Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1838

Businessmen are the boldest group. They are willing to risk the death of their whole family in order to make profits.

Businessmen are the most timid group. When facing the strong side, they often choose to bear it carefully. Even if it is a chicken flying egg, they still dare not resist.

Businessmen are silently sad.

The sergeant guarding the gate knew he was in trouble.

If it\'s just a wound today, no one will care.

But now someone has been killed. Don\'t doubt that the doctor of Jubao mountain guard has got up, bowed to the corpse, and then returned to the array.

They are dereliction of duty!

One Sergeant rushed to the house, and the other thought of it, but was given a look in the eyes of a businessman.

Sadness, anger, incomprehension

"Why not stop it?"

The merchant had a good relationship with the dead. He walked slowly to the sergeant and asked, "why didn\'t you stop drinking just now?"

The sergeant shook his head. "I don\'t want to get into trouble. I can\'t provoke them."

"Can\'t afford it? Ha ha!"

The merchant looked up and laughed. His laughter stopped. He said sadly and angrily, "why can\'t you provoke them? Why?"

"Because they are moths!"

Fang Xing\'s anger was no less than that of the prominent businessman. He went to brother Cheng Yu, looked at the two frightened servants behind him, and asked, "where did you have the courage? Who gave you the courage to beat people to death? Who gave you the right?"

Brother Cheng Yu couldn\'t control his body. He trembled like chaff. As soon as his legs were soft, he knelt in front of Fang Xing.

"It\'s them! They\'re encouraging!"

Brother Cheng Yu pointed to the pile of literati on the side to defend, and then turned around and pointed to two servants and scolded, "just let you teach him a lesson. Why did you kill someone?"

Then he turned around.

It\'s difficult to turn around on your knees. Brother Cheng Yu just turned around and saw the coming soles.

Fang Xing kicked brother Cheng Yu, pulled out a knife, put it on his neck, and said, "my uncle can\'t help but want to kill you. Hang your head outside the house to warn those moths that do nothing but eat and clothe well, which will only destroy!"

"Uncle, spare your life..."

Brother Cheng Yu almost subconsciously held the long knife in his hands, and blood flowed from his hands and heart.

The great fear made him forget the pain. He was just begging and pushed the long knife away from his neck.

"Xinghe Bo, it\'s just that most of this person is dead. Why dirty your hands!"

Wang he came to persuade him, then kicked brother Cheng Yu and said, "if you are really domineering and unscrupulous, our family would like to kill you!"

Fang Xing turned his eyes to the group of literati, pointed to them with a long knife and shouted, "drive away immediately. If you don\'t go, break your hands and feet!"

The array accelerates immediately and then spreads out in units of small flags.

The sergeants turned their guns and gradually began to run.

"They dare not?"

A scholar asked, looking blankly at the rapidly approaching sergeant.

But as soon as he turned around, he found that everyone had run away.


The fear of the army, the fear of Jubao mountain guards and the fear of demons and gods made these scholars run crazy.

Fang Xing pointed to the two servants. They immediately knelt down and were obediently bound by the sergeants. They could not see the cruelty and pride of beating the merchant just now.

Fang Xing stood in place with a pestle knife and said to the businessmen, "killing people pays for their lives. This is Benbo\'s negligence. Can there be someone in the deceased\'s family who can inherit it?"

The merchant who had previously questioned the sergeant said, "uncle, all his sons are married."

The dead man\'s face was all blue and purple, and his body was a little twisted. Fang woke up and frowned and said, "go find his son, and the fleet will give priority to buying goods from his house."

"Thank you, uncle."

The merchant knelt down to thank him. Fang woke up and said expressionless, "you are all good students to do it. Do it boldly."

Knowing that he had offended those scholars today, the businessman looked up and said, "uncle, once these people gather together, the little ones dare not provoke!"

"It\'s reasonable and legal. Who dares to bully you? Just fight! If the local government dares to protect them, report it and go to the capital to sue the emperor. Uncle Ben will be your backing, and your majesty will be your backing!"

Those businessmen slowly gathered around. Someone asked, "uncle, I\'m afraid it\'s too late!"

"The local government is dereliction of duty and accomplice!"

Fang Xing said murderously, "who has shares in your business? Tell me, Ben Bo is sitting in Jinling recently and happens to visit one by one!"

The businessmen were happy at first, then silent. No one dared to say those things.

The county magistrate is not as good as the present one. Now he is trying to talk fast, but he and his family are afraid to suffer.


The local gentry and the government are almost one. In case of major events, the government will also go to the gentry for consultation and support.

"It\'s no joke that the gentry control the place."

When Qu Sheng came back and learned about it, he was also very sad. He was afraid that Fang would wake up and hurt him. At that time, the household would also be involved in the vortex, so he advised him: "take your time. If you move them, I\'m afraid there will be a great chaos in the world."

Fang woke up and nodded, "it\'s not easy. The best way is to increase the following officials, recapture those rights from the gentry, and bring them into the government\'s supervision... Taxpayers. This is the way once and for all."

Qu Sheng stretched out his hand to pat the table and finally resisted.

"Xinghebo, you are digging roots. Be careful that there are flames all over the world!"

Qu Sheng tangled: "this matter has nothing to do with me, but... Xinghebo, don\'t confuse your majesty to do this. The relationship between those people is intertwined. They are one with Daming, that is to say... They are Daming. Don\'t get angry and listen to me."

"Whether officials or scholars, from temples to countryside, they are everywhere. The whole Daming is under their control. It\'s wrong to say that they are Daming?"

Qu Sheng felt that Fang Xing\'s idea was very dangerous. If the emperor was really persuaded by him to implement it, no one dared to think of the serious consequences.

"Today, I\'m taking my heart and lungs out with you, Xinghe Bo."

After many contacts, Qu Sheng felt that Fang Xing was not domineering and unreasonable, so he also had some thoughts of making friends, so he continued: "reading is not good. Who will read?"

"The book has its own gold house, its own Yan Ruyu, and its own thousand bell millet... Where did all this come from?"

Qu Sheng Fuxu said proudly, "those who are officials have supervisory examinations. In fact, they don\'t live as well as those gentry. Do you understand?"

How can Fang Xing not understand?

He said: "these Benbo all know that, as you said, they are intertwined, so they need to take drastic measures. Otherwise, this cancer will grow bigger and bigger. When Daming is not enough to support it to continue to grow, it will be either civil strife or foreign enemies who take advantage of the gap to change the dynasty."

Qu Sheng was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "this is the truth. The former Song Dynasty was fighting for what? Dissatisfied! The people suffered, but they talked loudly in the hall, their minds were crooked, and there must be no good results in the end."

Fang Xing didn\'t know that Zhu Zhanji had used this idea to test the important officials, but it was blocked.

"If there is no good, no one will read... What is it called sage\'s book? Coax people or ghosts?"

Fang Xing felt a little tired. He said, "this is a giant. It seems insignificant and does not rise, but Daming is dragged by them and wants to take off, but these people are hanging on his wings. It\'s too heavy to fly!