Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1845

When Zhu gaochi died, it was said that Zhu Zhanji would restrict Fang Xing, temporarily suppress him and stabilize the government.

This is a study and judgment from the perspective of Fang Xing\'s enemies all over the world.

Only by suppressing Fang Xing can the emperor and his courtiers work together, instead of having a shit stirring stick stirring in the middle every day, which makes the court full of hostility.

But when Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, Fang Xing led the firearms guard station to the city for a military parade. Zhu Zhanji personally broke the external speculation a little bit.

Xinghebo still... No, it\'s further!

He and the emperor were like two chess players inside and outside, and gradually began the layout.

This is a shit stirring stick that has survived three dynasties!

There was no luckier minister than him, so those people were staring at him, trying to find loopholes in him, and then concentrated fire attacks like an array of muskets.

When Fang Xing brought Zhu Quan into the city, those who had already heard from the South were rubbing their hands to give Fang Xing a heavy blow.

You forced the king against you. It\'s so domineering!

But Zhu Zhanji immediately slapped these people with the right to confine Zhu, and then the news came that the big men recognized it.

Why is this man so lucky? I found the evidence that Zhu Quan secretly collected iron materials.

Just when everyone put away those thoughts bitterly, a message stunned them like thunder.

——Fang Xing killed LV Zhen!


"Teacher, after the news came out, the street where the LV family was located was filled with carriages and people, all of whom went to pay homage."

When Ma Su got the news, he took leave and returned to fangjiazhuang.


Worry free is playing with wood flowers in the front yard. Under the big tree, she looks up, points to it and yells, trying to climb up.

Ma Su shook his head and said, "teacher, LV Zhen is not worth your shot, so this must be a false accusation."

"After his majesty ascended the throne, LV Zhen\'s influence has actually been declining. Judging from his failure to seek an official for LV Xiong, his majesty will certainly let him retire in less than two years, so you don\'t need to do it."

"You\'ve made a lot of progress."

Fang woke up comfortably and said, "why should I kill LV Zhen? It\'s just a slap. If this can kill, the soldiers in the army will have to be tied up in the future, not to mention any practice."

"Dad! Climb the tree! Climb the tree!"

Worry free turned back and waved in front. Her little face was red. Ma Su thought of her son Ma Yan and couldn\'t help smiling.

Fang woke up, hugged worry free, then lifted her to the trunk and let her hand grasp the branch.

"Dad let go! Let go!"

Carefree said happily, "Dad, let go, let go..."

Jia Quan went into the front yard and saw a picture of father and daughter playing. He couldn\'t bear to interrupt, so he stood by and watched.

Fang Xing put his hands under worry free\'s arms and looked at her little hands nervously.

"Dad, Dad..."

Worry free gradually couldn\'t grasp the branches. She didn\'t panic. She knew her father would protect herself, so she loosened her hands.

"Ha ha! I\'ve caught you troublemaker!"

Fang woke up and asked her to sit on her right shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Jia Quan.

"Your eldest brother, they\'ll be back soon. Worry free, remember to supervise them to wash their hands."

Fang Xing put worry free down, then leaned over to kiss her forehead and said, "Dad, go out and bring delicious food to worry free."

Worry free glanced at Jia Quan, frowned and said, "Dad, he\'s so fierce."

Fang woke up and smiled, then walked over and said, "let\'s go."

When Jia Quan came here, it must be that the central government was already discussing LV Zhen\'s case. As a party, Fang Xing was not suitable to go to the criminal department without evidence, so he could only argue in court.

When they left fangjiazhuang, Jia Quan couldn\'t help asking, "uncle, what\'s your unique skill?"

"Kill the heart!"


When Fang woke up, the court was still dealing with political affairs. When he came in, everyone looked at him silently.

Zhu Zhanji reluctantly carried out the procedure, "xinghebo, someone accused you of beating LV Zhen yesterday. Is it true?"

Fang Xing said with a bitter smile, "it can\'t be fake anymore."

Jin Chun, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment, asked, "Xinghe Bo, why did you meet LV Zhen yesterday? Did you do it?"

This is the procedure. Fang Xing didn\'t feel humiliated. He said: "after leaving the palace yesterday, I was waiting to be a noodle at the noodle stand. LV Zhen touched me from behind and patted me. Then he said he invited me to drink another day... It was very kind. I was a little overwhelmed and thought he was crazy."

As we all know, Fang Xing has three children at home. When he goes out and sees what the children like, most parents will buy it home if they can.

As for LV Zhen\'s kindness... Everyone knows this.

Xia Yuanji went out of class and said, "Lv Zhen is kind to everyone these days. Although he doesn\'t say that he died, I\'ll tell you about xinghebo\'s innocence. This is to give LV Xiong an official position. He changed his course for fear of being blocked by others... Even I\'m in a trance."

All the ministers nodded. They were all uncomfortable with LV Zhen\'s kindness recently.

Fang woke up, nodded, thanked Xia Yuanji, and then said, "I promised. Although I had a holiday with him, I didn\'t hit the smiling face. At that time, I smelled the smell of wine all over him, so I patted him on the shoulder. As a result, he drank too much and softened to the ground. At last, I helped him up."

"Just a slap?"

Jin Chun looks at Fang Xing\'s hands and thinks it\'s not a hand that can slap the dead.

"Of course, I saw a lot of people at that time."

Jin Chun said, "Xing He Bo, what\'s the last?"

"Finally?" Fang woke up and said, "finally, he patted his ass and left. Before leaving, he said again that he would buy me a drink another day."

Jin Chun stared into Fang Xing\'s eyes and asked, "that\'s all?"

Fang Xing stared at him and said, "I don\'t agree with him. If I can reluctantly agree to drink with him, I feel diaphragmatic. Can I still swim with him?"

Jin Chun glanced at Fang Xing\'s body and said faintly, "xinghebo, the Ministry of punishment has been searching for the people present yesterday. At present, he has found the man who made noodles, but he said he was making noodles at that time and didn\'t pay attention."

Fang woke up calmly and said, "after LV Zhen left, I immediately grabbed the first and asked him to be my face man first. Should he remember this?"

Jin Chun nodded and said, "but that\'s not enough. You are Xinghe Bo, they are ordinary people..."

"Are you saying I\'ll kill people?"

Fang woke up and said, "if I want to kill LV Zhen, can I do it in the street?"

Jin Chun nodded and said, "yes, but it\'s possible to have the wrong hand."

Well, this one looked at the problem completely from the perspective of handling the case. Fang woke up and said, "at that time, there were less than 20 people present. It\'s clear to find a few."

Jin Chun looked at Fang Xing\'s eyes carefully, but he didn\'t find guilty or avoid. He nodded and said, "at present, it can only be so."

Turning back, he arched his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please Jubao mountain guard can\'t leave the camp in recent days."

It was worried that Fang Xing would mobilize the Scouts of Jubaoshan guard to kill the witnesses.

Fang Xing didn\'t want Zhu Zhanji to be embarrassed, so he said, "Your Majesty, the weather is hot. There should be no holiday in the camp recently."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "go and find out. The black can\'t be white, and the white can\'t be black. If it falls, let them pay the price."

The emperor only said that he would pay the price for those who fall, and he was waking up and clearing up everything.

This is still a heavy letter!

The officials are complicated, and Jin Chun has left. He should finish the case before the royal guards and the east hall come to get involved, otherwise the punishment department will lose face.