Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1841

LV Zhen was very proud. He perfectly completed the afterlife of Renzong and was praised by Zhu Zhanji.

Although many people in the court disliked him and thought he was a villain, he still stands in the position of the Minister of rites.

Even Hu Zhen, Zhu Di\'s favorite minister, could not shake his throne of the Chancery.

Peiping was a little dry in early autumn. Lu Zhen felt a little hot and stuffy in his chest.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, people want to tear their clothes, and then open their chest, otherwise they want to go crazy.

He went to the palace and reported some matters after Renzong\'s burial. Zhu Zhanji was very satisfied and praised it.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was in a good mood, LV Zhen said, "Your Majesty, the minister LV Xiong is thinking about business every day when he comes home. He sleeps in the third watch. My minister... I know that there is a shortage in the military department, your majesty..."

With that, LV Zhen knelt on the ground, with tears flowing and choking.

Zhu Zhanji frowned and put down the memorial. He said faintly, "wait for Jian Yi to come."

Generally, unless the emperor has a candidate, Jian Yi puts forward several people to Zhu Zhanji.

When LV Zhenshan apologized, Zhu Zhanji said, "today we should go to sacrifice to the temple. Why are you still here?"

LV Zhen got up and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m waiting for the people of Taichang temple."

When doing business, you don\'t forget to ask for an official position for your son. This is putting on seniority.

The man is a little complacent!

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "don\'t you hurry?"

LV Zhen bowed down and left the hall. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and warned himself not to be too proud. Be careful, be careful!

When he went down, he saw song Chengcheng again. The fool smiled at him, and LV Zhen smiled slightly.

Before leaving the noon gate, LV Zhen saw Fang Xing.


How did this guy come back so fast?

LV Zhen saw Zhu Quan behind Fang Xing with wrong eyes, and quickly arched his hands and said, "I\'ve seen your highness."

Zhu Quan ignored him. He looked at the palace in front of him and sighed.

"Your Highness is thinking that these palaces almost belong to yourself?"

Zhu Quan looked at Fang Xing and said disdainfully, "here, you are not qualified to talk to the king."

Fang woke up with a smile and said, "it\'s a pity that you don\'t know your majesty. Your majesty won\'t identify people by identity. He will only see what contribution and help this person has to Daming. As for you, it\'s just sitting, eating and waiting to die. Where\'s your qualification?"

LV Zhen was surprised and looked at Zhu Quan with a livid face. Then he looked at the relaxed freehand brushwork. Fang woke up without fear at all and hurried away.

This man is crazy, crazy and inflated!

LV Zhen didn\'t oppose Fang Xing for the first time. He felt that Fang Xing\'s ridicule was too right. Those vassal kings usually regarded themselves as dragon sons and Phoenix grandchildren. Most of the world only lowered their head in front of the emperor, and others didn\'t notice at all.

He thought about these things all the way to the Taichang temple. Seeing that the people of Taichang temple had been waiting for a long time, he said a few words if he was late because he had political affairs, and then began to enter the procedure.

But Fang Xing has arrived at the Qianqing palace with Zhu Quan.

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, that is, he conducted a royal hearing at the Taihe gate, and then most of them handled political affairs in the Qianqing palace and summoned important officials.

So when Zhu Quan entered the hall, there was only Lu Zhen between the Bachelor of assistant politics and the six Shangshu, and everyone else was there.

Zhu Quan just bowed his hand, then slowly looked at the ministers and said, "do you know that this is against etiquette and law when you let LV Zhen do things?"

Yang Rong didn\'t wait for Zhu Zhanji to answer, so he went out of the class and said, "Your Highness, this is too much. You hide iron materials privately. Dare you ask, is it in line with etiquette and law?"

Zhu Quan glanced contemptuously at Yang Rong and said, "who are you?"

This is humiliation, which also means that Zhu Quan wants to keep his last dignity.

Yang rongang first said, "Your Highness, I have seen your highness."

Zhu Zhanji looked coldly at Zhu Quan\'s performance and said, "Ning fan has worked hard these years. I have long had the idea of seeing Ning fan. As soon as I saw him today, he was as famous as meeting. His mind was delicate."

Zhu Quan claims to be an unparalleled resourceful man, but Zhu Zhanji\'s evaluation is also appropriate, suggesting that Zhu Quan is deep and thoughtful. This rebellion is a plan that has endured for many years.

Zhu Quan slowly looked at Zhu Zhanji and said with a smile, "if Emperor Wen were here, the king could bend his knees, but you... You were not born when the king attacked outside the Great Wall. The good grandson raised by the fourth brother captured the king, but did you want to kill the king?"

Zhu Zhanji said expressionless, "Ning fan has worked hard for many years, and his heart of rebellion is conclusive. Let\'s live in Beiping in the future."

Fengyang was forgotten by Zhu Zhanji. He was a little anxious and insecure, so he put Zhu Jiyu and Zhu Quan under house arrest in Peiping.

He was so young. After he was in high spirits, he was overwhelmed by the troubles of this huge empire.

Fang Xing clenched his fists, slowly turned his eyes and looked at the ministers.

He knew that during his absence, these people were slowly grinding Zhu Zhanji with a soft knife.

Grind and grind! Finally, an emperor who wanted to make a career was ground into an old palace keeper.

"Whatever you want, I just want to write and play."

Zhu Quan\'s waist was straight and he looked at Zhu Zhanji. He was still calm.

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "your father\'s house has gone to ningfan..."

"Zhu Zhanji!"

Zhu Quan pounced on him. Fang, who was already prepared, woke up, hooked Zhu Quan\'s neck from behind, and then pulled him to the ground.

The bodyguard also rushed over and controlled Zhu Quan twice.

Zhu Quan\'s eyes were about to crack, and he drank and scolded: "yellow mouth child, you dare to break the title of King Ning. Emperor Taizu Gao\'s spirit in heaven is watching you. You little beast, you will have retribution sooner or later. I\'m waiting to see your retribution, retribution..."

"You don\'t understand."

Zhu Zhanji was not angry, but got up and said, "you don\'t know what an emperor is, and you don\'t know what emperor Taizu Gao wants, so you\'re just king Ning."

"Daming is Daming because it is not the world of one family. Supporting one family with the world will be overturned sooner or later."

Zhu Zhanji said calmly: "the ancients said that the king, the boat, and the common people, the water! Water can carry the boat and overturn the boat. I follow the right path and treat all the people with sincerity. When there is no future, it will be disadvantageous. Those who fly and dog will be despised by all the people!"

Zhu Quan\'s hands were cut back. He sneered at Zhu Zhanji and said, "fourth brother, abolish the king. Your father also wants to abolish the king. You abolish the king of Jin and the king of Ning... Who else do you want to abolish? So many king, who else do you want to abolish? Emperor Taizu Gao, look at the traitors in this family! Look what they have done to Daming..."

"Daming is very good."

Fang Xing said, "the Ming Dynasty will continue to be better and better. History and the times have chosen Emperor Wen. Facts have proved that his old man is the best emperor of the Ming Dynasty. No one can compare him except emperor Taizu Gao, and there will be no more in the future."

Fang Xing took a deep breath. He thought of Zhu Di. He felt a little tired. He thought that the emperor with a straight face could be reborn, and then use his authority to suppress the noise of Daming.

"Today\'s Ming Dynasty is thriving, which is the foundation laid by Emperor Wen. Those foreign enemies are frightened and those vassal countries are respectful. Whose achievements are these? Is it you, your highness?"

Zhu Quan listened to Fang Xing\'s roar dully. He thought of Zhu Di\'s hegemony and heroism.

"Emperor Wen never compromises with foreign enemies. He dares to draw a knife. Do you dare?"

Fang Xing sneered, "you only dare to hide in the palace and pretend to be devoted to the Tao. All you want is to satisfy your selfishness. Do you deserve to covet that position?"

Seeing Fang Xing\'s eyes reddening, Zhu Zhanji knew that he was missing Zhu Di. So he couldn\'t help but red his eyes.

Since his accession to the throne, Daming\'s situation seems to be good, but the undercurrent under him has never stopped surging.

No one knows what they are thinking in their hearts.

The emperor is really not a good job!

Zhu Zhanji waved, "take Ning Shu people and give him books and Qin."

Zhu Quan was stupefied and walked out by two bodyguards. When he was close to the outside of the hall, he suddenly shouted, "it costs a lot to go to sea, and there are heavy casualties in expedition everywhere. Being warlike, he will die! Zhu Zhanji, the king is waiting to see your end!"

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "that\'s all your vision and pattern. It\'s not enough to tell me about these major events."

"Ha ha! I\'m waiting, Zhu Zhanji, I\'m waiting for you..."