Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1847

Fang woke up and didn\'t care about it when he got home. He just accompanied his family, especially worry free. After taking a nap, he had talked about traveling several times.

"Dad, go out and play..."

Fang Xing sat under the eaves, carefree lying on his lap, leaning his head and repeating it from time to time.

"I\'ll go out in a few days."

Fang Xing touched her face and said perfunctorily.

It\'s not easy for him to travel now, so as not to say that he "fled from sin".

Autumn is a harvest season. Both Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai are busy, so the burden of worry free falls on Fang Xing.

The child\'s curiosity about the outside world and the unknown can\'t be restrained. After carefree begged again, Fang woke up and said helplessly, "OK, Dad, take you to the city."

"Good, good!"


The news that Fang Xing killed LV Zhen has long been heard, so when he rode to the gate with worry free, countless eyes focused.

Fang woke up and held the horse\'s worry free with his right hand. Under these eyes, he entered the city gate.

Walking slowly all the way, carefree couldn\'t sit stably on the horse. Fortunately, Fang woke up and the war horse was psychic, so it was very stable. With the help of the top, he didn\'t fall off the horse.

"Dad, that\'s delicious!"

"Dad, there are snacks, snacks!"

The whole journey was filled with carefree exclamation and laughter until we reached the immortal house.

The immortal house in Peiping has been open for some time. Since Fang was not awake when it opened, Zhang Shuhui just asked Fang Jielun and two servants to come to the town.

Fang woke up and took worry free off his horse. The waiter didn\'t know him. He thought he was coming to dinner, so he said, "I\'m really sorry. The guests came earlier and the cook in the shop had a rest."

Fang woke up and smiled. At this time, a younger brother came out. She said happily, "uncle is coming? Miss is taking the young master behind."

"How about Huanhuan?"

Fang Xing took Wuyou down and asked.

"The young master\'s body is strong. I invited a doctor to see him some time ago. He said that if he went on like this, the young master will..."

Fang Xing led worry free in. A man came out of a restaurant opposite. He shouted here, "brother, who is that?"

Fang Jielun once took a bubble here. At that time, the two servants looked vicious, so some of their peers here couldn\'t find out the details of the immortal house, so they didn\'t dare to make a trip.

The younger brother turned back and scolded, "it\'s none of your business!"

The man said with a smile, "brother, be careful when you get into trouble."

Although some people are afraid of immortal residence, their peers are enemies. This is never wrong.

These colleagues have long checked the people in Shenxianju: the boss is just a woman with children!

Who is this man with a girl today?

The tanned Fang Xing didn\'t know he was being guessed. He took worry free all the way to the back. At the right time, Mo Chou was holding Huanhuan in the yard, and mother and son were teaching.

"It\'s my brother!"

Worry free shouted, which startled Mo Chou. When she turned back and saw that it was Fang Xing and worry free, she greeted him and said, "master, it\'s hard."

Fang Xing took Huanhuan and said, "it\'s not hard. It\'s not easy for you to stay here alone. I\'ll stay here for two days in a few days."

Mo Chou said shyly, "worry free."

Worry free is looking at Huanhuan curiously. When Fang wakes up and squats down, she touches Huanhuan\'s face and says, "brother, it\'s fun."

"Well, it\'s my brother and worry free is my sister. But my brother doesn\'t play. When I grow up, worry free has to learn to take care of my brother."

Worry free nodded seriously. Mo Chou knew that Fang woke up, which was paving the way for Huanhuan\'s future. He couldn\'t help but be a little crazy.

Most of the concubine\'s children have no status in the big family, but Fang woke up and said that he also has arrangements for Huanhuan, which is responsibility.

Huanhuan babbled for a long time. It looked like she was going to cry. Fang woke up and hurriedly took him in. Then he asked, "can someone make trouble?"

Mo Chou shook his head and said, "no, uncle Jay came with his servants on the opening day. Those families sent people to see it. No one dared to make trouble."

Mo Chou is not a daughter-in-law. When she was a child, she followed her father all the way from Jinling to Jiaozhi, where she worked hard to maintain the business of the inn. If Fang Xing hadn\'t been there, she could only stay in Jiaozhi all her life.

So she is no stranger to those market methods.

"Worry free is called aunt."


Worry free screamed. Mo Chou smiled and took a wood carving rabbit as a gift for her.

"This is carved by my concubine. Don\'t think it\'s simple, sir."

Worry free was playing with the rabbit happily. Fang woke up and said, "you don\'t need to get those empty heads."

Mo Chou nodded gently. She was not short of money, and sending jade pendant also made her happy. But she can\'t feel the meaning of Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai, so it\'s best to be cautious.

"Don\'t think too much. Just follow your heart."

Fang woke up and looked at the room and said, "go back and get a big mirror, but remember not to take pictures of the children."

Mo Chou nodded. She saw the landing mirror in fangjiazhuang last time and thought it was really a treasure.

"That thing is worthless to us. Don\'t be distressed."

Glass mirror is currently adopting the hunger marketing strategy, which can bring a lot of profits to Fang family and Zhu Zhanji every year. It is a small cornucopia.

"Uncle, a man named shenyang came outside."

My brother said outside the door.


Fang Xing got up with Huanhuan and said, "here you are. I\'ll take Huanhuan to have a look."

Mo Chou got up and nodded with a reddish complexion.

This means to support her and announce that the female shopkeeper is someone else\'s woman.


In the lobby, several men were sitting on the side, looking at Shenyang standing in the middle from time to time.

"This man looks like a... Ferocious man. Don\'t worry about where you met him? Tut tut! I don\'t think this immortal house will last long."

Shortly after the opening of Shenxianju, the business of these peers was robbed. Envy, jealousy and hatred are inevitable. If you haven\'t found out the details of Mo Chou, I\'m afraid all kinds of means will come out.

The scar on Shenyang\'s face looked like those bandits. Listening to the murmur behind him, he said, "don\'t make trouble for yourself! Stay away from the immortal house in the future."

Those people were not happy when they heard it. A shopkeeper with a hanging eyebrow sneered, "where are you? Why do you look like someone outside the Great Wall?"

When Shenyang didn\'t answer, the shopkeeper said proudly, "did you commit a crime and come here to seek asylum? Then we have to talk to the people of the five cities army and Horse Department..."

These people\'s eyes are the most poisonous. From the walking posture when Shenyang came in earlier, it is judged that he often rode a horse.

When Shenyang spoke earlier, a man with good eyes found that he lacked a front tooth and thought Shenyang was not a good man.

"You look well dressed. Why don\'t you fill your teeth?"

Daming\'s dental filling industry has developed a little. People with some money will get another one if they lose their teeth. Although Shenyang is plain clothes, the material is good, and they didn\'t go to fill their teeth

"Dad, I want to hold my brother!"

After a shout, Fang woke up and came out with Huanhuan in his arms. Worry free followed him and jumped to see Huanhuan from time to time.

"I\'ve seen uncle!"

Fang woke up, nodded and asked, "what\'s up?"

When the younger brother came to serve tea, Shenyang waved his hand and said, "the lower officer will leave right away. It\'s no trouble."


Junior officer?

Shopkeepers immediately got up and prepared to run away.

Fang woke up and glanced at them and asked, "what are you doing here?"

Several shopkeepers quickly arched their hands and said, "uncle, the little ones just want to come here for dinner. Yes, eat."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "just eat and don\'t play tricks in front of Ben Bo."

"Uncle, they\'ve been staring at us all day. They just want to do something bad," he said

Fang Xing\'s face turned cold, stared at the people and said, "you\'re full. Have you nothing to do? Get out!"

Several shopkeepers hurried to the outside. One of them thought and suddenly realized, "that\'s Xinghe Bo!"

"Xing He Bo Ai\'s daughter is like life, that girl... Do you think so?"

Several people looked at each other, and then the cold sweat slowly flowed down.

"Almost made a big mistake... Fortunately!"

The shopkeeper who hung his eyebrows sighed: "I didn\'t expect that the woman shopkeeper was xinghebo\'s woman. We are ignorant!"

At this time, Xin Laoqi came over and shouted, "report your name and shop."

"My lord..."

fuck! Why do you forget that man is called magnanimous?!