Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1844

When the owner came back, the whole fangjiazhuang was filled with joy. Zhang Shuhui asked people to give each child some caramel, which was regarded as a celebration, but Fang Xing ridiculed him as trying to harm other children\'s teeth.

So Fang woke up at night and suffered. He could hardly resist several times.

When he fell into the gentle countryside, a scream came from LV Zhen\'s home.



Autumn morning is a good time, not too hot, suitable for sleeping in.

Only after Fang woke up and went to the south, Zhang Shuhui slept with worry free. Last night, worry free went to her room reluctantly after persuading for a long time.

The sun shone brightly in the yard, and Fang Xing and Zhang Shuhui in the bedroom were still embracing each other and sleeping.

They tossed for too long last night. Exhausted, they didn\'t find a small head on the window.



Fang Xing opened his eyes and looked left and right.


"Who? Worry free?"

As soon as Fang woke up, there was a slight sound outside the window, and then there was a worry free sound.

"What happened to worry free?"

Fang woke up and got out of bed. Then he put on his underwear, opened the door and rushed out.

By the window, the wood flower has picked up worry free. Fang woke up and saw the stool lying on the ground, so he couldn\'t cry or laugh and picked up worry free.

"The little villain climbed the window secretly?"

Worry free shook his head with tears. "Dad, if you don\'t get up, my mother says that those who don\'t get up are lazy people and will have no food. I don\'t want you to have no food... Sobbing..."

Fang woke up stunned, looked at the tears falling from worry free\'s white and tender face, put out his hand to wipe it, and said, "well, worry free is very powerful. Dad will get up early tomorrow."

Zhang Shuhui finally put on her clothes. When she heard worry free words inside, she looked at Fang with shame and woke up, and then took worry free coax.

Xiaobai had already got up. At this time, she came in with two big dogs from the outside and asked. As a result, Xiaobai complained and couldn\'t help laughing.

Fang Xing was also a little embarrassed and went to wash.

Before breakfast, there was a news that made Fang wake up.

"Master, LV Zhen is dead!"


LV Zhen died. At night, his wife went to bed. Then she was very upset and didn\'t pay attention to LV Zhen.

When a couple reaches a certain age, they just go to bed.

Yes, just sleep, no other intention!

When his wife woke up at night, she suddenly remembered that she didn\'t hear snoring. She thought LV Zhen was sleeping too heavily.

As a result, when she went to bed, she accidentally sat on LV Zhen\'s feet, and then

LV Zhen was an important minister. Of course, the news should be reported in time, so Zhu Zhanji also received the news early in the morning.

Everyone thought that LV Zhen\'s death was a little strange. This man was still working yesterday. He looked good and even had the spirit to ask for personal love for his son, but why did he suddenly go.

But he went. Zhu Zhanji ordered people to go to the LV family to express condolences. As for the posthumous title, he was not ready to give it.

LV Zhen had offended many people in the past, and most of the ministers did not see his style, so they heard that he was at home, and no one was sad. They were ready to go home and ask someone to have a look.

The assistant political scholars were silent and returned to the duty room. Jin Youzi said, "Li Neng was killed by him in those years. Now it\'s retribution."

Li Neng was killed by mistake because LV Zhen reversed black and white in order to get rid of his crime.

Yang Rong only felt relaxed and said, "they are all colleagues. We\'d better go and have a look after going to the Yamen. At least it\'s a love affair."

Jin Youzi stuck his neck and said, "what love? No one has love with him."

All officials were silent and everyone was ready to do their best.

But just before lunch, a news broke out.

Xinghe Bofang woke up and beat LV Zhen yesterday. They all fell down!

LV Zhen\'s family immediately shouted injustice outside the Imperial City, and immediately the momentum rose.


"Who is this?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s first reaction when he heard the news was that someone was framing Fang Xing, which made the ministers secretly gossip.

Fang Xing\'s black history of beating officials is innumerable. When he left Beijing, he was full of old fists in order to establish prestige, and when he returned to Beijing, he met someone who spoke ill of him

This man is a walking mob!

Although Yang Rong was unwilling to get involved in this matter, he had to come out and make suggestions at this time.

"Your Majesty, you have a long mouth. Why don\'t you let the people of the Ministry of punishment go and have a look."

Zhu Zhanji nodded. This is a procedure. Even if he doesn\'t believe it anymore, he has to go through a procedure.


"Lu Zhen was very kind to me yesterday. I don\'t know why."

When LV Zhen left, Xie Jin was also a little sad, but it was not sad about LV Zhen\'s departure, but felt that he was also old. I was afraid it would be a short time.

What the elderly fear most is to see leaving. If they see one, their hearts will be more bleak. If they see more, the whole person will become dull and lonely.

"I can\'t believe I\'m sad. Alas! I\'m so sentimental. I\'m forced to worry about new words!"

Xie Jin smiled with self mockery. Fang woke up and felt that he was a little sentimental. He said, "you are only in your fifties. I see you will have at least 30 years. Maybe you can take your grandson to walk around in the yard."

Xie Jin nodded and said in great spirits, "well, I\'ll slip more times every day in the future. At least I\'ll marry you. Hey! Zhenliang\'s eyes are not good. If you\'re allowed to choose your wife, I must die in peace..."

Xie Jin, who set the goal, immediately gave Fang Xing an energetic analysis.

"Lv Zhen\'s son is waiting for a chance to be promoted. He has hit the clock several times at his Majesty\'s side. If he is not an old minister, his Majesty must scold him, but he has never promised him. So I guess he wants to make friends with you, and then ask you to speak for him. Alas! It\'s difficult for parents, whether good or bad!"

"That\'s right!"

Fang Xing sighed: "he and I have been opponents for a long time, but now he bows to me for his son."

"Don\'t reach out, don\'t go."

Xie Jin warned, "if you reach out to help his son, you won\'t get praise. Everyone will think that you are deep in the city and are buying people\'s hearts. Think about it, you are willing to carry the son of your enemy. What about others?"

"Unless you think you have a gift to be the Duke of Zhou, I advise you to leave everything alone."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you think too much. I have nothing else. I still have self-knowledge. If LV Zhen\'s family is poor, it\'s not my turn to sympathize and help at this time. Your majesty will deal with it. So I\'ll rest at home for a few days and spend a good time with my family."

When Fang woke up from the Academy, he happened to meet Shenyang.

"You are a rare guest. Why, what\'s up?"

Fang Xing walked side by side with him on the road in the countryside, feeling the quiet beauty of autumn.

Shenyang didn\'t want to feel this. He said, "uncle, just now LV Zhen\'s family said you hurt LV Zhen."

"Who said that?"

Fang Xing felt a little ridiculous: "I went home after I left the palace yesterday. I haven\'t been out. Where can I harm him?"

Shenyang tangled: "Lv Zhen\'s entourage said that you had a conflict with LV Zhen yesterday afternoon. You beat LV Zhen down."


Fang Xing thought it was a disaster.

Shenyang nodded and said seriously, "Lv Zhen\'s family thinks you hurt him, mostly secretly."

"But I\'m not an expert!"

Fang Xing thought it was really wonderful.

Shenyang is going back. Before leaving, he said, "Your Majesty said it was nonsense, but you have to check it after all. The people of the Ministry of punishment have gone to Lv\'s house. You... Be careful."