Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1848

Resume the third watch tomorrow!


In the lobby, Shenyang said: "the Ministry of punishment confirmed that there were no scars. Jin Chun watched it in person. It\'s absolutely right."

"Then the false accusation must have a result!"

Fang woke up and hated his teeth, but Shenyang said, "uncle, LV Zhen\'s family said it must have been you, and I\'m not sure what means it was. The servant has found out that the one who reported you is LV Zhen\'s entourage. Jin Chun wants to take the man back to the Ministry of punishment, but the LV family refused, and they are still making a fuss."

"The dead are big, and Jin Chun has nothing to do. What\'s more, it seems that they are victims... They bite me and don\'t let go?"

Shenyang nodded and said, "just now your majesty has ordered the royal guards to look for those witnesses."

"Thank you for telling me."

Fang Xing held Huanhuan and gently shook. Worry free stood beside him and looked curiously at the scar on Shenyang\'s face.

Shenyang was pleasantly surprised and said, "Miss, are you not afraid of the scars of the lower officials?"

Fang woke up, looked down at worry free and said with a smile, "this girl is a big heart."

Shenyang smiled at Wuyou, but revealed the place without front teeth.

"Uncle, Li Er Mao\'s memorial just admonished your majesty."

This is the purpose of coming to Shenyang. He said: "it is said that your majesty is too indulgent to his subordinates and can tolerate such things as asking for officials. In the long run, if you go ahead and follow the example of the upper and the lower, the officialdom of Daming will be miasma, and the administration of officials will be impossible."

Fang Xing\'s eyes were dim and said, "OK, I know. Thank you."

Shenyang bowed his hand to leave. When he came to the door, he heard a carefree voice behind him.

"Dad, he lost his teeth."

Shenyang\'s footsteps are slightly chaotic, which is intentional!

"Your Majesty, this is to cultivate his own lineage, but Li Er Mao is really good. Is this move... Did the man borrow his hand?"

Jin Youzi\'s conspiracy theory attributed Li Ermo\'s advice to Fang Xing\'s behind the scenes advice.

Several people were walking in the palace. The autumn wind made people happy. Yang Rong said, "Xinghe Bo can\'t do this. If he wants to, he must come with his own hands and won\'t fake others."

Yang Shiqi praised: "if so, this Li Er Mao is a plastic talent."

Yang Pu was meditating and suddenly said, "his advice not only smelled LV Zhen\'s reputation, but also diverted his attention to Xinghe Bo. The most important thing is that he gave his majesty a step... It\'s going to be difficult to ask for an official in the future."

Everyone nodded sadly.

Who has no children, old relatives? If it is convenient, no one will miss the opportunity to seek promotion for them.

Even Yang Rong sighed, "he threw himself on the fire, but he was loyal to his majesty and deserved Xinghe Bo."

Loyalty and righteousness are just a memorial.

Yang Pu is really afraid. He is not afraid of Li Er Mao now. He is afraid of the students of the Academy.

He slowed down a little and walked side by side when Huang Huai came.

"Your Majesty is on the top, and xinghebo is stirring with the students of the Academy. This is the imperial party!"

Huang Huai coughed, frowned and said, "we are also the imperial party."

Yang Pu smiled and didn\'t speak again.

This emperor\'s party is not that emperor\'s party!

Jin Youzi in front can\'t help feeling blue.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if Li Er Mao makes a decision on this matter, he can be said to have a narrow mind!"


After those Xun Qi and Wu Xun learned the content of the memorial, Li Er Mao had died countless times in their minds and mouths.

In their mouths, the censor who is harmful to others and not to himself has been pierced by thousands of arrows and cut by thousands of knives

Xun Qi is the most important official, followed by Wu Xun.

Zhu Zhanji actually admitted his mistake. Is this a shortcut to cut off their children?

Li Er Mao didn\'t seem to know that he had become a disgusting mouse in the eyes of these people. When he returned to duzha hospital, he got the treatment of being welcomed in line.

The censors lined up in two rows, but Wang Zhang, the censor of Youdu, came first.

When Wang Zhang saw Li Ermo coming in, he shouted, "I have found another censor who dares to criticize the Dragon scales in the hospital. Good!"


"Good Lord Li!"

Li Er Mao smiled and arched his hands and said, "Lord Wang and all your adults are really flattered. I was reckless. Fortunately, I was instructed by Lord Wang. Your majesty is broad-minded and accepts advice like a stream. This is the lucky thing that I haven\'t been dealt with today."

Wang Zhang looked at the smiling young man with thousands of feelings in his heart and said, "I\'m old. It\'s up to you in the future. I just hope you remember the duty of the censor and don\'t mess around. I\'ll die in peace!"

Everyone comforted, and then Wang Zhang called Li Ermo to speak alone.

Liu Guan was insightful about the matter, but he just watched Li Ermo toss about coldly.

"Sir, Li Ermo was praised by his majesty, and his majesty admitted his mistake..."

"I see."

Liu Guan rubbed the center of his eyebrows, then waved his hand. After waiting for someone to go out, he sighed a long time.

"In a dilemma!"

Most of the new emperor\'s ascendance is to innovate, and as a sharp blade in officialdom, duchayuan is naturally an important place in the eyes of the emperor. He was worried that Li Er Mao\'s investigation into the capital was only the beginning, so he was just observing.


"You\'re encircling Wei and saving Zhao. By the way, your majesty will benefit. That\'s good."

Wang Zhang looked at Li Ermo and said approvingly, "your future must not be in the hospital. Do it well, but next time remember... The censor is the censor. Don\'t mix anything else."

Li Er Mao bowed, but did not plead.

Wang Zhang praised again and said, "you are mainly for Xinghe Bo this time. Don\'t blame, don\'t quibble, have a responsibility! Good!"

There was a knock outside the door. Wang Zhang asked. The people outside said, "xinghebo is looking for Lord Li outside."

Wang Zhang couldn\'t help laughing and said, "if it\'s really a teacher and apprentice, it\'s not covered up. Go."

Li Er Mao went all the way to the gate of ducha hospital and saw that the concierge was warmly inviting Fang Xing to come in for tea, but Fang Xing just refused.

"Senior brother."

Standing beside Fang Xing, Wuyou remembered Li Er Mao, and gave a crisp cry.

Li Er Mao walked closer and saluted, "I\'ve seen the teacher."

Then he smiled at worry free.

Tudou and Ping\'an always call these college students older than themselves senior brothers. Worry free who plays with them also learns from them, but no one dares to call her junior sister.

"Let\'s go."

Fang Xing turns around with worry free, and the war horse follows behind without anyone\'s care.

"Your plan this time is good and has a big pattern."

Fang Xing said, "to draw out LV Zhen\'s dirty affairs weakens the opponent\'s attack and is of great help to your majesty. Did you... Think of these in advance?"

Li Ermao said frankly, "teacher, the disciples not only thought of these at that time, but also thought that this could make the disciples have a temporary foothold in ducha hospital."

Fang woke up and said, "is there anything else?"

Li Er Mao looked around and said, "the disciple must take the road of civil service in the future. Although civil and military affairs can not be hostile, they can not be too close. The disciple has made an end with the martial arts heroes and relatives this time. Naturally, he will not be criticized in this regard in the future."

Fang Xing was stunned

This is not my disciple