Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1849

Fang Xing was caught up by Yang Rong before he got home.

"My name is uncle Yang."

"Uncle Yang."

Worry free and crisp voice made Yang Rong feel happy. He touched his body and said, "I forgot something today and treated your daughter badly."

The two exchanged greetings. Yang Rong rode his horse in parallel with Fang Xing. Looking at the scenery in Fang\'s villa not far away, you said, "you\'re leisurely. It seems that more students are also a good thing!"

Fang Xing hugged carefree and said casually, "why did adult Yang have such feelings? Did you feel physically and mentally tired and want to retire?"

Yang Rong said, "why did you leave before you showed your ambition? But I want to ask you something. Was it Li Er Mao\'s idea or yours?"


Without hesitation, Fang Xing took charge of the memorial.

Yang Rong looked at him and said, "I think it\'s Li Er Mao\'s idea. Xinghe Bo, do you want to protect him? Unfortunately, it\'s too late. As soon as the memorial comes out, people with a heart will naturally stare at Li Er Mao and set up obstacles everywhere in his career."

"That\'s my idea."

Fang Xing still refused to change his words.

Yang Rong smiled at his curiosity and said, "as soon as the medal is played, Li Er Mao and Qi Wu Xun will become enemies. If you don\'t watch, it won\'t be long before those people will tear him to pieces."

"And many people in the court are wary of him. Xinghe Bo, pay more attention in the future."

This is a very honest word. Fang woke up and pretended to be stupid. He said, "that boy counted me in."

Yang Rong said with a smile, "take advantage of the situation and kill with one stone. This Li Ermo is really... The jade is shining!"

Fang Xingxin wants me to tell you that Li Ermo wants to put aside his position with Xun Qi Wuxun. Don\'t you have to stare at him? If you don\'t do it well, you\'ll suppress him!


Fang Xing would not hide these things from Xie Jin and Huang Zhong. Both of them were surprised.

"I didn\'t lack such plans."

Xie Jin first boasted about himself. He didn\'t think that his EQ was too low for Zhu Yuanzhang, who was optimistic about him, and then said proudly: "I said a lot of these things when I was teaching, and Li Er Mao was a teacher."

Huang Zhong\'s cheek twitched for a moment, and then praised: "uncle, I think Li Ermo will be more promising than Ma Su in the future!"

"That\'s for sure!"

Xie Jin felt very proud of tying Li Er Mao\'s growth credit to himself, so he said a lot of good things about Li Er Mao.

Fang Xing sighed: "this boy is good, but he went out for a few years. I was surprised by the city government and plan. I don\'t know what he went through in Myanmar."

"Well, I have to show him my daughter-in-law and come back for a drink later."


When Jin Chun loses patience and forces his men to rush into the LV family to get Fang Xing\'s entourage, he learns a disappointing news from the flickering LV family housekeeper.

"Uncle, the entourage was supposed to be watched, but there were too many people going to the LV family. There were not enough hands, so he relaxed. As a result, the man took advantage of the chaos of the LV family and ran away when Lord Jin went to the LV family for autopsy."

When Fang Xing and Xiaobai entered the city, they met a royal guards who came to him and gave him some good or bad news.

"Jin Da\'s popularity is bad. He said he was going to deduct all the people in Lv\'s house."

"Lv Zhen is at least an old minister. He will deal with the affairs of the former Emperor in an orderly manner. He can\'t hold it."

The person from the royal guards said, "the LV family is in a mess now. Our people took the opportunity to find out some reasons. After LV Zhen died, his wife and son wanted to deal with the entourage. The entourage estimated that they wanted to get away. By the way, they cheated LV Zhen\'s wife and children and falsely accused you."

LV Zhen\'s popularity is not good. Once he goes, LV Xiong\'s life will not be easy in the future. This is an imminent crisis. So his wife and children must vent their anger on people.

The man of the royal guards finally said, "all the brothers below said that LV Zhen was afraid of doing evil in his previous life. Finally, he was given a hole by the follower."

As soon as the royal guards left, Fang woke up and said, "let someone chase him and kill him!"

This is really a crime. LV Xiong is going to be unlucky.

After the death of LV Zhen, who was a wise man, Fang Xing didn\'t know whether to be happy or depressed.

"Young master, have you arrived?"

Xiaobai asked in the carriage behind him.


All the way to the outside of an inn, Fang woke up and helped Xiaobai down.

The waiter of the inn saw the posture of the two guards behind Fang Xing and quickly greeted him.

"I\'m looking for someone, that Yuan Er Niang."

As soon as the waiter heard it, he said, "guest, that Yuan Er Niang has made us miserable. Let\'s drive away."

Fang woke up stunned and asked, "how did she deal with you as a woman?"

While taking them to the back, the waiter complained: "I\'m restless. I always dislike that the food cooked by our cook is not delicious. I cook charcoal pots and roast meat in my room. It tastes everywhere. I thought it was on fire several times and couldn\'t persuade me. I wanted to see off the guests. Who knew she pulled out her knife and said it was a Chinese who was not authentic..."

"Her carriages have been parked in the yard, saying that they are full of treasures. If they are stolen, she will report to her majesty. Do you dare to go to the shop? Finally, there is no way, so she sent someone to watch day and night, and bought a big dog to watch. These are money! Sin..."

Fang Xing and Xiaobai looked at each other. When they were outside a room on the second floor, the waiter shouted, "yuaner Niang, someone is looking for you."


There came a young woman\'s voice, which was said to be a thief in Chinese.

"We wake up."

It was quiet for a moment, and then the sound of hurried footsteps came.

With a squeak, the door was pulled open.

This is a girl with an oval face. Fang woke up and focused on her eyes for the first time.

Wild eyes!

Yes, there is no wildness. How can she be willing to follow Li Er Mao to the capital?

Yuan erniang, less than 20 years old, looked full of vitality. When she saw Fang Xing, she said happily, "are you Fang Xing?"

Fang woke up and nodded. Yuan erniang remembered something. She quickly learned to bless her body, lowered her voice and said, "I\'ve seen the teacher."

Fang woke up and went into the room, sniffing, but he didn\'t smell any barbecue.

The man was already a little dull. He couldn\'t help following in. When Fang woke up and sat down, he trembled and asked, "you... Are you xinghebo?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "it\'s me. Please take care of Er Niang."

"No trouble, no trouble!"

The man rushed out like a hormone and shouted, "tea, good tea!"

Fang Xing smiled and turned to see Xiaobai talking to yuan erniang.

"... yuan Er Niang was my own name. Brother Er Mao said to learn Chinese names, otherwise he would be stared at and uncomfortable when he went out."

Brother Er Mao?

A yuan Er Niang and an ER Mao brother, Fang woke up with black lines.

Li Er Mao\'s name is a little difficult to be elegant, but he said it was given by his father and will be used all his life.

This is a young man with persistence, integrity and Chengfu!

The key is that he has a pattern, that is, people say he has a narrow mind!

Among Fang Xing\'s students, only Ma Su can be compared with Li Er Mao\'s pattern. But masu is too unstable.

Too steady is not a good thing!

"Did your parents agree?"