Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1851

Yang de felt that he was very moral. In more than ten years following LV Zhen, he dared to say that he was conscientious and never slackened.

But the main reason is that LV Zhen\'s memory is so good that he doesn\'t give them a chance to slack off.

Thinking of this, Yang de touched the household stickers and road guides in his arms. This is a fake he used to find a way to get, but it can be false. In order to get these things back, he was almost found by the people in Lv\'s house.

He is going to the south. He heard that there is a ship going to sea. He wants to go to a businessman with his talent to find a position for an aide (Assistant) or accounting room, and then see if he can go overseas.

Kaihai good!

It was dark. Yang de was trekking in the wilderness. He was going to the next town to find a horse and cart shop, and then rent a car to the south.

I hope the road guide can be unblocked all the way!

When Yang de saw that it was late, he searched for a soil nest. After smashing a fat snake with a stone, he curled up and prepared to sleep here.

The autumn night was a little cold. Yang de came out without extra clothes and food. At the moment, he was hungry and wanted to eat the bark.

The wind blew over the earth nest, mixed with the smell of harvest, making people drunk.

Yang de was not drunk, but dizzy with hunger. He missed the snake he had buried.

After the snake died, it tasted great. He didn\'t have the courage to eat the snake meat raw, so he had to starve.

Now, Yang De thinks that the LV family has deceived people too much. If he doesn\'t lie, look at the appearance of the mother and son and say less to break their legs.

As for Fang Xing, Yang de doesn\'t think he owes anything. He can only blame the LV family.

Yang de couldn\'t help laughing at the thought of waking up after he escaped and the LV family falling into that kind of trouble.

"Deserved it!"

The night gradually fell and the temperature gradually decreased.

Yang de has been in a confused state. He is hungry and sleeps uneasily.

At this time, he began to hate the shit he pulled. After pulling, he was hungry faster.

"Go to sleep and find something to eat tomorrow."


I don\'t know how long later, Yang Deming woke up with a start. He sneezed. His voice was particularly clear in the night.

We can\'t stay here long. If he is found in the wilderness after dawn, the patrol inspection department will chase him to heaven and earth.

With the help of the faint sky light, he slowly groped forward with the direction in his memory.

By daybreak, he had seen the road.

In the morning light, an ox cart slowly headed towards Peiping city. The old man and grandson on the cart were talking about the prosperity of the city. They accidentally saw Yang de covered in dew and kindly asked him if he wanted to take a ride.

"Thank you, sir. I\'m not going to the city."

Yang Degang bowed his hands and did not dare to stay much. He hurried away in the opposite direction of the ox cart.

The old man looked at his back on the ox cart, frowned and said to himself, "early in the morning, there is no burden. There are no villages nearby. Where did this man come from?"

When the old man\'s ox cart moved slowly forward for less than a mile, he met three riders.


Yang de then heard the sound of the horse\'s hooves. In a moment, his face was like paper, and subconsciously looked back.

"Yang de!"

Xin Laoqi was also wet by dew. After drinking, he saw Yang de running to the left. Xin Laoqi waved and the three separated, like encircling the enemy.

Yang de ran in despair. Soon there were pursuers on the left and right sides. He looked around and stopped slowly.

Three horses circled around him. Old Xin drank and asked, "who ordered you to falsely accuse my master?"

This is Fang Xing\'s doubt. If Zhu Di is here, he doesn\'t need to worry. But Zhu Zhanji had not been on the throne for a long time. He was afraid that someone would stab him in the back. He was not sure if he didn\'t find out.

Yang De\'s eyes turned, shook his head and said, "no, it\'s the lady and the young master who want to kill me. I\'m in a hurry..."

Xin Laoqi drew his sword and drove his horse.

"No! Someone ordered..."

Yang de stepped back and shouted, "it\'s Jin Youzi. It\'s Jin Youzi\'s instigation!"

Xin Laoqi drove the horse further and said in a deep voice, "give you another chance. Who is it?"

Yang De\'s eyes turned disorderly. He knew that this was his only vitality, so he said, "yes... It was Yang Rong who ordered it."

"No one ordered it!"

Xin Laoqi drove his horse and waved his long knife.

"My master said that no one among the Bachelor of assistant politics would do such a thing, at least not at present!"

The blood flashed, and Xin Laoqi ordered, "put the bones in a conspicuous place."

This was also Fang Xing\'s order. He wanted to show those people his counterattack.


The corpse was found and finally reported all the way to the Ministry of punishment. Jin Chun went into the palace to plead guilty.

The people of the Ministry of punishment don\'t say, but Fang\'s sharp means are shocking.

Yes, without any evidence, we put the killing of Yang de on Fang Xing\'s head.

It\'s really generous!

At this time, Fang Xing, on behalf of Li Er Mao\'s parents and matchmaker, communicated Li Er Mao\'s marriage, confirmed it step by step, and then sent a table of XianXianju food to the matchmaker.

Then Zhang Shuhui went out in person and received the matchmaker at yuan erniang\'s residence. The couple cooperated and set the procedure smoothly.

Fang Xingxing went into the palace to "borrow money" from Zhu Zhanji. Things went well. Zhu Zhanji generously lent Li Er Mao 100 Guan, enough for him to organize a shameless wedding.

"It\'s good news that no one ordered it, but who are you going to make the book of rites?"

"Hu Chen."

Zhu Zhanji had an abdominal case for a long time. Fang woke up and thought. He couldn\'t help asking, "is emperor Jianwen still alive?"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and nodded again, leaving Fang Xing endless conjectures.

There are some taboos about this. Don\'t be too curious.

Zhu Zhanji obviously didn\'t want to talk about this topic anymore. As soon as the conversation changed, he talked about the fleet.

"I asked Zheng He to go farther and find more countries. Just according to the prisoners of meat fans, I don\'t know when to go around by sea. Maybe I can\'t go around for a lifetime, so Zheng He will be limited to the supplies on board."

"I hope to find a route to Taixi and see what\'s there. Soldiers can be brave and threaten Daming."

This is an emperor who is still not aggressive!

"I thought you would say you would go on an expedition to tessy. Who knows? You just want to know if they would pose a threat."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "those people are wild, have a strong desire to expand, and are good at bullying soft and afraid of hard. So once you can attack them, you\'re welcome. At least let them stay away from the sea."

"Can their fleet still pose a threat to Daming?"

Zhu Zhanji was full of ambition at this time. Zheng He\'s fleet was about to go to sea, and Daming\'s Pang would conquer the ocean again. He believed it.

Fang woke up and said, "don\'t underestimate those people. If we don\'t interfere, I guarantee that their fleet will appear in the Strait of Malacca in a hundred years."

"Those people are greedy by nature. You have to keep this in mind and teach them to the crown prince and grandchildren in the future."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "is there really such a country? Is their desire endless?"

"Yes, so you should be glad they are not strong enough at the moment."

Fang Xing said seriously, "they will occupy all the places they see and enslave all the people they see until they decline."

"Meat fans have been fighting with them for many years. It seems that the two sides are fighting for some disputes, but you have to know that the Taixi people must open this channel if they want to find a way out!"

Meat is charming and guards the East-West channel. Daming wants to go to Taixi, and Taixi wants to go to Daming. They can\'t get around them.