Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1846

"Did you do it?"

On the way out of the palace, Yu Jia asked quietly.


Fang Xing felt that this was really annoying and disrupted his plan to come back to accompany his family.

"But you have a record of beating officials, and more than once..."

Yu Jia sympathized and said, "those people are human spirits. Believe it or not, get up the momentum first. Xinghebo, you\'d better not go far, or you won\'t recruit yourself."

"I just came back from the south. Where else can I go?"

Fang Xing said stiffly, "Jin Chun knows my temperament. If I see that guy who is trapped, no matter what the result is, beat him first."

The front is outside the imperial city. Yu Jia finally said, "Your Majesty means... Leave them alone. The more things are described, the darker they become."

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "thank you for your concern. I\'ll wait for the result of the Ministry of punishment. Eh... Who\'s that?"

On the right outside the Imperial City, more than ten people were kneeling, and the leading man held a sign.

——Kill for your life!

Several women looked up and saw Fang Xing. They got up, carried their skirts and rushed frantically towards Fang Xing.

"You sycophant! You killed the master..."

Fang woke up and stopped, frowning at these ferocious women.

A sergeant had already met him and stopped in front with a long scabbard knife to form a human wall.

"Xing Hebo, women are tangled. Let\'s go quickly."

Fang woke up and nodded, then got on his horse and left under the escort of Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao.

The human wall blocked people, but not the line of sight. Fang woke up and saw those ferocious faces and the eyes with hatred to madness.

"You must die..."


In LV mansion, groups of people were sobbing and sighing, but the master went to the imperial city to petition, and the housekeeper could only respond on one side.

"How cruel!"

The people of the Ministry of punishment are conducting an autopsy, and the people of the LV family have no intention of avoiding the scene.

The deceased was the Minister of justice, and Jin Chun had to come to the town himself.

The two puppets lay on the side of the coffin, looking at it carefully, and felt it with their hands from time to time.

"My Lord, turn over."

A man looked back and asked for instructions. Jin Chun looked at the sky speechless and said, "turn over!"

The two men tossed and turned LV Zhen over. Those who came to "mourn" whispered on the side.

"My Lord, remove the body spots and see no scars!"

Both of them shook their heads. Jin Chun asked, "are you careful?"

An old Zhuo said, "my Lord, I\'ve been doing this for many years. In fact," will it be a black hand? "

"I\'m not sure, but it depends on the statement of the Ministry of punishment."

"Lord Jin of the Ministry of punishment has an ordinary relationship with that man. He will certainly not be selfish."

"Yes, let\'s wait and polish the playing chapter with more momentum, so that people will be filled with righteous indignation and burst into tears."

Li Er Mao made himself a cup of tea, then sat at the table and thought slowly.

The censor\'s duty is to monitor and correct, so he got used to hearing about playing things later.

No matter what your mistake is, I\'ll impeach you when I hear it. This is merit and reputation.

Li Ermo thought quietly, then found a pen and paper and began to write quickly.

His calligraphy is not very good, that is, he can make do with it.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Er Mao wrote the memorial, then dried it, and got up to see Wang Zhang, the right censor.

Wang Zhang\'s temperament is strict, and the general imperial Shi is a little afraid of him, but Li Ermo is calm.

"Sir, this is the memorial of the lower officer. Please have a look."

According to the rules of the court of investigation, the censor must be examined and approved by Wang Zhang and Liu Guan to impeach anyone. But often some lengtouqing want to become famous at one stroke, so they poke the memorial up privately.

Wang Zhang took over the memorial, first looked at the calm Li Er Mao and said, "when you come to the hospital, it\'s better to live in harmony with your colleagues."

"Yes, I see. Thank you for your advice."

Li Er Mao smiled. Wang Zhang felt that he had been punched in the cotton, so he continued: "the censor and the censor must dare to report those ugly things, dereliction of duty and violation of the law. Don\'t just think about protecting yourself, let alone remembering the old identity and turning a blind eye. That\'s dereliction of duty."

Li Er Mao arched his hand and said, "yes, I remember."

This is a veteran!

Wang Zhang felt that his downfall was completely useless, so he took a sip of tea and read the memorial.


A mouthful of tea was sprayed out, Li Ermo didn\'t dodge, and the hem of the official dress was sprayed wet.

He was still smiling, smiling under Wang Zhang\'s stunned gaze.

Wang Zhang has the nickname of a legalist disciple in the ducha hospital. Once he finds out the problematic officials, he is almost never spared.

Such a harsh official was surprised by the memorial. It can be seen that Li Er Mao\'s memorial is powerful.

Wang Zhang looked at the memorial again, then frowned and said, "don\'t you regret it?"

Li Er Mao said with a smile, "I will not regret eating the salary of the king."

Wang Zhang nodded, stroked his beard and said, "these things have never happened since ancient times, so it is generally the decision of the king, which is regarded as grace. Your majesty naturally has nothing to say in the past, but those people will hate you, and you don\'t regret it?"

Li Er Mao nodded and said, "these things are effective from the upper level to the lower level. If they are not contained, they will spread in the future. The lower officials think that the time is right now."

Wang Zhang sighed, "the younger generation is terrible. The younger generation is terrible. Just pass it to you."

"Thank you, sir. I\'m leaving."

Li Er Mao saluted and left. When he went out, he saw two colleagues staring here, smiled and arched his hands at the other side.

"The disciple of a courtier is not a good thing. Look, I\'m going to get close to Lord Wang!"

"Lord Wang is strict. He must have touched a head of ash..."

At this time, Wang Zhang came out. He said, "come and send the memorial."

The two imperial governors across the street hurriedly ran over. Wang Zhang frowned and said, "this is not your duty. Individuals have their own affairs. Chaos is the beginning of chaos."

One sentence made the two royal princes who wanted to flatter blush, and then pleaded guilty and walked away.