Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1857

Zhu Zhanji touched Duanduan\'s head and said with a smile, "OK, father and Emperor are also eating here with your emperor\'s grandmother today."


Duan Duan threw himself into the Empress Dowager\'s arms, looked up and asked, "grandma Huang, let\'s have a big pot for dinner?"

The big pot is a hot pot. The Empress Dowager hugged her and narrowed her smiling eyes. She promised without saying, "OK, OK! Please invite your aunt Wan Wan and let\'s eat together."

Duanduan was led away by mammy happily. The Empress Dowager asked someone to make tea for Zhu Zhanji and asked casually, "you look bad, but what\'s wrong?"

Zhu Zhanji likes to come to the Empress Dowager to sit here when things are difficult to decide. Even if he doesn\'t say it, he can relax.

"Empress mother, uncle Han wants to go to sea."

The Empress Dowager was not surprised. She played with a glass bead and said slowly, "you are the emperor. Your uncle Han is a fool. If no one encourages him, he probably won\'t have such thoughts, so you can do it yourself. Just be careful of those relatives. They are the best at making noise."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Uncle Han is a bit generous, but today he scolded the ministers in the court, which made the children and ministers happy."

The Empress Dowager was surprised and said, "can he still be like this? Yes, his temper is like this. He can\'t hide anything. He woke him up because of Xinghe Bo, otherwise when you go north..."

Remembering the interception he encountered when he went north to succeed to the throne, Zhu Zhanji said: "among the imperial family, there are timid and ambitious. There are none such as Uncle Han, so... When his son saw that he was suffering like a trapped animal, he wanted to let him go to sea with Zheng he for relaxation."

The Empress Dowager put the glass beads back and wiped them gently. The glass beads in the lattice rolled one after another.

"You make up your mind, but the ancestral law is there. I\'m afraid it won\'t stop at that time."

Zhu Zhanji said faintly, "the so-called ancestral genealogy is the ancestral genealogy of their mind. Naturally, you can turn a blind eye to what they don\'t want. My son and minister can see it now. These people need to use it, but they also need to beat it often. Uncle Han is at the right time today."

The Empress Dowager slowly turned her head, then looked at him and said happily, "you have the appearance of your emperor grandfather. This is the emperor."


"It\'s a pity for the king of Han."

Xie Jin sighed: "he was a valiant general of the three armies. If he were not a vassal, he would have made great achievements in war. What a pity!"

Fang Xing also felt some emotion and said, "I encouraged him. When he is so noisy in the court, your majesty will naturally feel the disadvantage of such a fierce general being held back at home."

After Zhu gaoxu drank wine, he was sure to make a fuss. Thinking about the distress of those modest gentlemen in the court facing such an unreasonable vassal, Fang woke up and smiled unkindly.

Xie Jin was also thinking about the scene, and then said, "I\'m glad I\'m not in Chaozhong..."

"Those students come back one after another, but the specific placement can\'t get around the official department. It\'s not easy for your majesty to speak directly. How are you going to do it?"

Xie Jin was worried. Jian Yi\'s character was stable and old officials, which was difficult to shake.

Fang Xing said faintly, "it\'s not me and him, but your majesty and him. The collision between old and new affairs, whether Jian Yi is conservative or not, it\'s related to the change of officialdom in the future Ming Dynasty. Whether Jian Yi stands in the middle or... Should he fight hard, your majesty and I will wait and see."


Jian Yi still worked in the Ministry of officials as usual, and explained that nothing was abnormal.

But the careful person found that the adult\'s words suddenly became a little... Sharp!

"My Lord, how do you handle this?"

Li Fen took a list and asked with a sad face.

Jian Yi said faintly, "he refused to smuggle. This is the way to show people to be clear. He wants to compete for official positions with the children of famous religions. This is both a right way and an evil way. Who gave it?"

Li Fen pointed to the palace and said, "it\'s from Yu Jia."

Jian Yi covered his forehead and sighed, "this is your Majesty\'s attitude. Everything is public. But I\'d rather these students be placed in private... This head... It\'s hard to open!"

Li Fen said bitterly, "who says no! It\'s just dozens of people. If they are arranged privately, our official department will turn a blind eye. But when your majesty comes out, he is supporting the students of the academy and looks like the Imperial College."

Jian Yi put his hands flat on the table and said, "they are small officials, and the Imperial College came out... There were people who directly did the magistrate before."

Li Fen asked cautiously, "Sir, have you done this..."

He rubbed the table with his hands and Jian Yi looked at it carefully. Those wood grains seemed to contain the avenue of heaven and earth, which made him addicted.

Li Fen was so frightened that he put the roster on the table. But after thinking about it, he picked up the roster and went out quietly.

"Those who know me forgive me, those who don\'t know... Sin me..."

The low voice echoed in the room. A burst of autumn wind blew and the window lattice rustled.

Jian Yi looked at the window lattice and smiled. After the glass came out, the Palace first installed a lot, and each department also installed a lot, but he refused.


Zhu Zhanji asked Yu Jia to hand the register to the official department. He realized that there was nothing wrong with this move, but he still didn\'t hear from the official department until the time to go to the Yamen.

"Jian Yi, is this an iron heart?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s face was gloomy, and Yu Jia dared not go out below.

"Sun Xiang came."

Yu Jia was surprised and bowed her head and went out.

When Sun Xiang came, Zhu Zhanji asked, "who did Jian Yi collude with?"

Sun Xiang was confused and thought for a while. He didn\'t dare to talk nonsense: "Your Majesty, Lord Jian is a person of Zhongzheng. He has never been a group or a party. People who are slaves and maidservants have observed for a long time and haven\'t found anything in this regard."

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "no one has consulted with him recently?"

This embarrassed Sun Xiang. He said, "Your Majesty, there are many people looking for Lord Jian, but... There are no Bachelor of auxiliary politics, nor are the six Shangshu."

Zhu Zhanji was so angry that he pointed to the outside and shouted, "get out!"

Sun Xiang left sadly and returned to the East factory. He called Anlun.

"Father in law, why is this?"

Seeing Sun Xiang\'s pale face, Anlun thought he was ill and wanted to find a doctor.

Sun Xiang waved his hand and said happily, "you are a heavy lover. Our family is not ill, but... Your majesty is more and more unhappy with our family. Pay more attention. If our family is driven out, you... Need to see more."

This is almost a hint that Anlun hurried to run for office!

Anlun was surprised and said, "father-in-law, you didn\'t form a party!"

Why did the royal guards commander die so much? It\'s nothing more than forming a party for personal gain.

Sun Xiang, also known as Sun Fo, doesn\'t care about specific affairs in the East Hall. Forming a party has nothing to do with him at all.

Sun Xiang stirred the Buddha beads in his hand and gradually calmed down.

"This is not a matter of forming a party or not, but... Once the emperor and a courtier!"

Sun Xiang was a little sad. He pointed to the palace and said, "your opponent is not in the East Hall, but in the palace. Recently, you have the opportunity to enter the palace and show up in front of your majesty."

Anlun was uneasy. When he returned to his place, he asked for a question.

"The Ministry of rites is now dominated by Lord Hu. Does Lord Yan have any complaints?"

The East factory bears the heavy responsibility of spying on all officials. The problem of Anlun can\'t be more normal.

Fan Zi said: "father-in-law, at the beginning, the brothers below said that Yan Dajian would complain, but after observing for some time, this man was still smiling and got along well with Lord Hu."

Anlun nodded and said happily, "that\'s good! But most civil servants are smiling tigers, so they have to stare at him."