Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1858

Yan Dajian is a very amiable person. After he was transferred from Fujian to Beijing and served as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of rites, everyone thought that he would be the only candidate for the Minister of rites after LV Zhen.

But after LV Zhen left, Hu Chen, who did not show mountains and dew, suddenly appeared and was designated by Zhu Zhanji as the Minister of rites.

If others say so, many people will feel aggrieved for Yan Dajian. But Hu is different.

It can be seen from Hu Chen\'s official career that this man is purely the personal adviser of Emperor Wen Zhu Di. He wanders around the Ming Dynasty from time to time. No one dares to ask what he is going for.

Hu zhe was in the top position, and Yan Dajian immediately became the most embarrassing one.

Some people say that if he had known this, he might as well have stayed in Fujian at the beginning. Now he is at least a political envoy. How happy is a big official!

In the face of these comments, Yan Dajian just smiled and fully cooperated with Hu\'s work.

It didn\'t take long for his posture to win praise from the top and bottom. Even Hu said in front of Zhu Zhanji that Yan Dajian had the demeanor of a minister.

But Zhu Zhanji just smiled. He firmly remembered what Zhu Di said.

I\'m afraid his mind is a little heavy when he gets his son to be an official.

So Zhu Zhanji is ready to observe again. If this person can persevere, he will naturally consider letting him hold a more important post in the future.


Early in the morning, Yan Dajian rode slowly to the ceremony department, smiling all the way.

In Zhu Di\'s period, officials who could not ride horses and wanted to sit in sedan chairs were bound to be unlucky. Therefore, no matter the size of officials, those who can afford horses will ride, and those who can\'t afford them will walk.

Yan Dajian\'s equestrian skills are good. He believes in the reins and breathes the autumn air. He looks quite happy.

A sound of hoofs came from the front, a little hasty.

Yan Dajian frowned and looked at the distance, thinking that this is the capital. How can he run a horse?

The sound of horses\' hoofs gradually approached, and a team of knights appeared in the dawn. When Yan Dajian saw the leader, he ducked with his eyes.

Zhu gaoxu rushed past him with people beating horses. His disdainful voice came from the autumn wind.

"All useless fools!"

Yan Dajian smiled and rode away.

But Zhu gaoxu came all the way to fangjiazhuang and entered the gate in high spirits.

"Your Highness, are you..."

Fang Jielun asked, pointing to a string of things in Zhu gaoxu\'s hand.

Zhu gaoxu was ruddy and said with a laugh, "it\'s for your young lady to grind her teeth. Wake Fang up."

Fang Xinggang finished his breakfast. As soon as his two sons wiped their mouths, put on their schoolbags and shouted to go to the Academy, they ran out. Two big dogs followed. They will always send their two little masters to the academy and then come back by themselves.

Fang Xing was walking in the yard, thinking about the arrangements of the students.

Jian Yi will be embarrassed or even put aside. He expected this, but it\'s not suitable to explode at present, so he\'s still observing.

As for those students, they have worked hard outside for a long time. This period of time should be regarded as a holiday for them.

Worry free followed him, carrying his hands, frowning and bending down step by step.

The appearance of father and daughter in the early morning made everyone laugh until Muhua came in and reported.

"Sir, your Highness the king of Han came and said to let the young lady pass."

Fang woke up stunned and angrily said, "what\'s that guy thinking?"

Looking back at the worry free with a small face, Fang Xing secretly made up his mind to drive away all those who coveted his daughter.

When he led worry free to the front yard, Zhu gaoxu was already waiting there.

"Ha ha! Fang Xing! Ha ha! I\'m here to thank you!"

Zhu gaoxu laughed, walked over triumphantly, leaned over and touched carefree\'s head, and then handed things over.

"Here, it\'s all right. Take the molar!"

Worry free stared at the bunch of dried rabbit meat, and then looked at Fang Xing.


Worry free stepped back, then held Fang Xing\'s thigh and frowned at Zhu gaoxu.

She felt that the man was fierce and not kind at all. If she didn\'t see someone behind Zhu gaoxu, she would suggest driving him out.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "take it. This is a gift from your highness."

When Zhu gaoxu saw the worry free frown, he couldn\'t help being softer. "Take it and chew it with your two brothers on your back at night."

Worry free took the dried rabbit meat hard, turned around and gave it to Muhua, and then thanked him.

"But there is a happy event?"

Zhu gaoxu didn\'t want to enter the front hall, so everyone talked outside.

"The king is going to sea."

Zhu gaoxu tried his best to pretend to be reserved, but the joy on his face could not be covered.

"Good thing, good thing, Congratulations!"

Fang Xing feels that the time is early, but since Zhu Zhanji has made a decision, he can only support it.

Zhu gaoxu said proudly, "you went out of the sea and told the king where the people are powerful. The king will take people to destroy them at that time."


Fang Xing had a headache and said, "Your Highness, these are small forces from Ryukyu to Sumatra. They didn\'t clean up at the beginning just for balance. If you want to... I think this place is good."

Fang Xing cut off a branch and squatted on the ground to draw a map.

"Since childhood, Luzon has been going southeast. There is a big island here."

"How big is it?"

Zhu gaoxu gestured a distance and asked.

Fang Xingbian said, "it\'s no smaller than the territory in Daming pass."

Zhu gaoxu was happy as soon as he heard it. Kefang woke up and said, "Zheng He and his Pathfinder fleet have been to this place, but they didn\'t find anyone after landing, and then they left."

Zhu gaoxu vented his anger as soon as he heard it. As soon as he rowed and pulled with his big hand, he lost Fang Xingnong\'s map.

"What did the king go there for?"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "there are big iron mines over there! There are all kinds of mines, and there are many. Your highness, if you can be sealed there, tut tut! You\'ll feel happy to expedition around that big island!"

Zhu gaoxu was proud again. He got up and said, "OK, the king will go into the palace to find the emperor and change the fief over there."

Fang Xing sent him out enthusiastically, thinking that brother didn\'t mean to lie to you!

There are only indigenous people there now, which is not enough for Zhu gaoxu to kill a circle.

And the most suitable thing there is grazing. Then

When I think of Zhu gaoxu\'s sheep herding with a sad face, I can\'t help but be overjoyed when I wake up.

When he turned around and looked at his daughter, Fang woke up and squatted down and asked, "are you not happy?"

Worry free is holding a piece of dried rabbit meat with a row of small tooth marks on it. She opens her mouth and says wrongly, "Dad, you can\'t eat it."

Fang Xing smiled, picked her up and went to the inner yard. He said, "this is delicious only after steaming. I\'ll ask Hua Niang to get it for you later."


Zhu gaoxu entered the palace in a vigorous and resolute manner. As soon as he arrived in the palace, the ministers were silent.

"Your Majesty, I want the big island."

Zhu Zhanji asked, "what big island?"

Zhu gaoxu has a good memory. After asking Yu Jia for pen and ink, he roughly copied the map drawn by Fang Xing.

Zhu Zhanji knew at a glance. He smiled and asked, "Uncle Han, are you sure you want to be here?"

Zhu gaoxu nodded, looking forward to himself.

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "this matter will be discussed after uncle Han returns, but I have no objection on the whole."

Yang Shiqi coughed and went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, the vassal king will be granted overseas. This matter has to be discussed again!"

Before Zhu Zhanji could speak, Zhu gaoxu strode over, pointed at Yang Shiqi with his thick fingers and scolded, "this is my family\'s business, don\'t worry about your shit!"


Yang Shiqi was so angry that he shouted, "the emperor has nothing to do with his family!"

Zhu gaoxu became angry and wanted to slap him. Fortunately, Zhu Zhanji knew his temperament. When he first arrived in front of Yang Shiqi, he hinted that Shen Shitou would follow.

Shen Shitou hugged Zhu gaoxu. Zhu Zhanji also advised: "Uncle Han, the fleet in Jinling doesn\'t wait. If you want to go, go home and pack up."

Zhu gaoxu struggled hard, but Shen Shitou\'s skill was good. With another bodyguard, they pulled Zhu gaoxu back with a red face.

"The old man is talkative. Next time, I\'ll kill you!"

Zhu Zhanji personally came down to persuade, and Zhu gaoxu scolded and left.

"From King Jin to King Ning, it is inconvenient for the vassal to be granted in China. Let\'s have a look and try first. We must always find a suitable way for the country and the people."

Zhu Zhanji said something with a smile, and then let everyone disperse.

The officials were silent and somewhat frightened. They didn\'t know where the emperor wanted to take Daming.