Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1839

The murderer and the messenger were all taken in. Qu Sheng, the Minister of household, said that if the three people were not killed, he would play a memorial.

What\'s the last chapter for?

Impeachment, of course. Fraud.

So the restless atmosphere in Jinling City became quiet immediately.

But a group of people are regretting.

When the group of businessmen came out of the big house, the news spread.

Last year, merchants who donated new ships to build the fleet gave priority to their goods this time.

As soon as the news came out, the businessmen who knew about it last year but scoffed at it really regretted their intestines.

In fact, the money given by those donors was not much. Fang Xing did not force the amount at that time, so it looked more like a joke.

No, it\'s like a statement!

"This is to lure."

Wang Yuan analyzed and said, "first threaten, then disappoint you, and then give you benefits. Great benefits. Who do you think these businessmen will be close to in the future?"

Huang Jian said dejectedly, "these businessmen are grateful to him and the fleet. In the future, they must be the promoters of going to the sea. Fang Xing will vigorously support these people. After they become rich businessmen, the business circles in the South... With Xu Qingna\'s gang and teachers, the business circles in the South will be slowly closed by him in the future."

"It\'s just a blush on Zhu Quan\'s white face. He disdained and said," what are you? You\'re just a slave in my family. Do you deserve to be a king? Get out! "

Wang he was angry for a moment and said, "we... Emperor Wen patted us on the shoulder. You... Just leave, slave."

Zhu Quan shouted, "stop."

Wang he regretted coming here, but he dared not offend Zhu Quan. He had to stop and listen.

Zhu Quan said coldly, "why did Fang Xing hold the king?"

He thought he would be transferred to Peiping at once. Who knows, Fang Xing took him all the way to Jinling. At present, he can\'t see where he is going.

What people fear most is unknown waiting and upcoming disposal.

Wang he couldn\'t help but eyebrow when he heard the speech and said, "Your Highness, you should ask Xinghe Bo about this. The slave and maid are just supervisors, but they can\'t be on your head."

Zhu Quan waved his hand as casually as driving away a fly.

Wang he angrily went to find Fang Xing, but Fang Xing was entertaining guests, and the guests were Wang he\'s idols.

"I\'ve seen father Zheng."

Zheng He was talking with Fang Xing. Seeing that it was Wang He, he smiled and said, "I heard that you have been very calm and good in recent years."

Wang he was excited and said, "no, compared with my father-in-law, our family is just fooling around!"

Zheng He nodded with a smile. Wang he woke up and said, "Xing He Bo, Ning Wang still has some airs and wants Jiang Xun to accompany him."

Fang Xing smiled at Zheng He and said, "don\'t worry about him. Wait until the capital let him talk to his majesty."

"You dragged him to Jinling to give your majesty time to consider?"

Zheng He asked. Fang woke up and nodded, "even if those people are dissatisfied, but I\'m in Jinling. If I have the ability, I\'ll come to Jinling to argue with me, otherwise I\'ll be powerful and nowhere to use."

Zheng He changed the subject and said, "we\'ll wait for the goods to be ready, and then find a good day to sail."

Zheng He will first go to Fujian Taiping port for repair and wait for the trade wind.

"Those businessmen should ship quickly. In addition, the ships have been built. This time, our family will take them to sea. If it\'s good, we\'ll ask for orders to build some big ones later."

Zheng He looked forward to it, but Fang woke up and knew that this would be his last time to go to sea. In the future, Zhu Zhanji would certainly let him be raised.

"Zheng Gong, change people next time."

Fang Xingzhen is worried that Zheng He will die at sea one day.

Zheng He was stunned, and then laughed heartily.

Wang he looked at the forthright Zheng He with envy. He felt that if he could live half of Zheng He in the future, he would be satisfied.

Zheng he patted the table with his big hand, smiled in his eyes, but said in a sonorous tone: "our family wants to die on the sea and be buried in the sea."

Then he got up and said, "xinghebo, the Ministry of household will decide as soon as possible, and our family will urge those official workshops. The last time the ship went to sea to test passed xiaoryukyu, I was anxious! Hurry up!"

Fang woke up and said, "Zheng gonghao, Fang will implement it as soon as possible."

Zheng He nodded and was about to go out. He remembered another thing. He turned back and said, "our family is old and forgetful. Xing Hebo, those messengers are a little uneasy. Why don\'t you go and have a look?"