Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1852

Fang Xing was not optimistic about Zheng He\'s fleet because the supply was not enough to support them to sail to Taixi, so he suggested gradually establishing supply stations along the way.

"Ceylon is the best place. As long as a supply point is established there and a place where ships can be repaired, Daming\'s fleet will be extended in the future."

Zhu Zhanji thought, "the access to the sea in Myanmar is also good. The two places are guarded, and the Strait will be as solid as gold!"

"I just hope that after this test, meat charming can realize that it is not Daming\'s opponent, and then they put aside their ambition to the East and try their best to the West."

Fang Xing hopes that Fugu won\'t die halfway. It\'s best to send a messenger back, and then

"The great era is coming!"

Think about it. When the Tibetans are excrement by meat charm, Daming is constantly developing and exploring. When they are over, Daming should also expand on a large scale.


Meat lovers are full of exotic customs. At the moment, the country is on the road of rejuvenation, and everything feels booming.

On this day, a group of cavalry rushed into the capital. The dark, thin face and tired look made the people in the street dodge one after another.

When the cavalry arrived at the palace, a bodyguard came to check their identity.

"We are the messengers of Lord Fugu... The fifth team..."

The cavalry dismounted in silence. The centurion\'s legs softened. Two palace guards came quickly to hold him, and then drove him in.

In the magnificent palace, the Lord of the state sits high.

The centurion knelt on one knee and said, "king, master Fugu has failed."


The cold voice represents the displeasure of the people on the throne.

"Wang, the firearms of the Ming army are ferocious, which exceeded our expectations. The coalition forces have been doing their best, but they still can\'t stop the demon God."

"Demon God?"

The Lord of the country was more and more unhappy. The next minister scolded, "what demon God?"

"The man who unifies the army of the Ming army is called Fang Xing. He has made great achievements in war and likes to pile corpses on the mountain. People on the grassland are afraid of him, so they call him demon God."

The Lord squinted at the direction of the gate and asked, "servant Gu can\'t compare with him?"

The tenth captain said in fear, "Wang, master Fugu has tried his best to find opportunities many times, but the firearms of the Ming army are too fierce and have been beaten back. Otherwise, it will surely make the Ming people hate this time."

The Lord\'s face was a little calm, and then asked, "how\'s the servant Gu now?"

"Lord Fugu and the Hari people have retreated into the yiliba. He is preparing to convince the Hari princes that if Hari can be unified again, the Ming people have to spend time here in Hari if they want to attack, and the long supply line will be the weakness of the Ming people."

The corners of the Lord\'s mouth aside, his thin cheeks piled some meat, looking cold and dignified.

"Fugu betrayed my trust, but fortunately he saved his life..."

"Wang, master Fugu broke an arm. He fought the demon God with injury."

The Lord nodded, his face still cold, "Fugu told the Ming people that we never lack courage, let alone warriors. What demon God, the meat fan warrior will tell the Ming people that he is nothing in front of us!"

The following officials expressed their positions one after another, and even some generals encouraged the Lord of the country to annex Hari, so as to strengthen himself.

"Keep Haley. Haley will be our shield until we are strong enough."

The LORD made a decision and finally said, "tell those craftsmen that meat fans need firearms, more powerful firearms. Go and tell them who makes them and reward them!"

A minister said, "king, we need to worry about the enemies in the West. If we can\'t solve them, we won\'t be able to attack the Ming people."

This is a country with strong initiative! Just like a young tiger who has just opened his eyes, the world wants to find food to keep himself strong.

The Lord nodded and said, "firearms! You should see the demonstration given to us by the Ming people. Firearms can defeat the strong with the weak. They are far better than our long knives and horses in both defense and attack. If they are made, we should attack in advance!"

"Wang, Fugu has lost his courage. My officials never think that firearms can defeat our warriors. That\'s just a lie of Fugu\'s incompetence!"

The generals were always eager to attack, but they were disappointed by the retreat of Fugu and the conservative decision of the Lord to Daming.

The Lord glanced at the general and said, "we need to take down the enemy in the west, which will make our back safe. We need more people to cultivate and store more food, otherwise we can\'t even conquer the harites."

The cold eyes made the military general repent and plead guilty quickly.

The LORD was a little angry. He patted the handrail and said, "there are many powerful enemies in our east, and the same is true in the West. We should be cautious in any decision-making, but I will never lack courage."

The Lord got up and left. Everyone slowly left the palace and whispered all the way.

"Ming people are really powerful. If only old king Haley hadn\'t died on the way."

"Yes! And the demon God, go and ask and see what this man is like."

The centurion had been surrounded in the middle, blankly answering the questions of these important officials.

"The new emperor of the Ming Dynasty came to power. I heard he was fat and in poor health."

"Demon God... The demon God is very young. Lord Fugu said that he was decisive in his use of troops and had no shortage of tricks. He suspected that his plan had long been discovered by the demon God. The demon God followed this plan and finally defeated us at one fell swoop."

"Ming people\'s armor looks like an iron box. Their cavalry is not very powerful, but the fire weapon soldiers are almost impeccable. Master Fu Gu said that unless they can compete with Ming people on firearms, they can only use corpses to fill Ming people\'s front, and then have a chance..."


Meat fans fell into a frenzy, while in tessi, the two old opponents who had fought for decades began to ease up recently. There were only some small conflicts on the front line, and the large-scale attack disappeared.

"Henry, our enemy has stopped attacking."

Abel came triumphantly in a lace gown, swinging a stick in his hand.

This is Henry\'s home. He put down the map and said: "Tianfang people keep sending news. The strength of Ming people has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the end of the war between us is still far away. If it continues, the meat will slowly erode. Moreover, it is explained that people\'s fleet is huge. If they park along the coast, their warships can cover our coastline, so... The people above are discussing..."

Abel sat opposite him, put the stick on the table and said, "you\'re right. Now the prince has sent envoys to contact each other. We face a new threat. If the two countries can\'t stop the war, the war will soon come to us, and no one can be spared."

Henry gloated and said, "the Ming people\'s fleet is powerful. Our opponents are most afraid of such enemies. If we take the initiative to communicate with the Ming people and form an alliance, our opponents will cry."

Abel said with a smile, "yes! And according to those heavenly people, Ming people are greedy. When they see the land, whether it can grow something or not, they will swallow it in one bite, just like starving beggars."

"Ha ha ha!"

"This is a greedy country, but it is good for us at present. Whether it is meat charming or current opponents, they are afraid of that greedy and powerful Ming country."

Abel is the prince\'s close minister, so he knows a lot of news. He whispered: "the prince has already sent a mission. They will go through hardships. Yes, the prince has little hope for this mission. He thinks they will die on the way and die of killing..."

"It was a good decision."

Henry nodded and said, "the mission should rely on the heavenly people and give them money. As long as it can reach Daming, those are nothing."

"That\'s right."

Abel pointed to Henry as like as two peas, "I envy you, Henry, your ideas are exactly the same as those of those people, but those people had only thought about this for half a month, you know what they thought was to go to sea, haha!"

Henry smiled. "They\'re just cautious, and I don\'t have to worry about responsibility. Well, let\'s have a drink..."