarily move the affairs of the harem. Before Hu Shanxiang\'s child was born at the full moon, she took charge of the matters of the harem temporarily.