Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1843

LV Zhen lay in bed, thinking about the look of the Emperor today, and couldn\'t help feeling a little depressed.

He relied on strong knowledge of Bo Ji and understanding the meaning of the king, which stabilized the official position of the Minister of rites. But the meaning of seeing the Emperor today seems to be that I am not satisfied with him.

"What is a gift? Yu Qian\'s lengtouqing can ascend to heaven step by step. Why can\'t my son?"

LV Zhen was a little agitated. He tore open his underwear, put his right hand on the center of his eyebrows, and was short of breath.

"If only Fang Xing could help to speak. He is your Majesty\'s confidant. One word can top my ten words, and he won\'t annoy your majesty."

"Hey! You shouldn\'t have made a fuss with Fang at the beginning. Can\'t you do it well? Anyway, his business has nothing to do with me. Why bother?"

LV Zhen couldn\'t sleep over and over. The more he wanted to, the hotter he was.


Outside the bedroom came the voice of his son LV Xiong. LV Zhen said, "someone spoke ill of you today?"

LV Zhen asked Zhu Zhanji for an official for his son several times. People outside gradually knew it. As a result, LV Xiong was often ridiculed by his colleagues.

"Father, nothing."

LV Xiong\'s voice was worried: "father, are you not feeling well? The child has invited a doctor."

LV Zhen said, "there is nothing for your father. Don\'t worry about that. Being a father must be done. Go to dinner, ah!"

"Yes, father."

Listening to the distant footsteps outside, LV Zhen sighed.

But he promised his son. If he couldn\'t do it, LV Zhen would feel ashamed to go home, so he continued to think about how to get through the relationship.

"There\'s no place to do meritorious service! Hey!"

The more he thought about it, the more agitated he became. LV Zhen simply took off his underwear, which made him feel better.



When he picked up carefree for a moment, Fang woke up and felt that it was really right that he preferred his daughter.

Before he went out for a period of time and came back, the two sons didn\'t know each other, so he had to cultivate and get familiar with them slowly.

He had just entered the backyard before. Worry free, who was playing in the yard with two big dogs, got up and looked at him for a few seconds and ran over cheering.

"Have you missed your father?"

Fang Xing held worry free in one hand, nodded to Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai and asked, "where are the two boys?"

"Husband is hard."

Zhang Shuhui said, "they are all in the Academy."

"Dad, I miss you."

Worry free just said this at this time. Fang woke up and kissed her and said happily: "the girl is more intimate than her son. The two boys are wild and remember to play all day..."




Fang Xing turned back with carefree arms and saw that his two sons were solemnly saluting, but they were all wronged. He said awkwardly, "well, I\'ve brought a lot of gifts for my father this time. Go and share."

Fang Xing put worry free down, touched her head and said, "worry free also goes."

Carefree happily followed his two brothers to the front yard. The two big dogs looked at Fang Xing, hesitated and caught up.

"Is there anything at home after I leave?"

Apart from that, the best way to integrate husband and wife is family affairs.

Zhang Shuhui asked Xiaobai to prepare Fang Xing\'s bath clothes, and then said, "nothing. The queen has suffered some losses recently."

"Suffer a loss?"

Zhang Shuhui helped Fang Xing take off his clothes and said, "well, it\'s said that the fat powder is distributed in the palace. There are few concubines."

"What does that matter to her?"

Hu Shanxiang doesn\'t claim power. She won\'t interfere in the distribution of fat powder. At most, she nodded when the people below reported it.

"Don\'t change it. I\'ll change it after I take a bath."

Fang woke up and felt hot in his underwear. Unfortunately, it\'s not convenient to wear shorts now. Otherwise, he\'s going to get some out, which can be worn by his family, especially two children.

Zhang Shuhui put his robe on the shelf. Fang woke up in the back and looked at the gradually rounded curve. She couldn\'t help feeling dry.

"At first, the Palace said that the queen had taken it. Later, I probably felt that this was like a rumor, so I changed my opinion and said that the queen was jealous of the concubines and took off the powder. If those people were not soft enough, the queen would be ready to take a hard hand... Husband, you..."

Zhang Shuhui turned around and saw Fang Xing\'s straight eyes. She couldn\'t help looking back at the door and said, "husband, I don\'t like this in broad daylight."

These days, there are some taboos about day propaganda. The traces in broad daylight are too obvious. Zhang Shuhui feels very ashamed.

Fang woke up and coughed, "the queen is not that kind of person. Your majesty doesn\'t care?"

Zhang Shuhui stared at him and said, "Your Majesty doesn\'t know yet, and the queen didn\'t complain."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "she can\'t complain, otherwise she\'s incompetent."

Seeing Zhang Shuhui\'s indignation, Fang woke up and said helplessly, "the emperor manages Daming and the queen manages the harem. This is the division of labor. The queen has to ask the emperor for justice for everything. What does the emperor want you to do?"

Zhang Shuhui said unconvinced, "that\'s a husband and wife. The others are just concubines."


In other words, the outsider Fang Xingzhen is not interested in explaining this, but his wife can\'t, otherwise he will be perfunctory at night.

"The emperor has no daughter-in-law. You should remember that."

"No husband and wife?"


Fang Xing explained: "I said that the emperor has no personal affairs, and the incompetent queen can win the emperor\'s sympathy and love for the time being, but over time, sympathy will become irritability, and love will become disgust."

"Men don\'t have a good thing!"

Xiaobai came in and fought back, then added, "young master doesn\'t count."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "thank you."

This is Fang Xing\'s explanation from a man\'s point of view, adding an analysis of the characteristics of the emperor.

"It\'s like a person chattering to you every day, telling you how difficult it is at home, how annoying their relatives are, and how they love to take advantage... If you don\'t say much, you\'ll have to be bored in half a month."

Zhang Shuhui said with a sad face, "but these words are still spreading in the palace. The queen doesn\'t think so. She doesn\'t pay any attention at all. If it\'s a concubine, she must take someone and bring the matter to the bottom."

"Alas! The queen is not jealous."

Fang Xing thinks women are trouble and fights as soon as they are more.


Zhang Shuhui suddenly went out to have a look. When she came in again, she whispered stealthily, "husband, the queen is pregnant."


Fang woke up really surprised this time. He blinked and gradually moved his mind. He asked, "if the queen is pregnant, no one dares to make trouble, then it must be that she didn\'t report it. Who gave her advice?"

Hu Shanxiang didn\'t have this idea, so Fang Xing felt that someone had fooled her.

Zhang Shuhui was stunned and asked, "husband, I\'m afraid someone will poison the queen! Is it wrong?"

Fang woke up with his hand on his forehead, then put it down and said, "I\'ve said many times that no one dare to lay hands on the Queen\'s body. It\'s to die. If the emperor doesn\'t deal with it, I\'ll go into the palace and ask him if he wants to spoil his concubine and destroy his wife!"

Zhang Shuhui said shyly, "I feel that the woman seems honest, but she has a lot of tricks. I\'m worried... I want to wait until the Queen\'s body stabilizes."

Xiaobai also said: "young master, I met concubine sun when I entered the Palace last time. It\'s so fake and makes people\'s scalp numb with laughter."

"You presupposed that she was a cunning person in advance, so you didn\'t like her at all."

Fang Xing explained, "what\'s there to hide? You\'ll go to the palace these days and ask the queen to tell you about her pregnancy."