Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1840

Wang 15 was on duty in Honglu temple. His position was uncertain. He ran everywhere. To put it bluntly, he was a petty official.

After the messengers came, he waited on them in the post house and listened to their call.

With more than ten messengers and their attendants, the king\'s fifteenth day revolved all day. Whether he ate or drank Lazar, he had to convey his request.

This is a drudgery of running errands, and contradictions often occur.

It\'s like doing business. If you have a conflict with the customer, let the people below face the customer first. When the customer\'s anger is almost over, and you know the reason, the people above should come out.

This is the buffer, and that\'s what Wang 15 did.

The place where the messengers live is not good. This is Fang xingzao\'s evil. When the messengers first arrived at Jinling last time, he heard that the messengers thought they would not go to sea after the Ming Dynasty. He despised them and threw them into the post house.

Naturally, the post house could not be compared with the place carefully prepared by the former Honglu temple, but those messengers were frightened by Fang Xing and didn\'t dare to question at that time.

But they waited. After sister Shi had gone for a long time, they still couldn\'t see Daming\'s intention to send them home, so their patience gradually dissipated and their temper became more and more angry.

It was almost lunchtime. Wang fifteen went to the kitchen and saw mutton and chicken. He laughed with the cook and thought it should be safe today.

When the food was ready, Wang fifteen sent it with a group of servants.

One country, one courtyard, Wang fifteen brought people in one by one.

At first, it was smooth, but when it was sent to Sulu\'s courtyard, the messenger\'s entourage lost his temper because of missing his relatives, immediately overturned the food, and drank and scolded Wang 15 in an emotional way.

"Is that how you Ming people treat their friends?"

The attendant pointed to Wang 15 and said, "how long has it been? For more than a year, why are we still locked up here?"

Wang shiwudui said with a smile, "isn\'t it that the fleet is not ready? Now the fleet is being renovated. When we set sail later, we will naturally take you back."

Sulu messenger didn\'t have many followers, but more than 30 people were crowded in the courtyard. The conditions were not good. In addition, they were a little excited about missing their family.

"Last time you said go now, go now. How long has it been? We\'ve all learned Ming dialect and haven\'t gone yet."

"Your emperor doesn\'t keep his word. Last time he said he won\'t go to the sea again. Now the emperor says he wants to go to the sea and goes back on his word. It\'s not like... It\'s not like..."

At last, although he forbeared, Wang 15 guessed what he wanted to say, so he refuted: "that\'s your majesty, can you talk about it?"

An attendant shouted angrily, "we\'re going back! If you won\'t, give it to the boat and let\'s go back by ourselves!"

At this time, other missions heard the news here, stopped eating lunch and crowded into the yard.

"We\'re going back! Go back!"

"You wise people don\'t mean what they say!"

"We\'re going back!"

Gradually, the crowd became excited. Under the control of homesickness, these missions began to protest.

Wang fifteen\'s forehead was sweating, and all around him were voices of protest.

In the past, these missions dare not gather to make trouble, but Zheng He\'s fleet has been renovated for a long time. Even if the shipbuilding should be almost out, they still haven\'t set sail, which makes the people of the mission not excited.

"When will you go back? Tell us when you can go back?"

Wang Shiwu blinked, looked at angry faces and said, "Xinghe Bo has come to Jinling."

Suddenly, the yard was quiet. These people thought of Fang\'s warning last time and all retreated.

But a few people are probably furious and still chattering.

"If you don\'t keep your word, how can there be such a kingdom?"

When Wang 15 heard this, he was angry and said, "you are not satisfied with what you eat and drink here? As for when to go back, you have to wait..."

Wang Shiwu felt very quiet around him. He couldn\'t even hear the sound of coughing and breathing.

So honest?

Wang fifteen turned back slowly and saw a gap behind him. Through the gap, he saw Fang Xing with his negative hand standing outside the hospital.

Cold Fang wake up!

"How lively!"

Fang Xing stood outside, glanced slowly at the people in the yard, stopped at Wang 15 and said, "you\'re good."

Wang 15 only felt that a clear spring slowly poured down from the top of his head, and his grievances and anxiety were drowned by the clear spring. He arched his hands and said, "uncle, I just don\'t want to lose the power of the Ming Dynasty."

Fang woke up and nodded, then his eyes were cold, and he said faintly, "Why are you dissatisfied? He said, Ben Bo will decide for you today. If it\'s not enough, Ben Bo will write to the capital immediately, and your majesty will decide."

There was silence in the yard. When Wang fifteen saw that these people were afraid to go out, he couldn\'t help but feel happy.

No one answered. Fang Xing said, "let the messengers come here."

Those who knew Daming dialect immediately went out with light hands and feet, and those who didn\'t understand followed. Soon there was only Wang 15 left in the courtyard.

The Sulu mission was frightened and even followed out of the yard.

Wang 15 bowed and said, "Uncle Hu Wei, I admire you. Please allow me to make arrangements."

Fang woke up with a faint sigh and nodded. Then Wang fifteen called the people who sent the food in to decorate.

Seeing that he commanded the factotum to arrange the main hall in an orderly manner, Fang Xing felt that Daming really did not lack talents, but just a channel for talents to rise.

"I\'ve seen xinghebo."

When the messengers came, Fang woke up and didn\'t look back. He became the first in the main hall.

These messengers are not good birds either. They did not connive at those who made trouble just now.

After the two sides sat down, Wang fifteen woke up with tea. As for the messengers, I\'m sorry, there are too many people and there is no table to put.

Fang Xing touched the teacup, felt the hot, and then said, "in two years, Daming has experienced the change of two emperors in two years. This is a great misfortune."

Those messengers bowed their heads to express their condolences. Fang woke up and said, "fortunately, your majesty has stabilized Daming. If Daming has stabilized, all matters will naturally move forward step by step. Benbo heard that you are dissatisfied with Daming? Tell me, Benbo is right here. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can solve it. If you can\'t solve it, your majesty."

"Nothing, Xing Hebo. We respect Daming as if he were a God. Nothing."

"Yes! I wanted to go back to the Lord as soon as possible, and then the good friends of the state came to offer condolences..."

This implied that Daming didn\'t let them go to Peiping to mourn when Zhu gaochi went.

Fang woke up and looked at the messenger who said this and said, "let the guest follow the Lord. It\'s the matter of Daming. When the whole country is sad, does it have to be comprehensive? Or does the former Emperor have to wait without you?"

The messenger was stunned. After reacting, he pleaded guilty and said, "I was wrong."

From Jinling to Peiping, when they arrive, Zhu gaochi\'s bones are cold. What are you going to do? Cost money and food?

Therefore, when LV Zhen went to ask Zhu Zhanji for instructions, he directly ignored it.

"This time the fleet went to sea, one was comfort and the other was trade."

Quietly below, the fear of being re controlled by the giant Daming made the messengers sad and happy.

Sadly, I\'m afraid I can\'t expand freely in the future, otherwise Daming\'s fleet will beat the strong side back to its original shape.

The good news is that security has been guaranteed in the future, and these vassal countries also benefit from the reopening of trade.

Fang woke up and saw these complex expressions. He said: "trade, Daming doesn\'t need those rare birds and animals, and doesn\'t need those flashy things. Since it\'s trade, it\'s either barter or exchange gold and silver. This is the iron law. We\'ll do it in the future."