Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1842

Brothers and sisters, throw two monthly tickets.


Except that Yang Rong began to refute Zhu Quan, everyone else watched a big play.

The great play of kings and ministers fighting King Ning together!

By the way, let them review the obedient life of Emperor Wen!

"Xinghebo has had a hard trip."

Fang Xing\'s face was tanned again. He arched his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this avant-garde affair in Nanchang makes me feel that many guards in the south are slack and lack of supervision."

It had nothing to do with the Ministry of war, so Zhang Ben didn\'t respond.

Zhu Zhanji said, "there are always people who think that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and treat the army as their own domestic slaves. If they find one, they will severely punish one, and they will never be soft!"

Then everyone dispersed. After returning to the duty room, Jin Youzi said, "Your Majesty, are you going to start attacking the martial arts? Or are you knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger?"

Yang Rong is the first assistant. He won\'t express his position easily, and Huang Huai\'s health is not very good. He\'s just trying to fight his spirit.

Yang Pu glanced at everyone and said, "martial arts man... Your majesty has experienced war many times in those years. There should be no shortage of martial arts man\'s loyalty, but these people have no way out and can\'t find a place to fight. Your majesty should beat them from time to time..."

Yang Rong looked at him and was afraid.

Yang Pu usually doesn\'t say much, but Yang Rong observed several times and found that what this person actually likes most is speculation.

Figure out your colleagues, figure out the emperor, figure out the situation, and then make judgment and response accordingly.

This is a strong enemy!

At first, Zhu Di\'s first auxiliary was Yang Shiqi, but later, because Yang Rong stood in the right team, he took the lead.

Now that Zhu Zhanji is in office, his political views are biased towards Zhu Di, so Yang Rong must be stable.

If you want to shake Yang Rong\'s position, you must ensure that the situation in Daming falls. The emperor\'s determination to forge ahead will be beaten, and then Yang Rong will become a shield and be thrown out.

Just like the Song Dynasty, when reform was resisted and opposed, it was difficult to continue. Wang Anshi was a shield. Only when he goes away can the king\'s authority continue.

So Yang Rong is observing the words and deeds of these colleagues, and then pondering carefully.

Yang Shiqi is a kind man and the biggest threat to Yang Rong. Jin Youzi was a little restless. After Fang Xing intervened, he began to be restless and acted as a shit stirring stick, stirring the game.

Huang Huai is not justified. His body can not guarantee sufficient energy to take up the position of the first auxiliary.


Yang Rong said, "we can\'t get involved in civil and military affairs. Just follow your Majesty\'s orders."

As he spoke, he glanced at Yang Pu quickly and saw a trace of surprise.

Yeah! Surprised

Yang Rong sneered in his heart. He knew that Yang Pugang\'s remarks were suspected of stimulating Jin Youzi. As long as Jin Youzi was noisy, he must suppress or persuade the chief assistant, and can\'t bring the contradiction to the emperor.

Then... The relationship between the chief assistant and his colleagues will get worse and worse.

And then


When Fang woke up and left the palace, he went to the Taimiao to have a look.

The temple was already smoky and burning, and the ritual officials were tossing about.

Fang woke up and saw LV Zhen, and LV Zhen also saw him. He came out, stood on the steps, put his hands in his sleeves, and asked, "Xinghe Bo is going home?"

Fang woke up and nodded, looking at the thick columns in the hall with greedy eyes.

These tall pillars are all gold nanmu!

Just support a golden nanmu that hasn\'t done anything for hundreds of years!

Fang Xing was drooling over these good logs, but LV Zhen said with a smile: "Xing and Bonan, hurry home for reunion in the next few months."

How did this man become enthusiastic?

Fang woke up and looked at him suspiciously, then arched his hands and walked away.

LV Zhen watched him go away with a smile, then turned in and continued the ceremony.

"Please salute..."

The voice of the courtiers is melodious and melodious. It will not "disturb" the ancestors of the royal family, but also show the dignity of the royal family.

The gods were arranged one by one. Taichangqing knelt down, offered incense, offered wine... And fell on the ground.




After a series of procedures, the ritual officer said, "finish the ceremony..."

LV Zhen smiled and arched his hands with the others, and then left alone.

"Lord Lu, what\'s the matter today? Is it a good thing?"

"Well, in the past, he wouldn\'t smile at us, let alone arch his hands."

At this time, too often Qing came, and these people immediately shut up.

Taichangqing looked at the sunshine outside and murmured, "this man has gone to his majesty for an official for his son several times!"


These officials and officials bowed their heads. After taichangqing left, they went out in twos and threes.

"What a cheeky man! He asked for an official for his son."


LV Zhen was in a good mood. Later, he went to the places where the monks lived.

It seems that the Ministry of rites does not care about money or official hats. The matters involved are closely related to the national image. In Daming, who values etiquette and reputation, the official position of the Minister of rites is not bad.

The fanmonks were raised in the capital. They had nothing to do on weekdays. When they saw LV Zhen coming, they got a vegetarian vegetarian meal and invited him to eat.

During the dinner, LV Zhen was in a good mood and raised his glasses frequently.

When the sun was to the west, LV Zhen looked at the time of xiaya, got up, waved his hand, and then left.

He staggered on his horse and went home slowly.

Not far from the Imperial City, he saw Fang Xing.

"A dog, a puppy. Another general, a big knife... Finally a fat man, looking at the funny fat man..."

Fang woke up and crowded with the people, shouting excitedly.

LV Zhen was a little drunk. He squeezed past while he was drunk. The people saw him in official clothes and had to make way.

LV Zhen walked behind Fang Xing and patted him on the shoulder.

"Xing Hebo, are you childlike?"

When Fang woke up and saw it was him, he said casually, "look at this face, and buy it home for the children to play."

LV Zhen hiccupped and whispered, "xinghebo, change the Japanese official to buy you a drink."

There is no friendship between the two. No, it should be said that there is some hatred. So Fang Xing felt that this guy was more and more strange, so he answered casually, and then he patted him on the shoulder to show his courtesy.


LV Zhen\'s feet fluttered after drinking, and Fang woke up and slapped him on the ground.

"I said you didn\'t mean to deceive me, did you?"

LV Zhen couldn\'t get up several times on the ground. People around him thought they were going to fight. They immediately avoided it and gave up a large open space.

"Master!" Lv Zhen\'s entourage exclaimed, and then prepared to come and help LV Zhen up, but LV Zhen refused. Just the other party woke up and glared.

LV Zhen said with a wry smile, "old, this bone is hard. Xing and Bo take a hand."

When Fang woke up, he helped him up and said, "I said, Lord Lu, don\'t make trouble with Ben Bo next time. Be careful!"

Last time he kicked LV Zhen home for a long time. He didn\'t believe LV Zhen would forget this revenge.

LV Zhen got up, patted his ass, arched his hands and said, "go, Xinghe Bo remembers! Change the Japanese official to buy you a drink."

Fang woke up and reluctantly responded. Then, taking advantage of the small number of people, he quickly asked the noodle master to make his three dough figurines.


LV Zhen arrived home, but his son LV Xiong hasn\'t come back yet. The old wife helped him change his clothes and casually asked LV Xiong about his official position.

This is the evil that LV Zhen boasted about some time ago. While changing into his usual clothes, he said perfunctorily: "it\'s still early! Your majesty has not been on the throne for a long time. It\'s not easy to speak now."

Then his old wife gave him sober soup. He drank it in disgust, burped, got up and went into the bedroom.

"I\'m a little tired. Don\'t make a noise."

"I see."