Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1850

Our book has jumped to the tenth place in the monthly ticket list. What a surprise! Thanks to the big guys, thanks to the book friends who voted for the monthly ticket and gave all kinds of help, thank you!

Please make a move. Let\'s try to stay in the 10th place longer. Thank you!


"Did your parents agree?"

Fang Xing asked.

Yuan Er Niang nodded and said, "teacher, my father said Er Mao is a big bird flying in the sky. My mother said Er Mao is affectionate and righteous. At first glance, he is a good man. Let me follow him wherever he goes, otherwise he will be robbed by other women!"

Flying bird?

good person?

I also want to see Li Ermo in prison. This is the treatment of the golden turtle son-in-law!

Fang Xing\'s eyelids beat and asked, "is Daming close to home?"

"Get close. After brother Er Mao went to my stockade, my father went down the mountain to find an official. He said that my family would listen to Daming later. He also said that brother Er Mao advised me that I would not listen to Daming in the future."


What is the version of "land improvement and return"? The men\'s version? But Li Er Mao is not handsome!

Not only did he get a Chieftain to obey, but also abducted the chieftain\'s daughter.

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "the management of officials can at least maintain a relative fairness. The chieftain is too bossy, and the matter of life and death is decided in one word, which is not long. Moreover, the chieftains attack each other without the support of Daming. Today is strong and tomorrow is defeated. Even if they unify those chieftains, they can only be a blow in front of Daming\'s army."

Yuan erniang nodded and said, "well, brother Er Mao later told me about Jingguan. He also said that whoever dares to bully us in the future will become Jingguan."

That guy can coax girls?

Fang woke up and nodded, indicating that he had finished asking.

Xiaobai asked curiously, "can you cook?"

"Yes, I used to barbecue and cook. These days, I not only learn Chinese in the inn, but also learn to cook in their kitchen every day. Their cooks say I am born to cook."

Fang woke up to think of the troubles of the inn, but what did she rely on to not be driven out?

Fang woke up to the carriages and thought that yuan erniang was probably the daughter of the local tyrant. She was generous and knocked the shopkeeper unconscious with money.

"Can you take care of people?"


Yuan erniang stared and said, "originally, my mother was ill. I went down the mountain to find a doctor and served my mother..."

"All right."

Fang woke up satisfied, got up and said, "you can live at ease. I\'ll go to ER Mao\'s house."

Yuan Er Niang said happily, "teacher, er Mao said that he can\'t marry me until you like him. Is this a door?"

Fang woke up helplessly and said, "it\'s almost the same. Just wait at ease."

This is Li Er Mao\'s mother\'s request. She said that she would not allow Li Er Mao to marry her until Fang woke up and saw yuan Er Niang.

As a result, Fang woke up and went to the south for a few months, which delayed the matter.

After leaving the inn, Fang woke up to see that it was getting late and asked Xin Laoqi to send a message to Li Ermo\'s house. He took Xiaobai back first.

In the small yard where Fang Xing found Li Ermo, Zhou was already waiting anxiously.

Li Ermao is not young. At his age, there are only those who are poor and can\'t get a wife.

When Li Er Mao came home from the Yamen and saw his mother fidgeting, he advised him, "don\'t worry, my mother. My mother is more cheerful. The teacher must be able to meet me."

Zhou wiped his eyes with his hand and said, "you were a child cutting firewood. Your teacher made you have today. Don\'t be ungrateful. Otherwise, my mother would rather go back to the village than be stabbed in the backbone."

Li Er Mao smiled and said, "don\'t worry, mom. I won\'t."

"You, the imperial censor, don\'t know what you do. You have to light the lamp at night to read and write. Be careful..."

"Twenty cents!"

At this time, someone was shouting outside. Li Er Mao got up and said, "Mom, it\'s brother seven. I\'ll open the door."

Zhou couldn\'t sit still. He got up and followed him out.

Li Er Mao opened the door, and Xin Lao Qi came in and said, "the master and the second lady went to the inn just now. The master said that she is a straightforward girl. She has no intention. She can marry in. She wants you to teach better in the future. At least there should be rules."

As soon as Zhou heard it, he said happily, "it\'s good to be frank. It\'s good to be frank. Even if you have some words, you don\'t remember revenge. You\'re the germ of a good daughter-in-law."

Li Er Mao smiled bitterly. He had already said that Yuan Er Niang was a straightforward girl, but Zhou was stubborn and didn\'t believe it. He had to wait until Fang woke up to see it and admit it.

Xin Laoqi finally said, "the master said that since Er Mao promised, he should take care of Er Niang\'s parents and the stockade. Don\'t marry his daughter-in-law and forget his original promise."

This is a lesson. Li Ermo bowed down. Master Xin nodded seven points and said with satisfaction, "the master said you are not young and you should hurry up your marriage. He will go into the Palace tomorrow to talk to his majesty and lend you some money to marry the girl in the door."

"Borrow money?"

Zhou was a little flustered. She was flustered when she heard about borrowing money, and she still borrowed money from the Emperor

"Seven elder brothers eat at home and then go back."

Li Er Mao invited. Xin Lao Qi shook his head: "Lv Zhen\'s entourage has run away. I\'m going to take someone to chase him. Let\'s go first."

The man is dead!

Li Ermo sent Xin Laoqi out. Seeing the knife and two servants waiting, he arched his hands and watched them leave.

After entering the yard, Zhou said, "Er Mao, how can we borrow money? Our family is not rich. It\'s not good to do as much money as we have? I\'m flustered when I borrow money..."

Li Er Mao helped her in and said, "Mom, it\'s not a matter of money, it\'s an attitude. Think about it, can you borrow money from your majesty..."

It\'s a great honor to borrow money from the emperor!

Fang Xing\'s kindness Li Ermo can only keep in mind silently, and Zhou

"Er Mao, we can\'t borrow your Majesty\'s money!"

Zhou was in a panic. She said in fear, "what if we don\'t go there by then? We\'ll kill our heads! Come on! Go find your teacher and say we don\'t borrow the money, don\'t borrow it! Go quickly!"

Li Ermo was stunned and immediately fell into a long explanation


"Ran away?"

Zhu Zhanji was so angry that he didn\'t know where to smash the paperweight. Jin Chun said in shame: "I thought I would take someone when the LV family came back, but I found that the attendant ran away while he came back. The housekeeper found it at that time, but was afraid and hid it from me..."

Zhu Zhanji looked at the sky speechless and murmured, "stupid and ignorant. If he comes up in the morning paper, where will the man go? He\'s smart!"

Jin Chunxin nodded sadly and said, "I have taken the housekeeper. As for LV Zhen\'s family, i

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "no credit, no pain... Just!"

"Yes, your majesty."

LV Zhen\'s family escaped. Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t bear to clean them up after LV Zhen left, but LV Xiong\'s career was completely over.

Zhu Zhanji felt very depressed and said, "catch the man and punish him severely!"

After Jin Chun left, Jia Quan asked for an interview.

"Your Majesty, Xin Laoqi has chased out of the city with people..."


"It\'s ridiculous!"

Xie Jin laughed angrily at the news and said, "the LV family are in a panic. They are afraid that they will have no way out after LV Zhen goes, and they complain without careful investigation. This is to win sympathy. In the end, they still want to seek an official position for LV Xiong. But they are also blinded by profits. Even if LV Xiong is promoted, he can bear your revenge?"

Huang Zhong also felt a little incredible: "Lv Zhen had a lot of enemies at that time. If they were worried, they would finish with their tails, and no one would be entangled..."

"You underestimated the hatred of those people."

Fang woke up and thought of LV Zhen\'s Revenge in his life. He couldn\'t help laughing: "he is eloquent and has a superior memory. I don\'t know how many people have been killed these years. Those enemies are waiting for revenge. I heard that he once cried like a child in front of his majesty and asked for an official for LV Xiong. I\'m afraid he\'s worried that his family will be retaliated after he goes."

Xie Jin agreed with this view and asked, "the LV family doesn\'t have to say in the future. It must be declining. What about the follower who framed you?"

"Escaped. I haven\'t caught it yet."

Fang woke up and said faintly, "old seven, they\'re gone."

The setting sun shone on the window with a reddish color.